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Sunlight peeked through the clouds. The light reflected off the raindrops and puddles of water on the window and sparkled.

"It looks like the rain has stopped."

"Big Sis, let's go to the library!"

Claire, who had closed her book with a snap, suddenly said something like that. Apparently, since we had an extra day in town, she wanted to go to the library.

I was also interested in the book that Rilfana had mentioned the magic sword, so I was not afraid to go to the library.

"Is the library in the northeast district?"

"Yes, let's go have lunch while looking at North Street."


We left our keys at the front desk and walked to North Street.

The North Gate leads to Solgeplante, the capital city that bears the same name as the country. Moreover, perhaps due to the fact that part of the northeastern district is an aristocratic district, there were a relatively large number of stores selling domestic products on North Street.

Solgeplante has low technology in magic machines and is not as advanced as its neighbor Vallecorina, but it is well-developed in agriculture and animal husbandry. It is also a fairly rich country because of the large amount of ore that can be mined in the misty mountain range of Nevia Montagna in the north.

The king and his vassals have long been trusted for their good governance, and many people from other countries have immigrated to the region. The craftsmen of the immigrants have spread their technical skills, and the country has also become skilled in the secondary industries of manufacturing and construction. 20 years ago, at the suggestion of the king's third wife, measures to deal with refugees and orphans were promoted, and the country has grown to the point where it is now called the "safest country on the continent.

While promoting these policies, the third wife died shortly after giving birth to her first child, but it is said that the plans were steadily carried out by the bureaucrats who succeeded her wishes.

"I'm told that the sauce for the meat sandwiches here is made from vegetables cooked down until they fall apart."

"Well, the meat alone is a bit bland, but the sauce gives it an interesting flavor."

There was a café that looked like a junk food restaurant, so the three of us decided to go here, and we heard them talking from inside.

The meat sandwich was a food consisting of several kinds of crunchy vegetables and ground meat that had been rounded and grilled, topped with sauce, and sandwiched between squares of bread-like bread. It was somewhere between a hamburger and a sandwich.

It was possible to add toppings such as more vegetables and cheese for an extra charge.

The meat sandwich that came out was a meaty dish. The sauce, which is based on boiled down vegetable broth, is also delicious.

The taste of the meat is delicious and there is no fishy smell at all, but it is not enough for me who prefers hamburgers cooked in a stewed broth.

"It's the flavor of the meat!"

Yes, Rilfana seemed to like it. She has a very elegant and happy face.

Stewed hamburger. It seems to be a bit difficult to mince it, but I might try making it at home. I'll add onions to the ground meat, so I can increase the bulk of the meat and my mom will be happy.

After lunch, we drove from North Street to Northeast Street.

After lunch, I entered the loop road from North Street to Northeast Ward and found the library a short distance away. The further you go into the northeast district, the larger the houses become, and the larger the yards. It seems that the middle of the ring road is where most of the mansions of the nobles live.

There should also be a mansion of the Howling family, the lord of the house, but there is nothing special to do there. I don't want to get too close to the nobles, even if they have a good government.

The library is a two-story brick building, not too big, not too small, just the size of a town library.

"Do you have a town ID card?"

"No, I'm from the village."

The receptionist at the library asked for my ID and I produced my adventurer's guild card, but I wondered if that was a no-no.

"Non-residents will need one large silver coin per person as a deposit, is that correct? Also, please note that those with magic bags or briefcases may be searched when leaving the building."

Although the price itself is not high, books are still a valuable commodity for a number of reasons, including the time it takes to print and transport them. In addition, the library has books that are not printed but reproduced by manuscripts or other means, as well as books that are no longer in print.

It seems that a deposit is also needed to protect those books. Of course, the full amount will be refunded if there are no problems when the book leaves the library, but it is important to be able to pay that much money in order to read the book in the first place.

It could be said that the wealthier a person is, the less likely he or she is to commit a crime. But this is not always the case, as is obvious in the case of corruption by government officials.

It was also explained that the books in the library are under a protective spell so that anyone who tries to take them out will be identified. The details are kept secret for security reasons, he said.

