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Chapter 14 The Air headed Saint, Awakens

Near noon the next day, Mari finally woke up.

She tried to get out of bed and get dressed, but could not find her clothes. While she was looking for them, a group of maids arrived and began to prepare Mari's clothes without telling her what to do.

They took off her nightgown, wiped her body, and put on her clothes one after another. The skill with which they do this is nothing short of brilliant.

Just as Mari was finally dressed in the formal attire of a Priestess, Chris, the Hime-Miko, Prime Minister Vinez, and nearly ten others entered the room. They naturally got down on one knee in front of Mari.

Mari looked at them as they knelt down and spoke to her, and she thought to herself.

(Why do people in this country like to kneel?)

She was not used to such a custom, and it just made her back itch. I had to give her a good talking to at the beginning! ---I decided.

"Eh~, everyone!"

Saintess' words made everyone tense and pay attention!

Satisfied with this, Mari continued her story.

"I am ......."

Just when she was about to say that.

GuruGuruGuru~~~~~ !!!

A loud noise echoed through the room!

Everyone in the room was aghast as she turned red up to her ears, but after a while, a small creeping sound could be heard.

"Ku, ku ......, kusukusu ......."

She turned toward the voice, and there was Chris, desperately trying to stifle a laugh.

"Sorry......Kuku......Saintess-sama......Kusukusu... ..."

Seeing her in pain with tears in her eyes, Mari also found it hilarious.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and started laughing out loud. Everyone in the room laughed along with her.


An hour later, Mari was finally able to eat. A sumptuous meal was laid out on the dining table in the guest room, and Mari, Sophie, and Chris were all sitting around it.

"You eat a lot, Mari," said Sophie.

"It's so good! The food at the bar was good, but the food here has an added delicacy that makes it exquisite."

"I am honored that Saintess is pleased."

"Um, I'd prefer if you called me [Mari]."

"Yes, Mari-sama."

"Without [sama], if possible."

"Well then, Mari, you can call me Chris too."

Mari nodded and looked at Chris again. Her brunette hair was wavy, and her gray eyes looked great against her white skin. She had a slender figure, but her breasts were full, and Mari felt a deep sense of defeat as she compared them with her own.

"Oh, by the way, Chris, I heard you had a good laugh at the audience."

"It was Sophie's fault! You made me laugh. She told us that Mari came to this world to hunt."

"What Sophie said was not wrong. I like to hunt, and I'm trying to make a living doing it."

"'You see, I never lied to you"

"I didn't expect Saintess to want to be an adventurer."

"That's what I like about Mari."

"But maybe that would be more convenient for us."

"For us, you mean for the Theocracy?"

"Yes, it will be easier for us to ask for help in defeating the dragon when it appears."

"A dragon?"

Mari looks at her puzzled.

"Mari, do you know anything about dragons?"

"No, I don't know... does Sophie know?"

"I know of them, but I thought they were just a legend...Mari......The Saintess is here, so it would not be surprising that there are dragons."

"Hah, you two, you are too chummy! If the Prime Minister, who is having a hard time dealing with the dragon, heard this, he would cry."

"I don't care, but Mari was reincarnated from another world, so it's not surprising that she doesn't know."

"It's like Saintess and Mari were different people three hundred years ago."

"Saintess three hundred years ago?"

"I see. I'll give you a rundown of the Tyrant Dragon as a guide for the future."

For the next half hour, Chris talked about the Saintess legend of the continent.


Three hundred years ago, when Ardesia was in the midst of unending warfare, a dragon appeared. It is said that the souls of the soldiers who died on the battlefield were so bitter against this world that their grudges gathered together and gave birth to an evil dragon named [Tyrant Dragon].

The Tyrant Dragon's power was absolute, and many cities were destroyed. On that day, a fortress was just destroyed by the Tyrant Dragon. In a corner of the destroyed building, smoke still rising, a knight was about to lose his life.

At such a scene, the girl appeared. She took pity on the knight and saved his life using incredible divine magic. This was the Saintess.

The rescued knight pledged his eternal loyalty to the Saintess, and together they set out on a journey to slay the Tyrant Dragon.

The Saintess, the knight, and the five heroes fought the dragon and succeeded in sealing it with a huge divine magic [Saintess' Blessing], even though it cost them the lives of three people.


"Well, what do you think about the story of this one, about the Tyrant Dragon?"

Mari was thinking seriously as she listened to Chris' story.

"Hey, Chris."


"Isn't there an old temple at the foot of Mount Aldena, in the northernmost part of the Divine Land? [It's called the Temple of Saintess]."

"Yes, there is! And that's exactly what it's called."

"I knew it, this was......."

"What, did you remember something?"

"Ummm, I'm not at the point yet where I can give you specifics because I don't have enough information. But I can tell you this. If the dragon appears, I don't think anyone will be able to defeat it. If that happens, I will do something about it."


"Yes, I can promise you that."

"Thank you, the Prime Minister will be relieved if Mari takes on the task of defeating the dragon. I'm sorry, both of you. I have to go and report this to His Excellency."

Chris was about to leave the room when

"I forgot one more important thing!"

"Yes, what is it?"

"How much do you charge for my and Sophie's room and board here?"

Chris closed her eyes and put her fingers to her temples.

"No, you don't need to pay for that!"

The corners of her eyebrows twitched as she looked at Mari and Sophie, who were delighted to hear this and clasped hands together.


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