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「La Veil, you became smaller again after a long time」

「Indeed. At the time of the battle with the Holy Armor , Arena increased the duration effect, so I was okay, but this time I was tired in a lot of ways. It was quite a struggle」

「So how much do you want?」

「Until I am full」



I put my hand on top of La Veil who was lying on top of Maurice and was holding Arena who was on the verge of falling asleep after the duration of her magic transformation ended. I then slowly let my magic power flow through her to which she gave out some cute cries, and as I was petting her like that she grabbed my hand and started suckling and playbiting with my fingers.

Cielo and Mika on the other hand were teaching the children how to cook. It was only a simple meat and vegetable stirfry though. I did warn them to pay attention to the use of seasonings, so it should be fine ……I really do hope so.

Oh, that’s right, after taking care of Cerberica, I haven’t really asked Quad what he would want to do.

「Hey Quad. What are you going to do now? I only did want to release you, but would you like to come along with use for now. After that though」

「At the moment, I do wish to follow Aidle-sama. I want to at least give back something in return and it seems like going along with you guys would be fun. Would that be alright though?」

「Of course! Then I guess, please take care of us too from now on?」

「Yes, I look forward to working with you」

「「「Nice to meet you!!」」」

With that, our dungeon troubles should be over now. It should be a good time for us to return, but before that I should examine everyone’s status and our loot. Alright, everyone gather around~

First up are the kids. All of them should be over 100 now, and they have reached the point where they would be able to live well on their own now. With their current status, they won’t be needing any backers to help them in the city.

「Ashia's children group has also become great ~」

「Thanks to Aidle-san. They are going to be great when they grow up...」

・Average Status of Children


HP 700/700

MP 320/320

ATK   260

DEF   210

MATK  290

MDEF  220

INT  80

SPD 280

Skills:Throwing(D~C+), Trap Dismantling(C+~B)

If they were adventurers, their status alone should be around D Rank. They could also throw knives from mid range and could hunt monsters on their own as a group. Almost all of them could dismantle properly and are not afraid to fight. They have also watched our way of fighting a lot. And at night, I would play board games with them to increase their INT. As a result of this quest, I’d say I give everyone a passing grade.

Next up would be Cielo. She was also around the same level as the kids.

「Good work Cielo」

「It was the first time I worked really hard to train myself. Look here, it’s like I have some abs now, right?」

「Are you implicitly telling me to lick your wonderful belly button?」

「That’s not what I am saying at all!?」

Well, you know, you did roll up your clothes to show me though……

Cielo Folbranad La Veil Radd(15) Lv.130


HP 1340/1340

MP 2470/2470

ATK   1215

DEF   989

MATK  2166

MDEF  2370

INT  330

SPD  911

【Inherent Skills】Prophecy, God’s Eye

Skills:Water Magic(B-)Throwing(C-)


Titles:Saint, Priestess

Cielo should have more than enough physical strength to get by, and her water magic that she uses in healing everyday have also grown a decent amount, and the daily muscle training until exhaustion has also shown its results. Good work, now you are more than capable enough to fight back if attacked by regular adventurers and fanatics. I would say, she had shown the most growth out of everyone.

……I wonder why I mostly have to train people that are in representative positions in their countries, such as Forna, but it can't be helped because they are friends. Let's go next without worrying about it.

「Mika really helped a lot this time. The useless Hero have now graduated」


Mika Sakurada(20) Lv.387


HP 145,611/145,611

MP 313,350/333,350

ATK   31,477

DEF   22,400

MATK  56,780

MDEF  51,102

INT  4200

SPD  53,900

【Inherent Skills】Automatic Recovery, Holy Sword, Automatic Translation, Item Box, Mental Resistance

Skills:Sword Arts(B+)Concealment(C+)


Titles:Hero, Otherworlder, Blessed by the Goddess

Arena told me that she did her best fighting against the mass of scorpions and she also struggled fighting against the rampaging undead during the Holy Armor Battle. Is that why she acquired 『Mental Tolerance』 because of being stuck on those really grinding battles, so I think she would become a great Hero? Well that's what I’ve been told by everyone at least. With that, I hope she becomes a good guardian for Cielo when they return to La Veil Radd.

「La Veil’s level didn’t really increase that much though」

「Well, that’s to be expected since I am already in a really high level range. Not to mention that I only did the minimum while controlling the battlefield so it can’t be helped. It’s okay though since I was able to get my fill of that Mead」

Well if it was not for La Veil, wwe would have really struggled getting past the 20th floor, and I wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on my fight with the Holy Armor. That’s why I consider her the MVP. She’s also an indispensable straight man partner…

Finally, Arena who was the center of support and assistance, which greatly helped Mika during the Ghoul Battle. Her Levels have now surpassed Testania-san. That’s great Arena, you might now have become the best in our Fairy Village!


「You don't have to force yourself to wake up. You may continue sleeping」


Arena(103) Lv.366


HP 1570/1570

MP 13,420/13,420

ATK   899

DEF   6420

MATK  3590

MDEF  10,057

INT  16,500

SPD  530

【Inherent Skills】Fairy Magic, Manifestation Dependency, Limited Growth

Skills:Concealment(SS), Parallel Thinking(SS+), Twin Sword Arts(A-)

I don’t really understand her growth despite being from the same fairy. Her INT has grown to more than double compared to  mine. I don’t think I would be able to normally win when competing with her. I do wonder though just how far her growth would reach……


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