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I'm thinking of doing a short, informal q-and-a segment for Patreon subscribers. any interest? questions you'd like answered?



I know this post is years old by now, but I was wondering if you could write out the spelling of the name of the historian you talked about in episode 52 - the one who found the reports Fouché received the morning after the coup? I’m really interested in reading their findings! Was it Nicole Gauteri (?)


One thing I've always wondered about is the history of the independant principality of Monaco and how did its "independant" status remain intact throughout the Revolutionary/Napoleonic Era? What was their deal?


What is your take on how Napoleon survived the white terror following the Thermidorian Reaction?


He didn't escape completely unscathed-- he was arrested and imprisoned. As to why he wasn't executed or relieved of command, the short answer is: he was saved by his patron. This incident is actually only a few episodes away in the narrative, so there will be a fuller explanation on the show soon.