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Soy Sauce

"That was delicious."

"Yes, every restaurant in this town is delicious."

When I paid the bill at the café, I asked where the churches were by the way. I was told that there are small churches in each section, but the largest one is in the southeast section. Since I have time, I might as well go there.

"Oh yeah, I want to practice fighting in the village, so I want to get Claire and Rilfana's equipment too."

"Would it be better to buy them at the Adventurer's Guild?"

"Hmmm, while going to the church in the southeast, let's take a quick look at the equipment stores along the way and then decide where to buy the equipment."


"Rilfana, let me know if you see anything you like."

"Yes, sir."

I still have a lot of money left over from my father. Maybe he had even envisioned that we would be able to afford the equipment. He is not the type to get mad at me for spending his allowance as I please, so I shouldn't worry about it. Of course, it's not like I'm going to waste it.

I decided to leave East Street and take the circular road in front of the East Gate.

...What is it that I still get a lot of looks back and glances when I walk? 

I thought it was because I was a young woman walking around with a slave, but after changing into my current clothes at the store, I think that Rilfana's slave collar bracelet is hidden behind my sleeve and not easily visible.

The ring road circles the residential area on the outer edge of the oval-shaped town and is not as busy as the central street, but it is also the most commonly used road by residents. It is wide and well-defined to allow for the passage of horse-drawn carriages that want to get through town quickly.

It is lined with many facilities used by residents, such as churches, orphanages, and parks, and is as safe as the central avenue because it is patrolled at night and has streetlights installed. There are also restaurants for residents, and adventurers based in the town of Galdia use them because they are cheaper than the restaurants on the central street.

Perhaps because part of the northeastern district is occupied by aristocrats, many luxury stores and stores selling luxury goods line the eastern street. There are also clothing stores with eye-popping prices, but each item is of the highest quality and made by famous craftsmen. Some stores may not accept first-time visitors or require a dress code.

There were also stores selling curiosities purchased from faraway countries. There were stores selling carpets, perfumes, and oils from Desierto, the country mentioned by slaver Thomas, as well as magic machines and carrot-like vegetables from the neighboring country of Valle Collina. The products were supposed to be a tonic for the body, so I guess they are like ginseng.

In short, it is an outlet store? 

"Holy Kingdom?"

"Well, I heard that it is a religious state located further west from Desierto, which is west of Solgeplante.

You're getting your stuff from a country that's a long way away.

Holy Kingdom of Scintiluce. It is a country with a large number of clergy, many of whom become adventurers in the process of their missionary journeys.

The world's religion is almost entirely polytheistic, worshipping six major deities. This religion is so mainstream that it does not even have a name. Small settlements that do not form a country or remote villages may pray to a small god, Minor God, but these gods are often subordinate to the Six Great Gods, and there is almost never a conflict between religions.

The exceptions are the demon gods of the Abyssal Abyss and the vampire lords, such as the vampire king Vampire Lord, who are not permitted to worship immortals. Most of their followers are doomsayers, and the bishop was not wrong, nor was he wrong, in saying that they cause a lot of damage.

Almost no one denies God's existence itself, because it is a world where God's blessings are visible and present." By "almost" I mean not even none. There are opportunists everywhere.

This is the same as the setting of Sevcro.


"It's soy sauce."

"Shoyu? Do you know what that is, Rilfana-chan?"

"It's a kind of seasoning, Miss Claire. It has many uses, but it is delicious when used in stews and other dishes."

As we approached the entrance of the store, a nostalgic smell wafted through the air.

Steamed rice is mashed into a rice cake shape. After being flattened and dried, the pastry was dipped in soy sauce and baked. Simply put, they were rice crackers.

A man in light armor, who appeared to be an adventurer, was buying a rice cracker. Perhaps he was attracted by the smell of burning soy sauce.

It seems that nobles have many opportunities to eat foods from other countries, and Rilfana seems to know soy sauce. Soy sauce in the Holy Kingdom, I feel that soy sauce is something that is usually found in far eastern countries or island countries, but if they are dealing with Japanese food, I am interested in their other products as well.

