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Chapter 5 The advent of the Saint!

"You son of a b--!"

"Go screw yourself, ------!"

The warriors charge forward, shouting loudly!

Gaaan! Gaaaaan! Gaaaan!

The shield made a loud noise, stifling the monster's advance.

However, it attacked relentlessly with its paws and head.

The warrior did his best to endure, but the damage was inevitable, and the priest cast Heal over and over again to heal him. It takes three of them.

As the defending tank created a state of equilibrium, the attackers came up behind it and slashed at it. The monster glared at them, but as it did, the tank slammed its shield down hard, drawing the attention from the attackers to himself again.

The two sorcerers took up positions some distance away and began chanting their attack magic.

Here in Narka Village, a tense battle was being waged!

Just as Mari and Sophie were about to leave, Misery received bad news: a large monster [Misrosaurus] had appeared in the lake of Narka Village.

Misrosaurus is a huge lizard monster, six meters tall if you include its tail. It walks on two legs and has large spikes running from its back to its tail.

The adventurer's guild called an emergency meeting and sent out a party of ten to deal with this monster, which was ranked A for difficulty in defeating.

When they arrived on the scene, the Misrosaurus was on the verge of attacking the village, but they managed to stop its advance and set up a fighting formation.

"Harill, are you ready!"

Derrick, the party leader, shouted as he wielded his large sword, while the sorcerer boy known as Harill was in the midst of focusing all his attention and increasing his magical power.

"Almost there, leader!"

There were not enough sorcerers at this emergency meeting, so Harill had a lot of responsibility. This time, because of Harill's burden, his grip on his staff tightened.

That's when it happened! Simon, the tank, is blown away, and a Misrosaurus approaches to crush him.

Harill saw this and unintentionally shot a flaming bullet to save him. The other sorcerer, Gilbert, followed suit and fired a flame shot.


With a roar, the monster burst into flames! But that thing kept moving in the flames, and as it changed direction, it escaped into the lake at great speed.

"Damn it, you screwed up!"

Gilbert hissed.

"Don't be so hard on him, Gil, Simon would have been in danger if Harill hadn't shot the flaming bullet."

"It's not Harill's job to save Simon!"

It made sense for a healer to help when a tank was in danger, and if Harill had been watching the battle carefully, he would have noticed that the priest had tried to help Simon.

Gilbert was furious and turned back to the village. The whole party followed.

"Derick-san, I'm sorry."

Derrick struck Harill, who was down on his face!

"Harill, do you know why he hit you?"

"I messed up the timing of my magic shot."

"Yes, you did. Half-hearted attack magic only makes the monster wounded. When you shoot, make sure you finish it!"

"Yes, sir."

He nodded, blood pouring from his mouth.

Although Harill was blessed with the talent of a sorcerer, he was still a child of twelve. It was actually hard for Derrick to hit him. However, he believes that this is for his own good.


Unaware of the situation, Mari and Sophie came to Narka Village in high spirits.

When they passed through the gate and arrived at the plaza, they found many people gathered there. Then Sophie noticed Harill's appearance.


She called out to him with a smile, but he only nodded and did not respond.

She finally noticed the strange atmosphere in the village and then spotted Derrick a short distance away.

"So that's what happened."

Finished listening to Derrick, Sophie gingerly looked at Harill, who was some distance away. He still seemed severely depressed.

"I guess I was too hard on him too. I don't have a family or anything yet, and I just don't know how to treat a kid."

"I'm sure Harill will understand Derrick's desire to turn him into a great adventurer. He's got a good temperament."

"You must have a pretty high opinion of me."

"Yes, I think that's the reason why Derrick was allowed him, at his age to join the party. Don't worry, I'll cheer him up after the battle."


Scratching his head, Derrick thanked her.

"So, while we're on the subject, would you like to join us in the fight?"

"I'm good, but what about ......Mari?"

" I don't want to. There seems to be a good number of priests, and if Sophie joins, it should be enough for the force."

"Okay, ----Derick, let me participate, is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm keeping an eye on the lake right now. I'll let you know as soon as it shows up, just stay close by."

Mari tugged on Sophie's sleeve and led her to a secluded spot.

"Sophie, the status raising spell hasn't worn off yet, so I think you'll be fine, but I'll cast another spell just in case."

Mari used the spell quickly and a beautiful light enveloped Sophie.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"It's a special Heal that will automatically heal any wounds you receive in battle."

"Wow, I didn't know there was such a useful magic."

"This is the magic I'm best at, and it has a name."

Mari continues----

"It's called [Blessings of the Saints]."

Blessings of the Saints is the name of the magic used by the saints in the legend.

When she first met Mari, she thought that maybe she was a saint?

She was confused and couldn't think straight.

Just as she was about to do so, Derrick's shouts reached the cabin.

"Sophie, the Misrosaurus is here!"

"I'll be right there!"

She takes a deep breath and turns to face Mari.

"You can tell me more about it later."

She left it at that, and with a hardened expression, headed off to defeat it.


The rematch with Misrosaurus was completely uneventful. Perhaps Sophie alone would have won easily. The other adventurers cheered her like a demon god.

Derrick looked at him with satisfaction as Harill and Gilbert finished him off with a flaming bullet.

Harill was also proud of his work, his eyes welling up with tears of joy.

But the battle was too easy, too simple. And that made him lose his guard.

Perhaps wanting to see how powerful his magic was, Harill had carelessly approached the fallen monster.

Just then, the tail of the Misrosaurus suddenly moved and unleashed a devastating blow! His body flew into the air and slammed into the ground with a crash.


Sophie drew her sword again and finished off the monster again. Then she ran up to him.

Harill, badly wounded in the abdomen, remained crouched on the ground. It was a terrible sight. Not only was he bleeding, but his guts were sticking out.

"Priest, Heal! All three of you, do it."

She instructed, and immediately contacted Mari via messenger.

[Mari, can you hear me?]

[What's going on?]

[It's urgent, come to my location!]

Sophie finished her call and checked Harill's condition. She saw that Harill was still breathing, but he was lying limp and did not move a muscle.

(I'm sure he'll be fine when Mari gets here. Until then, hang in there, Harill!)

When she arrived at the scene, there were already many villagers gathered there. Looking around, everyone was sobbing, and many of them were wiping the tears from their eyes.

Sophie emerged from the crowd and told them, stifling her frustration.

"Mari...... didn't make it!"

Sophie fell to her knees. Her eyes were wide open, and large tears flowed from them unceasingly. Without wiping the tears from her eyes, she slammed her fists into the ground again and again.

At first, Mari couldn't understand what was happening, but when she saw the bodies of Sophie and Harill in tears, she finally understood the situation.

She approached the prone Harill and got down on both knees on the spot. She then began to pray in a clear voice. Then, particles of light flooded out of Mari's body and enveloped Harill, who was now floating in the air.

Sophie, the adventurers, and the villagers all couldn't take their eyes off her as she continued to pray.

Eventually, the prayer ended, and Mari called out softly.

"Harill-kun, wake up."


When he woke up, rubbing his sleepy eyebrows, all understood.

The magic of Resurrection!

There is only one person in history who can use such magic. All the adventurers and villagers went down on one knee to face Mari right then and there.

"What, what? What's wrong with everyone?"

Mari looked at Sophie in surprise, as if asking for help. She walked up to Mari and, like everyone else, dropped to one knee and spoke solemnly.

"My Lady, I congratulate you on your advent."

"Huh? Eh------!!!!"

Mari's frantic voice echoed through the entire Narka Village.


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