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Chapter 11

It was like Autumn had been holding back a secret, and after a year and a half of dating, unleashed it on Mike in a flood of orgasmic bliss. It was magic, and she finally used her magic and it entered his soul and consumed him like a spell.

The question as to whether or not it had been real, slowly dissipated over the following weeks and months. She never said as much, and reserved most of the sexy verbal communication about her body to intimate moments, but her actions spoke louder than her words ever could.

It was what she didn’t say that gave Mike the permission he needed. He went back to making her breakfasts every morning that were calorically dense as a weekend brunch, and she never refused them, and she didn’t say no to cake at night or snacks throughout the day. She stopped criticizing herself, and became much more relaxed and at ease, and confident with her curves. As a result, her weight continued to creep upward.

By October of 2020, she had added another 5 pounds to her overly voluptuous figure, putting her at 221. In November, she had gotten up to 227, and by Christmas time she was 234.

“I got something for you,” Mike said.

Autumn slowly pulled the spoon from her lips and placed it in her carton of McConnell’s ice cream. She took the soft little plastic wrapped cube from Mike’s hand. “What are these?”

“They're like the CDB gummies, but they have a little THC in them. Thought it might help with your foot and neck pain.”

She studied it, then looked up at Mike from her  spot on the couch. She put her ice cream carton on the end table to her left, then turned the volume down on the TV. “What about like, you know your sobriety?”

Mike stood next to the coffee table and shrugged. “You took away my sobriety a long time ago.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

He gazed down at her and gave her a dimpled grin. “I get a buzz just from looking at you.”

She rolled her eyes at him.

“It’s okay,” he said. “As long as I stay away from alcohol I’m fine.”

“I haven't smoked weed since college.”

“Me neither, I haven't since it’s been legal.”

“Okay I’ll try.” She attempted to unwrap it, but gave up quickly and reached out toward Mike. “Can you open it for me?”

He smiled again and took it from her. “Sure.”

He tore the plastic off, and popped it in her mouth. She chewed and went right back to her snack and TV show. He ate one too, then went to the kitchen to finish putting away the groceries.

He wasn’t sure what compelled him, but he stopped by Shawn Kemp’s Cannabis shop earlier that day while running errands. He planned on just picking up some more CBD gummies, but with his curiosity and a little push from the sales girl, he walked out of there with 100 milligrams worth of THC edibles. Of course, he wanted to try it himself, and he did think it would help the aching neck Autumn had been complaining about, but it was more than that. He was having trouble sleeping, Autumn was too. Covid cases were surging again and the lack of work and social activities were making their world feel much smaller and more enclosed. Both their parents canceled the usual Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings, and it felt, more than ever, that Mike and Autumn had no one to lean on except each other.

She finally rose from her spot on the sofa and brought her empty ice cream carton to the kitchen and placed it on the counter. Dressed for comfort as well as style in green velour joggers and a matching zip up sweatshirt, she looked gorgeous almost beyond Mike’s comprehension.  “What time do you want to leave tomorrow?”

Mike closed the fridge. “Earlier the better.”

“God, I am so looking forward to sleeping in though.” She sighed and watched Mike tend to the boiling pot of water on the stove. “Will dinner be ready soon?”

“About 15 minutes.”

“Okay, I’m going to go outside, want to join me?”

He shook his head. “No you go ahead, I need to keep an eye on this.”

“Okay.” She gazed out at the far window next to the balcony. “Is it cold out there?”

“Not cold enough to snow yet, but it’s getting close.”

She unzipped her top, revealing the skimpy white camisole beneath. Her arms had gone through noticeable changes in the past few months. She had no muscles to speak of, her detoids were nonexistent, and yet the upper part of her arms were starting to get pretty big and wobbly. She bent over to put on her Pikolino boots, then grabbed her fluffy white coat from the wall hook. She put it on but struggled with the sleeves. It was clearly too small for her now, and there was no way she would be able to actually button it together in the front, not with those perky double D’s exploding out of her chest. She didn’t even try.

Mike noticed that just the simple ordeal of adding a few articles of clothing, had left her slightly winded.  He watched her wiggle away and felt the vibrations of the clicking steps of her heels radiate throughout the floor of the apartment. Her formerly bouncy strut had morphed into a slow and lethargic slog of swaying hips and jiggling thighs, somehow still perceptible even beneath her winter coat.