"Let's have a look."

"Yes, sir!"

Rilfana is enthusiastic. Did she like Japanese food? 

"I smell something rotten, sis."

"Vinegar. It's a sour smell, but it's not rotten."

When I entered the store, there were not only soy sauce, but also vinegar and sake made from rice, but there were few food items. No miso?

Claire frowned, apparently not used to the smell of vinegar. I wonder if she'd eat it if I made her pickled vinegar or vinegared rice? 

There are also Bibles, wooden and silver rosaries, and equipment for clergy healers, and this area is called the Holy Kingdom.

And for some reason, there were lanterns, carved wooden bears, and a few souvenirs.

...I'm not sure about the Holy Kingdom.

"Oh my, this is..."

Rilfana is looking at a dagger. She is looking at it very intently.

Daggers are equipment used by samurai, ninja, and some bandit-type occupations, but vanguards often use long-bladed daggers.

Some sword weapons were equipped with a "decapitation" effect, a rare instant-kill effect that could kill a monster 20 or more levels lower than oneself with a single blow.

In Sevcron, daggers were unpopular weapons because few of them had the "decapitation" effect, and they were not used very often. The dagger was popular because of its performance and appearance.

In this world of virtuari, "decapitation" is not an effect of equipment but a skill to handle weapons, but I wonder if there is at least a correction? 

"Is it usable?"

"Yes, this is quite a piece of work."

"I think I'll keep the place then."

If Rilfana thought it would be useful, I might as well buy it. I also want some soy sauce, so I'll stop by on my way home.

I left the store and started walking in the direction of the church.

I arrived at the church, looking at several stores. I enjoyed the east street, but the ring road is a residential area, so I found only a small restaurant. The church was a brick building with pointed arches, which must have been Gothic. This must be Gothic architecture.

The church has two entrances, one of which seems to lead directly to the orphanage attached to it. The church has a large garden area, and I could hear children playing in the garden.

"Rilfana, is there anything we have to do in church, like etiquette?"

"Well, basically you are free to go in and out of the cathedral, but if you are not allowed to go in or out, the door is closed or a sign is posted. Usually, people pray in the pews set up in the chancel, but you can pray in front of the altar or in the back row. There are no rules, but it is good manners to be quiet."

"Sounds like you don't have to worry about it too much. Let's go."

Japanese shrines and temples have a lot of complicated etiquette that you have to know, but this world seems to be very informal.

Passing through the door of the church, I found a large hall. The doors on either side lead to the orphanage, the dining room, and the monks' rooms. The front of the church is like a cathedral, and the doors are open.

When one entered the cathedral, statues of the Goddess of Light and the God of Darkness were enshrined in the front, surrounded by statues of the Gods of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. There were many chairs lined up, perhaps to accommodate more people. I don't know if it was just a coincidence or the time of day, but there was no one there except for us.

--It's just like the Teleneta.

I think it was built with information from people who have actually met her. It's a sculpture, though, so it doesn't feel like a stone or a god.

If the other gods are made in the same way, it seems that the goddesses of water and wind are the goddesses except for Teleneta.

The god of water looks kind with a receptive and soft face, whose ears are like fins. The goddess of wind is a slender elf with a slightly harsh look in her eyes.

The male deities differ greatly from each other. The God of Darkness is a handsome young man with slightly pointed ears, perhaps a half-elf? The god of fire is a dwarf with a magnificent beard.

The god of earth is big and burly, but I don't think I have ever seen him in the world of Sevcro. What kind of race are they? 

The statues of gods do not have nameplates, so we do not know their names.

We took the nearest seat in front of the statue and prayed.

Since we were accompanied by Rilfana, we didn't think about praying.

Well, the tea of the Lord Teleneta was delicious. Not a prayer, this! 

And, um...

-- please give me some interesting cheat ability!


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