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Dark Vampire

It was late September, and the divine country had become completely autumnal.

A beautiful woman was walking along the road at night under a full moon. She was the wife of a merchant, on her way home from attending a Guild meeting in place of her husband.

A man blocks her way. The woman is startled and exclaims, "What? She exclaims.

"I'm so sorry."

The man apologizes for startling her and bows his head. The moonlight shines on his face, and there he is with shaggy black hair and a fearless expression on his face.

Yes, that man is Glen.

"Ah, I'm surprised. It's Mr. Cochran, isn't it, the adventurer Guild?"

"Yes, I am. Can you give me a moment of your time?"

As soon as he finished, three priestesses appeared and surrounded them.

"Ruri, don't kill him!"

"Aiyo, mister."

They were Ruri, Rin, and Shise. They then set up the Triangle Sacred Magic Warding, trapping Glen and the woman in the light.


The woman frowned.

"You're a vampire after all. Grow up, I have a lot of questions for you."

"You want to capture me? You humans have big mouths."

There was a change in the woman's appearance! Her figure turned black, and a black aura of horror covered the entire area.

Glen has had several encounters with vampires, but this was the first time he had experienced such a strong negative aura.

"Damn it, I'm giving up on capturing them. Perish!"

"Too late!"

The vampire lunged at Shise and flung him away. The sacred magic ward had been broken, and Shise was now able to use her full power.

"I'm going to die!"

The vampire tried to pierce Shise with his long claws, but it was not her, but Ruri's back that was pierced, as Ruri covered Shise.


Ruri's mouth erupts in blood. But the vampire who stabbed her also had a sword growing out of his chest!

"You're good, you've got a sword in you, even if it's from behind," Glen said, "but you're such a little guy. But do you think you can destroy me with such a small sword?"

The vampire smiles with a smile on his face.

"I didn't stab you with the intention of killing you. Rin, Shise, heal with maximum magic!"

The two continued to shoot heals with all their magical power. The vampire screamed, and soon returned to the sand.



Two people ran to Ruri!

"Rin, use your heel on Ruri!

"I'm already doing it!"

In the darkness of the night, Rin and Shise heeled again and again.

◇ ◇◇◇

Mari was awakened an hour after the incident.

When Ruri was brought to Misery Castle, she was still breathing, but her body had turned dusky black.

"The dark vampire got you, didn't he!"

"Yes. My heals have little effect, and Shise's magic disablement has slowed the progression of my symptoms, but I'm still in a dangerous state."

Rin explains in tears.

"This is dark contamination. If left unchecked, they will turn undead."

"Can you help us, Saintess-sama?"

Saintess-sama" "It's okay. It is still in its early stages, so we can treat it with blessing magic.

Mari uses her magic and Ruri's color returns to normal and her breath becomes calm.

"The body is under a lot of strain because its attributes were about to be reversed. Please rest until tomorrow."

"Thank you, Saintess-sama."

Rin hugged Mari with tears streaming down her face.

Glen, Rin, and Shise were summoned to the Prime Minister's office, where Mari was sitting on the couch with them.

"Your Excellency, I am sorry. I've put the priest I'm borrowing from you in danger."

"No, you didn't! He said he was going to destroy it, and we said we were going to capture it. We are the ones responsible."

"No, I made the decision."

Looking at Glen, who shakes his head, the Prime Minister says.

"We're all doing this by hand, and things like this happen. I'm just glad we're all safe."

"But I miscalculated that the dark vampires were so powerful. This is the first time our Triangle Sacred Magic Warding has been breached.

"Dark vampire? I'm not familiar with the term."

The Prime Minister spoke up with a question. To which Rin replies.

"An ordinary vampire is a dark-contaminated person, a half-demi-vampire to be exact. They are more capable than humans and use advanced magic, but they are not that much of a threat. This is the one that attacked Saintess-sama before.

However, the dark vampires, who are the source of the dark pollution, are genuine demons and terribly strong."

"So even you guys can't handle it?"

"No, we can't win!"

Shise said strongly.

"We underestimated them this time. If we go at them with the intention of killing them from the start, even we can manage."

"I understand. I want you to rethink your countermeasures and face them next time."

"That's not going to happen. There is another dark vampire and he and his wife live in the mansion. We decided that we couldn't have two of them at once, so we waited for one of them to go out."

"If you keep waiting, the other one will run away."

But if one was missing, there would be nothing we could do.

No, I'll be fine."

Ruri enters the room. Ruri comes into the room, his gait firm and steady.

"Are you all right, Ruri?"

"I'm fine, Ruri," said Glen, "Saintess-sama's magic is very effective, not perfect, but I can fight. More importantly, Glen's husband, you have a good chance of winning if you face him with all your strength from the start."

"He thinks he can win at Rokuyon."

"Well, then, it's settled. I'll go to their mansion right away!"

I can't allow that!

The Prime Minister stopped the decision. He decided that a 60% chance of winning was too risky. However, Ruri and the others were clearly unhappy.

Mari, who was watching the scene, must have had an idea, because she overheard the Prime Minister and told him something.

"Saintess-sama, is that true?"

"Yes, this may be a unique opportunity to grab the enemy by the tail. Besides, I too would like to see what the priests of the Divine Kingdom are capable of."

"I understand. If it is your wish, I will do so."

The Prime Minister turns to Glen and gives him instructions.

"Saintess-sama will accompany you. If you don't mind, I'll allow it."

Mari, Glen, and the others assembled in the square in front of the balcony.

"Saintess-sama, I hate to say this, but he's our prey."

"I know, Ruri-san, I won't bother you. I won't bother you, Ruri-san, but I will cast a spell on you.

What magic?

What magic?" "Status-increasing magic that will enhance your abilities. You can fight with it, and if you can afford it, capture it.

"Okay, saintess-sama, I don't have time for this.

Mari cast status-raising magic on everyone, including herself.

"Well, let's go, Glen-san, please lead the way."

Thus, the five of them headed for the mansion with the dark vampire.


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