The three of us showed them our guild cards and handed over three large silver coins, and they gave us back our deposit slips. The name on the identification card is written on the certificate. On the way back, they show their guild cards again to exchange the deposit slips for the deposit money.

"Please cooperate as an attendant will look around when the bell rings at 2 p.m. with instructions to leave the building."


It took me quite a while to listen to the system, but now I could read as many books as I wanted.

"Let's each find a book we like. If you want to spend a lot of time reading a book you find, make sure you are in a seat that is as close to the book as possible, so you can find it easily."

"Okay, Big Sis."

"I understand."

Claire looked at the map of the museum posted at the entrance, explaining which bookshelves held which categories of books, and went straight for the books on magic.

"Do you remember what kind of book Rilfana said was written about magic swords?"

"Well, I thought it was an old history or martial arts book, but I don't remember much more than that. Maybe it was a character in a novel."

Hmmm. Can I find it?

"Mina-sama, do you want to research magic swords?"

"Yes, if there is a book, I would like to read it."

"I see, I'll look into it as well."

"I appreciate your help, but is there anything you would like to read, Rilfana?"

No, I was just thinking of finding some novels that might be interesting. Yes, I know some of the books you've read, and I'll start with the novels."

"Okay. Thank you."

"It's for Mina-sama's sake."

Smiling, Rilfana went upstairs. The novels section seemed to be on the second floor.

Now, let's look for some history or martial arts books.

I'd also like to read a few books about the world of the virtuari. The reason we split up is partly because I want to find out the connection between SeveChro and the others. Even if we were together, I don't think I would know what he is researching, but it seems that if he asks me a question, I will mislead him, so it is largely just for precaution.

The history books were on the first floor and the martial arts books were on the second floor. I decided to start with the martial arts books, which seemed easy to judge from the titles.

I went up the stairs and looked at the martial arts books in the martial arts section.

Many of them were guidebooks on how to use a sword or on the different schools of swordsmanship, but I could not find any books on magic or magic-related topics.

Since some schools of swordsmanship are not known to the public, there are probably not many books on the subject.

The actual number of martial arts books is also small, and I also skimmed through the books on daggers and spears just to be sure, but there was nothing of interest to me, as I want information on magic swords.

Since I could not find what I expected in the martial arts section on the second floor, I returned to the first floor and went to the history section.

I skimmed through some of the books. Most of the books were mainly about the founding of Solgeplante and its aftermath. In a world where the only vehicles are horse-drawn carriages and there are many monsters, it is probably rare to stock books from other countries because the distribution network is inevitably weak.

Solgeplante was founded 350 years ago, when several small towns and villages, which were not so large as to be called nations, formed an alliance and became the prototype of a nation. At that time, there were still many wars between nations, and Solgeplante seemed to be a weak state that managed to exist.

Around 300 years ago, a major revolution took place on the continent. This was the birth of the "magic machine.

With the birth of the "magic machine," it became more efficient to develop the land that had been unmanageable so far than to seize the land by force to increase national power. Also, many adventurers called "heroes" began to appear around this time.

One hero slayed a dragon with a single swing of his sword, while another managed to negotiate difficult trade deals between nations and amassed enormous wealth.

As the number of heroes increases, the problem of monsters and labyrinthine dungeons increases for unknown reasons, and wars among the countries that are forced to deal with these problems decrease dramatically. Solgeplante, which no longer had to focus on human conflicts, began to emphasize primary industries of agriculture, animal husbandry, and mining, as well as the maintenance of public order.

Today, Solgeplante continues to do so, and has become the "safest country on the continent.

There are many more incidents that occurred in between these events, but the general outline of the founding of the country is as follows.

Heroes" may raise eyebrows of those who read it later, but I have an idea of what it means. Yes, it is a reincarnated player.

I even thought that the "magic machine" itself might have been created by a reincarnated player to improve his life.

It's just my guess, but I am somewhat convinced. And it is frustrating.

--If only I had been reincarnated 300 years ago, I could have cheated all I wanted!


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