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Public Bath and Elevator

Is there a super public bathhouse in your town? A super public bathhouse. It would be wonderful if there were, wouldn't it, a super public bathhouse? Yes, it is an enchanting hot spring utopia.

This was the catchphrase of the super public bathhouse I used to go to when I was a child.

It's a good catchphrase, even now, it has an edge to it. It must have caught the attention of all men and women, young and old.

In fact, I was very much indebted to it. I wanted to create such a memorable bathhouse.

I thought about what was best for adventurers.

The first thing would be to wash off the dirt after returning from an adventure. I would build a slightly spacious shower corner for five people, and the same number of jacuzzi baths. The rest would be open-air baths, lounging baths, and a hitting bath.

Since there is a large Xsara Hotel and stores around, the open-air baths will inevitably be located on the roof of the three-story building. Separating the men's and women's baths on the first and second floors would make it difficult for one of them to use the open-air baths.

Therefore, the first floor is used as a reception area and relaxation space, just like a super public bathhouse.

After passing through the wide entrance, there is a store selling bath products and cold beverages. Half of the floor is a resting zone where you can lie down and relax, with no shoes allowed. The other half is a rest zone with luggage storage and table sets.

Luggage can be placed in the area visible from the entrance stall and the reception desk at the back of the building, so there should be no problem. Lockers with locks will be considered in case of theft.

It would be easier to use if there were separate stairs to the second floor for men and women on either side of the reception area. The second and third floors should be divided in half, with an equal number of shower corners and pressure points on each floor. The third floor has a natural hot spring and a reclining bath, and the rooftop is an open-air bath.

Oh, this looks like it could be made quite spacious. Let's leave the hot water running all the time. In this world, this would be a royal-class luxury, but adventurers are the breadwinners of this town. A little bit of expense is not a problem at all.

With this in mind, we built it all at once. The materials were made of thick wood blocks so that the adventurers could use them roughly.

As with the Seat Village, we would operate the bathhouse as our family business. We will appoint one manager and leave the hiring of employees to that person.

It might also be a good idea to have representatives appointed from other stores or branches of the Bellrango Chamber of Commerce to form a kind of shopping district union.

This would make the job easier for Espada, who has appointed a representative for the adventurers' town.

I check the street while thinking about the management of the adventurers' town. Most of the stores along the road are already completed. All that remains is the building for the Bellrango Chamber of Commerce.

"Okay, I'll build a store for the Bellrango Chamber of Commerce! Any requests?"

I asked, and Bell pulled out a piece of paper with a drawing on it, as if he had prepared it some time ago.

"I was looking at Van-sama's bathhouse facility and thought, after all, it is hard to carry goods from the basement to the third floor, and it seems inefficient and time-consuming. So, if there is a pulley to carry supplies from the basement to the ground..."

"Pulley? Oh, you mean build an elevator."


I explain briefly to Bell, who tilts his head.

"Wells and the gates of the Royal Capital actually use them, but I think they are for moving people and things up and down. The more pulleys you have, the less weight it takes, so maybe I'll use four or six of them?"

"I see. I was also imagining pumping water from a well. But there is such an advantage to having more of them, right?"

And then merchant Bell said something surprising: "I've never heard of pulleys". Well, it's not like elevators and cranes with pulleys were created on earth and immediately spread around the world, and maybe this country just hasn't done enough research on the application of pulleys yet.

Or perhaps someone has a monopoly on the knowledge, like a patent.

"...Well, okay."

I thought about it a lot, but there's no point in pursuing such a thing in particular. I hear that cranes and other equipment for building and towing ships have been around for a long time, and a maritime nation might have developed its own pulley equipment. I'll ask someone from the commercial guild next time.

"Van-sama...well, what is a pulley that carries people and things..."

Arte asks from the top of the carriage about the elevator.

"The floor moves and carries them... oh, so you want to watch with me as I make it?"

"Is that okay? I'd love to see it."

After such an exchange, Arte decided to come along. I felt like showing him how good it is, but it's my first time making an elevator, so the hurdle is high. I'm a little stumped.

"...OK. Then, let's build the building first. The layout of each floor can be changed later, so can you just decide where the elevator will be located?"

"Oh, okay. Then, I would like you to build two entrances, one leading to each level of the warehouse."

"You mean the entrances and exits for the delivery of goods. If that's the case, let's build the one farther from the main entrance to the adventurers' town. The stairs should be in the middle."

"Yes, please."

After a brief explanation of the building's structure, the construction began at once. The Bellrango Chamber of Commerce brought us a mountain of materials, so we could build as fast as we wanted.

There is one atrium from the first basement floor to the third floor above ground, and other than that, there is not even a partition. The staircase was wide enough for four people to climb side by side.

Arte followed me up the stairs to the third floor, but he was feeling exhausted, and Till stayed by his side the whole way.

"Huh... that's exhausting."

He laughs and looks around the large floor. The floor was as spacious as a reinforced concrete structure building because the stairs were used as pillars.

Meanwhile, Arte and Till's faces turned blue as they looked at the hole that led down to the basement floor.

"This is scary..."

"Arte-sama, it's not safe to peek in there."

Arte crouched looking down at the hole, and Till a little behind her, peering into the hole.

"Be careful not to fall down."

I said with a laugh, and set up pulleys on the ceiling. I set up the pulleys on the ceiling. I think I learned about four pulleys in school, so let's start by making four pulleys in a row.

Then, make a box to hang the pulleys. The box is fixed with a temporary floor made of wood blocks to prevent it from falling. Next is the string to hang it. This should be metal wire because sturdiness is essential. It is a sturdy rope made of thin metal twisted together. I decided on a luxurious Mithril rope.

"...I knew Mithril would take all the magic out of me at once."

Feeling a sense of weakness, I sat down on the floor. It seems that the consumption of magic power increases in the order of wood, earth, iron, copper, silver, gold, Mithril, and Orihalcum. Wood is not tiring at all, but in the case of Mithril and Orihalcum, the magic power runs out after about an hour of continuous processing.

However, there is no time to rest and relax. To improve the stability of the elevator, rails were installed on both sides of the box, and handrails to prevent falling were quickly built.

"I wrapped wire ropes alternately around the pulleys and fixed them tightly to the box on which people and things are placed. If it were true, I'd like to make it moves automatically with the push of a button, but I couldn't think of that much right now."

I said this with a wry smile, and then removed the wood blocks that supported the box.

It won't fall because I'm holding the end of the wire rope that supports the box, and since there's nothing on it, I can hardly feel its weight.

"Is that all done?"

Till asked with a twinkle in her eye as she gripped the end of the wire to make sure it worked.

"Yes, I think so. Then I'll ask Dee to hold this end. Hold it tight."

Saying this, Dee gripped the end of the wire rope without really understanding it. After confirming that she was holding it firmly with both hands, I got into the newly built elevator.

"Wait! Van-sama!"


Camsin and Till rushed to the elevator, Dee was in a hurry to grab the wire and slumped down, Arte was holding on to the railing and trying to reach me, but Camsin and Till were too strong and got into the elevator.

"You can't all get on. Get off, get off."

"Van-sama, you can't get on!"

"Get off, please!"

The three of them were all fighting in the elevator. Seeing this, Arte and Bell screamed.

"Please, everyone, get off!"

Arte asked us to get off the elevator, and all three of us finally did.

The pulley was working fine, so we prepared a box to hold a weight at the end of the rope that Dee was holding, and we adjusted the weight to use the elevator, which was completed.


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