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Hello Patrons!

My crazy summer is over, so I figured I'd put together this little q-and-a mini-episode as an exclusive for those of you who have been supporting the show. Let me know what you guys think-- I may make this a regular thing.

Thanks again for supporting the show. Enjoy!



I just listened to a podcast on BBC Radio 4 In Our Time about Germaine DeStael who was a female French-Swiss intellectual during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era. She did not get along with Napoleon and had to live outside France. Are you planning any episodes on literature and philosophy in France during the era?


Yes! I have some ideas sketched out for an episode on literature philosophy & I've been talking to an art historian about doing an episode on visual art. It will probably be awhile before I get to either one though-- culture is kind of outside my wheelhouse compared to politics or military affairs, so I need to do a lot more research


I listened to that podcast, it was excellent.