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After that topic, we continued our discussions along with the opinions of Youmu and Adlas as we planned various operations.

「Well, I have already contacted the capital for backup just in case, but I feel like everything will be happening sooner than expected. I will be starting a scouting operation to search for the nest tomorrow around noon. I don’t know if the guild will be ready at that time, but can you come to the guild again tomorrow? 」

El Luca requested with a smile.

In conclusion, we all have agreed that a dangerous force is indeed at hand, but the situation is still at the discretion of the country, but if left as it is, the danger would only increase.And then, as if deciding about something and making up her mind, Shino called out to El Luca.


There weren't any specific instructions given to Shino other than accompanying us. She was only here to confirm about the attack, but other than that she was not really counted as an additional force for us.

「If you want to be a goblin’s plaything or sex slave……or livestock, I won’t stop you but are you sure? In the current situation, I can’t deny that possible outcome for you」


Shino froze hearing the unexpected reply from the guild master.

「Hey now, you can’t just blurt out something scary like that to her, you know? 」

I involuntarily retorted. I do understand what El Luca was trying to say though, and her point is certainly correct. Strategically speaking, Shino’s presence as an additional force is by nonexistent, at worst she’d just drag the whole group down. But, Isn’t it a little too harsh to blatantly word it out that way……?

「Ah, Au……I, It’s okay. Leticia-chan……I know too that I won’t be much of a help. After all, I’m sorry for saying something strange……sorry」

Shino slowly backed off after saying so.

I could definitely see frustration in her eyes as if tears were about to fall off at any moment.

El Luca then continues while observing the situation.

「Hmmm, well what I’m telling you is a little different though. I’m not really saying that you would be useless, you know? 」

「Eh? But, what you just said……」

El Luca grinned as if her words purposely misunderstood.

「Yes, as a matter of fact, having sexual experience or a sex slave would be quite useful in this situation……though are you really willing to take that path? Honestly, we don’t really need numbers if we are talking about forces we need to use……this is a certain fact which you could probably understand. Though I also don't want you to just end up in frustration not being able to help so I would also take good care of you. 」

「If you really want to prove yourself here, then you would need to bet with everything including your very existence. Do you have the will to do that? 」

「……Oi, Luka. Are you thinking of using her as a Decoy...」

Adlas who was certainly angry asks El Luca to confirm if that is certainly her aim. He’s scary, and I knew that he was strong to begin with……but this is the first time for me seeing someone so intimidating……?

「Oh, it seems like you got the gist of it? That is somewhat right indeed. Though the plan I am looking at is for her to tame a suitably strong goblin and infiltrate by making become something like a present for their lord. Of course complete with tools and magic necessary for infiltration. We also need to make sure that it doesn’t look suspicious that the enemy might find out about it. And if it did fail, we might need to abandon it all together depending on the situation」

「And if the worst did happen, having at least some experience may help her, and even if she end up as one of their livestock then we would still come to rescue her」

「So, are you prepared to do all of that? 」

What El Luca said was quite a detailed profound plan with a lot of considerations included that it made me doubt my ears. Adlas who barely followed also did his best to swallow the contents. And certainly the contents were something really harsh that a normal human would definitely despise.

However, it couldn’t be helped that the situation required it.

Shino thought hard about it, since she cannot directly help, she is considering the offer just to be able to do anything that she could be of use and El Luca who understands her emotions let her choose.

WOuld you accept the bet, or decline is something she has to decide on her own.

At the very least, if Shino rejected the idea, then El Luca would probably just plan something else with Youmu and Aldlas in tow. She is definitely skilled enough to do it.

To Adlas though, it seems like he would not really stop the volunteers from doing so if they really want to. In the first place, if she did really hate the idea then she just had to refuse it.

It was at this point that I could tell that El Luca is not by any means as naive and airheaded as she usually shows and behaves.

「Something like that……! Even I……!」

「Alright, that’s enough」

El Luca stopped Shino before she could finish her words after getting dragged in her momentum.

「This is not something that you can just decide on the spot you know? For the time being, you have until tomorrow noon to think about it. Come back here on time, so go on and get some rest for now. Then Adlas, can I leave that to you? 」

「……Tsk, seriously, if you really cared about such things then why make such decisions from the start」

「Oh, but that is not the case though. After all, I did give everyone the freedom to refuse. Aren’t you just being arrogant or overprotecting in this case? 」

「Well then everyone, that all for today so go and take a rest」

After El Luca declared so, our group also disbanded for the day.


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