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Chapter 4 Take me on a hunting trip

Heading west from Misery, there is a large lake and forest. There is a village nearby, called Narka Village. This hunt was requested by the village.

Mari and Sophie left Misery while it was still dark and arrived at their destination around nine o'clock.

Mari was in a great mood for her first hunt since her reincarnation in this world.

"You look so happy, it's like a picnic."

"This is the first step in my conquest of Ardesia! If I'm not happy about this, what am I going to be happy about?"

"Yes, yes, it's Mari's ambition, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is! Besides, this is my favorite hunting ground."

"Have you been here before?"

" Well, maybe... I'm not certain..."

"What's that about?"

"Well, you know, it's not really that important."

Mari laughed and feigned ignorance. She would tell Sophie everything eventually, but it would be a long story if she started now.

They checked their equipment, preparing for the hunt. Sophie was equipped with a long sword and chain mail, while Mari was wearing only a white robe.

(It's fun to build yourself up from here!)

That's what I tell myself, and I try to cheer up my depressed feelings.

After checking the equipment, it was time to start the hunt!

"Sophie, let's go!"

Mari raised her hands loosely and began to chant her magic, while floating gracefully.

Defense Power, Attack Power, Movement Speed... More than ten status-raising spells were cast on the two of them. When one spell was cast, a pillar of light rose from the magic circle, and another scattered light particles all over the area.

Sophie was as excited as a child at the gorgeous scene.

"Heal was flashy, but these spells are even flashier."

"It's not just the looks that are fancy, you know. You'll be more surprised when we start hunting. Also, there's something I need to explain to you before we start hunting."

Mari closed her eyes quietly.

[Can you hear me? Can you hear my voice?]

Sophie stiffened as the voice echoed in her head.

[Don't be so upset. Speak to me in your mind while being aware of me.]

[That startled me.]

[Sorry, sorry]

[But it's wonderful. I can't believe we can talk to each other like this in our minds.]

[It's a magic called messenger. It can only be used by a small group of people, but it allows members to talk to each other.]

Mari opened her eyes and now spoke with her voice.

"That's all the explanation I have for you. Now, let's start the hunt."

The two of them started running, searching for their prey. And right after that, Sophie's expression changed drastically!

"This is astonishing!"

"Are you surprised?"

Mari looks at her happily.

"I can't say I'm surprised! I can't even believe how fast I'm going. I think I'm moving at least a hundred kilometers an hour."

"It's called status raising magic. It dramatically improves not only your speed, but all of your abilities."

As they talked, they spotted their target: a giant bear monster called a Misery Bear. Normally, it would take four or five adventurers to kill this prey.

Sophie approached from the downwind side and increased her speed to close the gap!

She then drew her sword as she sprinted, slicing through the Misery Bear's torso and literally cutting it in two.

" I am sure my muscle strength has increased a lot. I'll have to think before I swing, or my sword will break."

" Of course! It's a level 99 magic."

"What? Level 99?"

"Well... Don't worry about that, let's discuss that later. Let's just keep hunting. We need to earn a lot of money."

"That's true. I'm not a knight anymore, and I need money to live."

They laughed and resumed their hunt.


Two hours have passed since then. After killing a large number of prey, we collected the parts to be examined and packed them in a bag. The parts that are required for hunting are the parts of the monster's body that prove that it has been hunted.

"It's not even noon yet, but our bags are full. We can't take any more home with us, even if we hunt more."

"It's a little early, but I think we should call it a day."

The two of them bathed in a nearby stream to wash off the blood from their hunt.

Mari wiped herself off and looked around at the scenery. The autumn breeze was rustling and the trees were beginning to change color. The sky was blue and high.

"Misery really is a beautiful place, isn't it?"

The Misery in the game was beautiful, but the excitement evoked by the real scenery was nothing compared to the virtual world.

"It's downstream from this stream. Narka Village is."

"Have you ever been there, Mari?"

" Well, kind of... I don't know..."

"That again?"

Mari laughed again and feigned ignorance once more.

I've been to Narka Village many times in the game, but I've yet to visit it in this world. But when she closed her eyes, she could picture the scenery of the village vividly.

"Well, I don't have to go to the village because I work for the Adventurer's Guild, but... do you want to go?"

Sophie asked, and Mari answered with a big nod.


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