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The Town of Adventurers will be Improved!

I decided to put my priority on building the furnace, and before I knew it, Camsin and Espada and the others were back as well.

They had a dozen people in tow behind them, all looking at us.

"Van-sama, we have selected those who are experienced in the trade and want to do business!"

Camsin called out to me, and I managed to smile affectionately and wave one hand.

"Thanks. There were a surprisingly large number of people, although it looked like Espada's screening process was going to be a lot less."

"Yes. Actually, there were more than a hundred people."

Apparently, they were the ones who made it out of the 10% who passed the test. If that was the case, there would definitely be no problem.

"Then let's build the store before I continue the furnace. That's enough for today."

As I replied, I felt Habel glaring at me from behind.

"The furnace should come first."

"I'm sure we can get the material Orihalcum again, but you're going to give it to the King of the Dwarf Kingdom first, right?"

"Guh, nununu..."

When I retorted to Habel's complaint with a reason, he waved his hands in frustration, expressing his anger. It was peculiar.

"All right, then, let's go back to the adventurer's town. Maybe the Xsara inn will be fully furnished by now."

Either way, this would save me from having to build the furnace of hell. On second thought, there should be no need to run the furnace in fifteen days. I almost let Habel's momentum get the better of me and forced me to work in a black work environment.

With a frustrated Habel and the other dwarves in tow, we headed back to the adventurers' town. As I felt more at ease, my steps became strangely light.

Since it was already almost evening, we returned to the main street of the Adventurer's Town and turned around to face the people who were planning to start their businesses soon.

"As for the stores, we will help you by covering the initial investment costs, exempting you from paying taxes for the first year, and helping you procure materials. However, the help is in the form of loans so that we don't discriminate against people who want to open stores in the future. Of course, the amount will vary depending on the size of the store, but we need to get repaid, even if it takes a long time. Is everything all over there?"

Upon confirmation, the people gathered nodded firmly. That's how enthusiastic they were. I nodded in return and checked around.

I was hoping to discuss the location of Bellrango's store, but I couldn't find Rango.

"Rango...oh, there he is...and Bell?"

For some reason, I could see Rango walking toward us from behind at a fast pace, like he was sprinting, and I could see Bell following close behind.


"You're a Dwarven blacksmith?!"

Just as I think our eyes meet, the two of them shout out, waving their hands in the air. Both of their eyes are glowing dully like hungry monsters, as if they are pleased at the prospect of the long-awaited blacksmith. The two of them close up to my eyes and look alternately at me and Habel lined up behind me.

"Uh, yeah. They're building a furnace at the edge of Seat Village right now. But I need more than two large pieces of Orihalcum ore. So, I'm thinking I'll start with the stores in the Adventurer's Town first, and then slowly build the furnace."

Bell and Rango looked at each other before smiling implicitly. Then, looking back at us, Bell spoke up.

"Don't worry, Van-sama! I just went to check and was told that there was an Orihalcum ore that Apkallu was keeping, so I negotiated with him, and he gave me one!"

"What a thing to do!"

I complained at Bell's statement and looked fearfully behind me.

There was Habel and the others with big smiles on their faces.

"Orihalcum ore?"

"What a surprise! I didn't know you could get it in a town like this!"

"Wahahaha! We can go back home!"

"All right, let's build a furnace!"

The dwarves are excited, and Habel announces with great force that the construction of the furnace will resume. The other dwarves quickly turn and look at him.

"Hey, Habel! What are you saying!"

"Have you forgotten the original purpose of our journey?"

Habel raised one hand and showed his palm as his companions said so.

"I know! I know how you feel! But you also understand my desire to do this blacksmithing... to strike hot, burning metal!"

Habel persuaded them forcefully, and the dwarves looked at each other and were troubled.

"Yes, right... blacksmithing, I would love to do that."

"I haven't used a hammer in two years..."

The dwarves say things like that. I don't know, but it seems that Habel's words had a strong impact on them. They discussed for a while, and then turned to me with clear faces and opened their mouths.

"Okay, okay. We were going to move first and look in the next place anyway. I guess we can wait a month or two."

One dwarf crossed his arms and said so, and the other dwarves nodded broadly.

"In return, when the furnace is finished in a month, let us hold the hammer too."

"Of course!"

Habel responds emphatically to his friends' words. Some adventurers nodded their heads in agreement. I smiled at Habel and the others, who were also happily squaring their shoulders, but I soon realized that they were talking on the assumption that the furnace would be completed in a month, and I immediately wanted to hold my head in my hands.


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