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Good morning littles!

Just a few hours ago I saw that they had put this game for free at EPIC Games and it seemed to me that maybe some of you are interested in it!

This is just an update to share this game that is free to play now. It's not advertising or anything like that, don't play it if you don't want to hehe~

In the game you are a small child of only 2 years old and it is controlled in first person. Do not get carried away by first impressions since it is a scary game!

I leave you here below a Trailer of the game and the site where you can download it for free

Hope you have a great day~

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lme4QJn7ytY 

Download: https://www.epicgames.com/store/es-ES/p/among-the-sleep-enhanced-edition 


Buenos días chicos!

Justo hace unas horas he visto que habian puesto este juego gratis en  EPIC Games y me ha parecido que tal vez alguno de vosotros estais interesados en el!

Esta es solo una update para compartiros este juego que está de oferta. No es publicidad ni nada del estilo, no lo jugueis si no quereis hehe~

En el juego tu eres un niño pequeño de tan solo 2 años y se controla en primera persona. No os dejeis llevar por las primeras impresiones puesto que es un juego de miedo!

Os dejo aquí abajo un Trailer del juego y el sitio donde podreis descargarlo gratis

Espero que tengais un dia genial~

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lme4QJn7ytY 

Descargar: https://www.epicgames.com/store/es-ES/p/among-the-sleep-enhanced-edition 



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