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Good morning my babies!

Before I start with the Alpha 0.46 changelog, I would like to apologize for not uploading an update last week, I have been very busy at home and have been quite ill for more than a week, to the point of being in bed all day.

With that said, let's get started with the Alpha 0.46 ChangeLog!

> What has changed in Alpha 0.46?

Modified the tilesets to make the city roads look correct, added the sofa object with a wet spot.

Added 4 new missions, along with a new minigame that you can see in the story, with several options, I am sure you will love it.

Added in the version of "Cheats" that you can get diapers, diaper bags and all the clothes, totally free! Also added to the tps section the two new zones.

New unlocked room of the house, we will see later the use that we will give to that area~

To all this we must add all the history that has been implemented, surely you are going to enjoy it a lot n.n


- Fixed an issue that caused Mia to wet the diapers to full when she had an accident.

- Various retouching in the Tilesets.


Every time we are closer to finishing with this first chapter, right now we should be about 3 versions, 4 at most to finish this first stage and close with a very interesting plot that we may continue with some time in between.

I hope you like this Alpha very much and again apologize for not uploading an update last week.

See you in the next post my babies, kisses ~


Buenos días mis bebes!

Antes de comenzar con el changelog del Alpha 0.46, me gustaría disculparme por no subir una update la semana pasada, he estado muy atareada en casa y he estado más de una semana bastante enferma, al punto de estar todo el dia en cama.

Dicho esto, comencemos con el ChangeLog del Alpha 0.46!

> Que ha cambiado en la Alpha 0.46?

Modificadas las tilesets para hacer que los caminos de la ciudad se vean correctamente, añadido el objeto del sofá con una mancha mojada.

Añadidas 4 misiones nuevas, junto con un nuevo minijuego que podréis ver en la historia, con varias opciones, estoy segura que os encantará.

Añadido en la versión de "Cheats" que se puedan conseguir pañales, bolsas de pañales y todas las vestimentas, totalmente gratis! Además añadido a la sección de tps las dos zonas nuevas.

Nueva sala desbloqueada de la casa, veremos más adelante el uso que le daremos a esa zona~

A todo esto hay que sumarle toda la historia que se ha implementado, seguro que la vais a disfrutar muchísimo n.n


Solucionado un problema que hacia que Mia usase los pañales hasta llenarlos cuando tenia un accidente.

Retoques varios en las Tilesets.


Cada vez estamos más cerca de terminar con este primer capitulo, ahora mismo deberíamos de estar a unas 3 versiones, 4 como mucho para finalizar esta primera etapa y cerrar con una trama muy interesante que puede que continuemos con algo de tiempo de por medio.

Espero que os guste mucho esta Alpha y de nuevo disculpas por no subir la semana pasada una actualización. 

Nos vemos en el siguiente post mis bebes, besitos~




I enjoyed the new update, though I wish the choice to wear a pull up after wetting the bed the first time had an impact on the accident during the game. Like if Emily commmented on how you're already wearing some protection, or perhaps if it is more than just wet. Alternatively, having her stop you if you try to leave the room without the diaper on; giving the chance to talk your way out of it if your maturity is high enough, or get changed by her if it isn't. Just a suggestion, I'm enjoying the game as it is, and I look foward to the next update


The truth is that I have raised many of these ideas, it seems to me that the game would be much richer in history if it did, however I have to bear in mind that I am taking a long time to finish the first chapter, and although I do not want to rushing to finish it is true that putting those varieties of options would be a lot of extra work and delay the game for weeks. Even so, thank you very much for commenting, I love that you give me your points of view to improve! n.n


That makes since! I was just replaying the part with and without a pull up hoping there was some difference, but having tried making my own (text based) game, i definitely get prioritizing getting the game made. I'm looking forward to every update!