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「But, can’t you communicate via the dungeon core?」

「Didn’t I tell you already? I am nothing but a soul now. I was able to take shape now because of the influx of magic power, but I was not able to do that at the time he was appointed as the manager……it was really vexing. All I could do was watch that one desperately learn things as he watched the adventurers that enter the dungeon……that’s why, this time because I have the chance, I would like to do everything I could possibly do. It’s kind of ironic that the being that was able to help the both of us was from a similar race as him. That little has finally been freed……」

Because of the forced removal of the administrative functions, Cerberica was able to return as the administrator, and laughed happily from the bottom of her heart.

Is this what she truly feels though. Her story was bitter, tragic and painful only to end up like this. Is it really alright to let it be……no, I isn’t this just the right time to turn things over?

「Alright, I’ve decided. I will also take you out」


「It’s simple, I’ll just have to remove about 90% of this place to remove you」

「Do you even know what you are saying……how are you even going to do that?」

「Well, you should take note of this from now on and keep it as a souvenir, there is nothing impossible when it comes to Fairy Magic」

And so, using all of my power, I took control of the system around us and forcefully created a new core. Using the skills of the dungeon fairy as base, I forcefully fitted a similar skill structure to replace what was needed. This time, there are no functionalities that would bind a soul in this place anymore.


She was about to say something bad again, but I silenced her with my reasons.

「At this point, of course I definitely want you too. Meet with the old man, talk to him, and tell him you are her first friend ever in this world. You were also alone in this place after all. I don’t want only one of you to have a happy ending. I won’t ever forgive such results. And fairies never admit defeat. That’s why」

Moments later after completing the rewrite, a hand of light grabbed me from the string in my left hand. I then offered my empty hand to the witch that was sobbing and couldn’t do anything on her own.

「Come on Cerberica. I want you to name that child after we leave. 」

「…………Ugh, haa, fine I give up. It’s really amazing, fairies that is……」

Finally after grabbing my hand, our bodies were sucked into the string, and the space we came from was crushed by an intense bright light………

「Gramps, you’re back!!」

「I got her. Help me pull her out!!!」

The old man came halfway out of the dungeon core, and then her best friend was holding his hand.


「Master, you were safe!!」

Everyone immediately rushed to confirm Aidle’s safety, but Aidle’s hand was still inside the dungeon core. Everyone was wondering what was happening?


「Ah, sorry Arena. Wait for a bit as I pull this idiot out. Come on now, don’t be shy, or do you have some kind of communication disorder. Don’t tell me something like being embarrassed appearing in front of many people now. What happened to that rapid non-stop talking you were doing earlier? Come- on- now- and- just- come out!!!」

After a bit of time, Aisle forcibly pulled out what seems to be a human from the core leaving the core with creaking noises after she pulled her out. However, the old man seems to be the most surprised seeing who it was.


After a while, things have finally settled down. The normal Arena and a loli La Veil was now with me sitting on Maurice that transformed into something like a sofa. The children were seated on chairs prepared by the old man while he and Cerberica was surrounded by everyone. This is to prevent both sides from running away. As we were doing so, Mika started talking to me.

「Hey, Aidle, is that person Japanese?」

「I’d say half. You could say that her parents was married into someone from this world」

「Oh, isn’t that kind of romantic」

It does sound like a nice romance story. I also like those kind of stories. Now then, right now Cerberica was looking at gramps as if she had done something terrible. I already told Gramps about all the things that I have witnessed inside the core, but he calmly listened.

「……Um, how should I start this, nice to meet you I guess? I didn’t expect that Creator was actually in my immediate vicinity not to mention that I was actually given the chance to meet her in the immediate future」

「Well, about that, it just couldn’t be helped……I also wanted to communicate with you, but I just couldn’t do anything」

「Ahaha, that is really embarrassing. When I was younger, I definitely did a lot of things that would make look like I was making a fool out of myself」

「No, no, I am actually quite that you were able to get that far, not  to mention that you were actually able to help us get out of the core under such circumstances, you are way more amazing compared to me………and I’m really sorry for not being able to do anything. I’m sorry……」

Gramps did not respond to her apologies and just went and pat Cerberica’s head gently. Cerberica who was a bit terrified raised her face to look up at Gramps who greeted her with a gentle smile.

「It’s alright. You did try to protect the world even to the point of giving up your life and being worried by a lot of things. Whatever the results, I also thought that you did what was right. We definitely both felt lonely because of that. But I’m more happy by the fact that I could share that experience with someone else, so please don’t look like that anymore. After all, I also wanted to give my thanks to you」

「……I see. Then I would like to thank you for all you have done so far. I want to give a gift to you who will walk in a brilliant future from now on. As the first and last parent who created you」

「……I will receive it with great respect.」

Cerberica who then lifted her hands to his cheeks while the old man kneeled down and bowed his head in front of her. The two were now both smiling.

「Then I shall give you your name, your name will be 『Quad』 . It was a name that according to my father would have the meaning 『Innocence』. And as your parent, I’ll also add my name to it. So from now on, you shall be known as 『Quad Cerberica』. I want you to accept this in happiness and continue to pursue the of happiness in your future endeavours……」

After doing so, Cerberica started fading from her feet. It seems like the excess magic power that made her materialize was now starting to vanish. Arena attempted to supply her again with magic, but this time I held her back. Sorry……but,

「You must not prevent it those who are already satisfied to pass on, okay」


I hugged Arena as I watched over the fate of the two unfolding before my eyes.

Gramps wrapped held both her hands as he said in tears.

「Yes mother. I wish you a peaceful rest……please have a good sleep」

「Yeah……farewell then, my beloved child」

Just as Cerberica was about to disappear, she turned towards me and bowed a little saying her last farewell.

「Aidle. Please, I ask of you……would look after my child, Quad?」

「Un. I swear I won’t let him live a life of regret. That’s why……you may take a peaceful rest, Cerberica」

「Yeah……I’ll do so……」

And so, the descendant of the hero who has lived for over 10,000 finally had a peaceful rest, and the existence she left behind laso satisfied while feeling their love for each other even after they had parted…………


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