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Here is the fifth patrons-only Dispatch. Topics include: technology, Tolstoy, Napoleonic comedy, and ABBA.

Don't forget to leave any questions for the next dispatch below. And once again: thank you for your support!



When I was child, there was a quote attributed to Napoleon that went something like "Immortality isn't living forever, but its being present in the minds of the living" (it was longer and its been decades since I read it) but this is exactly what I thought back to when you mentioned the fact that Napoleon is still well known, favorably, even to this day.

Mike H

This alone was worth becoming a patron


No question, but just commenting to say, another great dispatch! I am 100% behind Abba featuring on the show.


What was hygiene like for those in the Grande Armée? From the Emporer himself, to his most trusted marshals and staff officers, all the way to the plentiful infantrymen, what was the protocol for hygiene during and throughout a campaigning season? What measures, if any, were present to ensure that proper hygiene was practiced and maintained throughout the Grande Armée?


Episode on triage? Yes please