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Galiel Defeated!

As soon as Mari and the others started running, Glen's expression changed!

(What the hell is this? ) He looked at Ruri, Rin, and Shise, and they too could not hide their amazement.

When he looked at Ruri, Rin, and Shise, they too could not hide their surprise.

Soon they arrived at their destination, the merchant's mansion.

"We're going in now. I don't think I need to tell you anymore, but the effects of the status-increasing magic are tremendous. I'm going to stop the destruction and switch to capture."

"Okay, mister. This will work."

"Let's go in!"

The four of them rushed into the mansion! The enemy immediately noticed something was wrong, and many undead appeared in front of them.

"They're coming out!"

Ruri fired a heel at several of the larger ones!

It hit one and destroyed it, but to his surprise, in the aftermath of the sacred magic, even the undead around him disintegrated.

"Rin, Shise, it's not just your physical abilities! Your magical power has also increased by an order of magnitude. You need to use magic once to get a sense of it."

"Yes, Ruri."

"Yes, Miss."

Glen and the others ran around the pavilion. The undead were so powerful that if they missed even one of them, they would be in trouble later. They pried open the doors of all the rooms and took them out as fast as they could.

Finally, we entered the master's room, and there he was. A dark vampire with a tremendous sense of intimidation!

"Welcome, my guest."

"You've caused quite a ruckus. I was worried you might run away. Thank you for waiting for me, master of the house.

"Escape? Me? Your misunderstanding is laughable. Don't tell me you think I'm as good as your men."

The dark vampire began to smile, and then it turned into a high pitched laugh. The room was filled with an aura of mischief and gloom.

(Saintess-sama's help saved my life, didn't it? If we had fought him without the status-increasing magic, we would have been annihilated without a doubt.)

"Now, let me show you the difference between a human and a dark vampire. Come at me from wherever you are."

"I'll take your word for it!"

Glen came at him!

His movements are incredibly fast!

But even with his speed, he is unable to attack fully. Even if an attack hits and does damage, it is instantly healed.

Glen increased his sword speed, and the dark vampire's recovery speed could no longer keep up with the damage he was taking.

"Nonsense, you are human beings!"

The guy keeps a relaxed expression on his face, even as the cut turns to ash.

"I'll do it. But it's impossible to defeat me with a holy sword like that. I won't say it's the Holy Sword Estalardo, but you should equip yourself with a better weapon."

"Thanks for the advice! But my role is only to stall for time.

---Ruri, are you ready?

Yes, I have enough magic power.

Go, go, go!

Ruri, Rin, and Shise instantly surrounded the Dark Vampire and deployed the Triangle Sacred Magic Warding. Within the triangular wards, the dark vampire fell to his knees, unable to move.

"Not only the ability of the swordsman, but the priest's magical power is not that of an ordinary person. How did he get this much power?"

Staring at the dark vampire suffering in the ward, Glen instructs.

"You guys, don't kill them!"

"It's been tempered. He's a caged bird."

He slowly approached the dark vampire and placed his blade against its neck.

"Now, let's hear some stories, shall we?"

"Kuku...you're not going to tell me."

"You don't have to talk, Galiel. I know who's behind all this now that you're here."

Mari came into the room.

"It's you, Saintess," she said.

"You knew about me, didn't you?"

"Of course, how could I forget! I would never forget you, nor the damned knight. Just remembering you and that damned knight makes me want to kill you!

---But it's strange. I remember your sacred magic power, but not as powerful as this. At least, you didn't have the magical power to give such power to a human being."

"Saintess-sama, you know this guy?"

"Yes, this is one of the second-in-command of the demon king Boo-el, and his name is Galiel. I went to see him myself because he seemed to be a big shot, but I was surprised to find such a high-ranking executive."

The Demon King Bouel is an event boss in the game, and he has three deputies. Gariel is one of them, and even though he is his second-in-command, his magical power is extraordinary.

"What should we do? I don't think this guy can be locked up in a prison with a sacred magic ward."

"Yes, it's probably impossible. We have no choice but to destroy it."

Mari turned to Galiel.

"Galiel, your execution has been decided. However, we will offer you mercy. Answer our questions and we will give you a painless and easy death."

Mari's eyes were frighteningly cold as she said this, so much so that Ruri, who happened to notice her gaze, felt a shiver run through his body.

Silence reigned for a while, but eventually Gariel opened her mouth.

"What do you want to know?"

"Booel's purpose."

"The capture of the dragon."

"Thank you, Galiel."

Mari approached him and placed her index finger lightly on his forehead. At that moment, Gariel returned to the sand without a sound.


"Is something wrong, Saintess-sama?"

"Can I leave the rest to you? I was asleep and they woke me up, and I'm about to collapse..."

Mari gives a big sigh.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice this. You may leave now."

"Thank you. Well then, Ruri-san, Rin-san, Shise-san, have a nice day."

With these words, Mari left the room.

"You may be a dolt, but your magic is very powerful."

Ruri murmured as Glen sheathed the holy sword.

"Not quite powerful," Ruri murmured as Glen sheathed the sword. I'm scared, both of Saintess-sama and of this magic."

Ruri, Rin, Shise, this magic is top secret. Don't ever divulge it."

Seeing his stern eyes, each of the three shook their heads.

"Well, now that the dark vampire is taken care of, I guess we'll be pulling out too."

"Mister, are you done cleaning up?"

"I'm tired and sleepy too. I'm tired and sleepy, and the experts from the Adventurers' Guild have already started to investigate the mansion."

I listen carefully and hear them searching the house downstairs.

"Let's go, boys."

And with that, Glen and the others disappeared into the darkness of the night.


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