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Adventurer Town Development, Furnace Building

Tired from all the work I have done, I finished today's work with only one storefront for the Bellrango Trading Company.

The next day, I built the other stores, completing only the appearance of the main street of the adventurer's town.

All that remains is to get the employees of each store in place, and we will be good to go.

"It looks spectacular when you look at it like this...I know it's not the same as my store, but it certainly would be cool to rebuild the other Bellrango merchant stores to match the look of this one."

Bell's eyes glowed dully as he said this with a laugh.

"So, now, about the first store and warehouse I built, can it be similar to the one in the Adventurer's Town...!"

Bell hurriedly suggests rebuilding his store, but I shake my head from side to side, smiling.

"No, no, that might be a good idea, but it would be good practice for the carpenters. They can use these buildings as reference as they continue to improve."

When I replied, Bell hung his head in disappointment.

I feel sorry for him, but we need to raise the level of technology in the territory. If I do this, my chores will gradually decrease.

Now, I'm going to leave the depressed Bell behind and consult for each restaurant. With my authority as Van, and using my memories as reference thinking about various popular restaurants, I wanted to create a popular restaurant that would be crowded with many customers.

I was thinking so, but gave up when a small figure with a mustache emerged from the shadows of the store.

"Ten days to go until the promised deadline...! Eight days for the furnace, and one day for the blast furnace!"

"Huh! The number of days is not decreasing!"

Habel crossed his arms and spoke with a snort.

"Of course not! That's what happens when I see how many of these big stores you build! If you put your mind to it, you could build that structure in three days!"

Habel pointed at the newly built stores and yelled, and the other dwarves nodded.

"I've never seen a city built so fast."

"This is outrageous!"

For some reason, the dwarves pointed angrily at the newly built Bellrango Trading Company store.

"Like that elevator, how even were you able to to accomplish replacing or reducing the wall at the end."

"Is that no good?"

I tilted my head at the dwarf's assertion. Then the dwarf who had complained explained while repeatedly stepping on the ground.

"For us, once we've made something, we can't change it later. The same is true for carpenters and craftsmen, and the same is true for blacksmiths. It is impossible to make a sword a little longer after it is made. But with Van-sama's magic, it is easy to do that. That's a violation of the rules of those who make things."

One of them mutters this, and the others nod.

I see. Certainly, it would be convenient to be able to easily change the finished product, as is the case with processing wood and metal.

Even though the use of magic power is tiring, it is far easier than actually doing blacksmithing or carpentry. The time required for the work is beyond comparison.

"I see. In that sense, maybe I'm lucky to have this aptitude for magic?"

Habel and the others nodded and took a step toward me, as I crossed my arms and said so.

"That's right. That's why we're going to work as hard as we can to construct the furnace from now on."

"We have no choice but to forge steadily, and for our own sake as well."

"Hurry, hurry, please finish it soon!"

All at once, Habel and the others push me back and start walking toward Seat Village, uttering such absurd opinions.

"Wait, aren't you being a little too pushy!"

I complained, but they didn't take any action. Thus, Van, who was supposed to be a lord, was forced to work in a black working environment by the evil hands of the dwarves.

Incidentally, Espada went around to each store and did the consulting I want to do. As a result, the stores were opened to a much higher standard than I probably could have achieved, and they were very well received by the adventurers. It was frustrating.

Van, on the other hand, worked on the furnace from early morning until dark. Apparently, the higher the height of the furnace, the more metal it can produce. No, you don't need to make that much.

I thought so and hastened the completion by reducing the height of the furnace. After all, ore and coal need to be put in from the top of the furnace. The higher I made it, the more troublesome it would be.

"The more material we produce, the bigger the place require!"

Habel shouted angrily, and the other dwarves nodded broadly.

I immediately dismissed their opinions and told them about the size of Seat Village.

"Considering the number of knights in this village and the total number of adventurers and peddlers coming and going, I don't think we need that much metal. So, a furnace height of 20 meters is good."

When he said this, Habel and the others cowered their shoulders in a manner one would see in a comedy movie. After a few moments of thought, Habel said, "Well, if it's not enough, we always have to make more later," and the other dwarves agreed.

The temperature and pressure required to melt Orihalcum were as low as possible, since the furnace only needed to be 20 meters high.

Habel and his team may have imagined that they would use a bang-bang furnace based on the dwarves' country, but there are no blacksmiths there. It would be enough to build a furnace 20 meters high.

From there, the dwarves did not say anything, but quietly began kneading materials together and chipping away at the magic stone. Apparently, they were trying to complete the furnace as quickly as possible with as little help as possible.

"I heard that the magic stone eats the most magic power."

"Oh, I see. Well then, let's all chip away at the magic stone."


The dwarves only talked at a minimum, and then worked silently. In some cases, they even forget to take a break.

It's a good thing that they are Stoic and craftsman-like, but I can't stand being forced to go along with them.

"I've already made more than five meters! Can't we do it tomorrow?

"No. The center of gravity is a little too far to the north. I need you to adjust it and raise it two more meters."


He was a rough dwarf.

As a result, I finished the part called the bottom of the furnace in one day. All that remained was the top of the furnace, the air inlet, and the wind box.


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