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Chapter 6 Adventurer's Guild Master, Glenn

The adventurers returned to Misery later that day after the incident in Narka Village. It was to report on the subjugation, but the other report was even more important.

At the Misery branch of the Adventurer's Guild, Derick met with the guild master.

"Derick, thank you for accepting my urgent call today."

His name was Glenn Cocrane, a hardened adventurer-turned-master.  He is twenty-five years old, one year younger than Derick. He had shaggy black hair and stubble, but his face was fearless as a former adventurer.

While brushing his shaggy hair, Glenn asked.

"So, how did it go?"

"We had a few problems, but we took down the Misrosaurus."

"That's good to hear."

He was about to say that, when he noticed that Derick's expression was very grim.

"What happened?"

"Glenn, can you trust me?"

"What's wrong with you, man? You've been my best friend since we were kids."

Derick thought about it with a difficult look on his face, then slowly speaks up.

"Actually, one of our members died in the defeat, a twelve year old sorcerer named Harill."

"Ah, that little genius. I'm sorry to hear that."

"No, I'm not talking about that... The dead Harill, I confirmed his death myself, but I discovered a girl who magically revived him."


"Harill's stomach was ripped open by a Misrosaurus, but the girl brought him back to life as if nothing had happened."

"Resurrection magic resurrection has yet to be successfully used in the Holy Kingdom. It's at the stage where the highest-ranking priests are studying it. You must be looking at something differently."

"No, it's been witnessed by all of our members and dozens of villagers."

Seeing Derick's serious expression, Glenn fell silent. After a moment, he looked him in the eye and asked.

"Hey, Derick, if such a thing is really possible then..."

"Yeah, Saint-sama would be the only one."

"Okay, tell me more about it."

After listening to what the adventurers had to say, Glenn stayed up all night compiling a report and went to Misery Castle before dawn. He made arrangements to meet the Prime Minister in person.

As he sat on the sofa in the waiting room, the sun was just beginning to rise.


At the same time, in a corner of the Misery Castle, the woman was just waking up.

"Christie-sama.... Christie-sama!"

A maidservant was trying to wake her mistress.

"Mmmm. Good morning, Sarah."

Rubbing her sleepy eyelids, the woman called Christie woke up.

"You've been having a lot of nightmares."

"Bad dreams again... Yeah."

"Bad dreams, huh?"

"Yes. Anyway, you're early today."

"Yes, the Prime Minister would like to see you."

"'So early in the morning? What business could he possibly have with me?"

She got ready and Sarah led her to the Prime Minister's office.

"Good day, Marquis Vinez."

"High Priestess, I apologize for calling you here so early in the morning."

The Marquis of Vinez, whose full name is Clementz Brownie de Vinez, is a white-haired old nobleman, but his manner and language are so polite that it is hard to believe he is a great nobleman.

Mystrel, a divine country, does not have a king or royalty. Instead, the country is represented by a princess miko, who is assisted by the Prime Minister.

Of course, she is a symbol and has no real power. The management of the country is decided by the Supreme Council, which is composed of the Prime Minister and other great nobles.

"Oh, it's Cocrane, the Adventurer's Guild Master."

Christie greeted, noticing her guest.

"I'm honored that you remember my name."

The three of them sat down on the couch and immediately got down to business. Since he had already spoken to the Prime Minister, Glenn turned to Christie and spoke.

"It's still unconfirmed, but I have information from someone I trust that Saint-sama may have descended upon us."


"There was a report that a sorcerer boy died in Narka Village and a girl saved him with Resurrection."

"Well... that's probably Saint-sama."

"Do you have any idea, High Priestess-sama?"

The Prime Minister inquired.

"Yes. I haven't told you about it yet, but I had the same dream two nights in a row now, the night before and last night. It was a dream about the Tyrant Dragon."

""Tyrant Dragon!""

The Prime Minister and Glenn shouted at the same time.

"It was the same three hundred years ago. It was because of the appearance of the Tyrant Dragon that Saint-sama descended."

If someone were to talk about dreams in a place like this, they would probably be laughed at, but Christie's situation was different. Her dreams are known to be highly prophetic.

"It's true that if the dragon is coming back, it would make sense for Saint-sama to appear..."

The Prime Minister spoke in a calm voice, but inwardly he was not at peace. If the revival of the dragon were to become a reality, it would be a war, or even an incomparable disaster. The history of three hundred years ago proves it.

"Where is Saint-sama now?"

On his way back from Narka Village, he said.

"I'll make preparation to receive her."

The Prime Minister stood up and called the guards.

" Saint-sama is accompanied by a former member of the Order, Sophia Stanbul. Perhaps you could send someone who knows her to meet with them."

"All right, I'll arrange it in that manner."

Thus, the knights who were to greet the Saint-sama departed from Misery.


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