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My thoughts on the upcoming Napoleon film.


Griffin Riddler

As we (narratively) are at the apogee of the Napoleonic empire, could you talk a little bit more about the status of the extended Bonaparte clan and their imagined role in Napoleon’s empire? I’m particularly interested in what Lucien is up to — the things I’ve read about him seem to suggest he was a sincere Republican, and opposed to the transition to empire, but I’m not sure if that’s accurate.

Ford Cooper

Dispatch question: Hey, I love the show, I had an interesting question I thought you might want to answer for the next dispatch, which was, were captured soldiers and officers ever tortured for information by an enemy force? In the episode “to the victor go the spoils” you mention how if Napoleon were captured by the Austrians he would’ve been “worked over” for vital information, which leads me to think of torture… but I can’t imagine a general being tortured in that age.