She was really getting big and bottom heavy.

Was she getting too big?

Autumn was a ridiculously beautiful woman, and Mike had grown accustomed to the pride and status that came with being known as the guy with the crazy hot girlfriend; but would she still be considered hot, even at her current size?

Who was he kidding, of course she would.

But still, he found himself wondering what his Mom would say if she saw Autumn now; what his dad would say, what his sister and his friends would say.

A guy had told him once, years ago, not to date curvy women because curvy girlfriends turn into fat wives. He was a dipshit, but maybe he was right.

Autumn was getting fat. She had passed the point where she could just start exercising and drop down to a weight more reasonable for her body type, or to the way she used to be. It couldn’t be good for her to carry around so many extra pounds, but if that’s what he really believed then why did it turn him on so much?

Why had their sex life been so turbo-charged during the past few months?

Why could he not stop fantasizing and wondering, what her ass would look like if it got even bigger, and why was he currently pitching a tent in his jeans just thinking about it?

He dished up a huge helmet sized bowl of penne pasta with chicken and mushrooms, swimming in a sea of buttery parmesan sauce. It was way more than Autumn could eat, but he knew she had a habit of consuming 80 percent of her meals no matter the portion size, as if she thought not finishing everything was somehow more ladylike or something. He turned and gazed across the living room toward the balcony. She was still outside. Looking over his shoulder he grabbed a bottle of olive oil and drizzled it over her pasta dish for several seconds, likely pushing the meal to well over 1000 calories.

When she came back in she squirmed out of her coat, kicked off her boots, and plopped on the sofa. Mike brought her the sumptuous dinner and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Here you go babe.”

“Mmmm, thank you.” She held the bowl with both hands and looked at it wide-eyed. “This thing is huge!”

“Just eat what you can, I made a ton.”

“Where’s yours?”

“Grabbing it now.” Mike went back to the kitchen and made himself a bowl that was less than half the size of the one he made for her. He turned off the lights, then sat next to her on the couch. “We gonna watch Yellowstone?”

“Sure. This is (chew, chew) really good though.”

“Glad you like it.” He reached over her lap and took the remote.

They watched, and ate.

When the episode was over, Autumn leaned forward and put her bowl on the coffee table. It was completely empty.

“Ooooh, (pant) I’m so full,” she cooed in a breathy voice. She placed both hands on her bloated belly. “Ooomf, (gasp) I wish I could take all this, and just like move it to my boobs and ass.”

“But your belly is so sexy.”

“Maybe (hiccup) to you.”

“Who else do you need to impress?” He leaned in, lifted her camisole and kissed her navel.

“You really do like it don’t you.”

He sat back and smiled. “I really really do.”

She curled her feet beneath her thighs, stuck her butt out and batted her eyelashes. “I think you like my butt better.”

He kissed the velvety fabric that covered her enormous round hip. “I love everything.”

“Would you…oooof…(gasp) still love me if I got fat?”

His eyes slowly scanned the buxom contours of her body.

If she got fat?

She was already there. She seemed to be nothing but hips with the sexy way she was sitting.

Yowza. That ass was getting huge.

He smiled. “Of course, there’d just be more of you to love.”

She adjusted her posture and made a face of discomfort as she pulled down on the waistband of her pants, letting her belly spring out freely onto her lap. “Ooohh, (gasp, hiccup) too tight.”

“Maybe it’s time for some new pants.”

She sat up and tried to cross her legs a couple times, but her thigh just kept sliding off and back down into the depressed seat cushion. She gasped and scowled. “Again?”

“Yeah, again.”

She leaned back and threw up her hands. “Maybe I should just let myself go. (pant) You’d probably love that.”

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. He fondled her thighs, then squished and kneaded her belly with both hands. “Yeah, I probably would.”

She squirmed away. “Slow down lover boy, (pant) I need a cigarette before you get me all hot and bothered.” She rocked forward in an attempt to stand, but felt too stuffed and heavy to move under her own power. Mike wasn’t entirely sure if her struggle was genuine, or if she was playing it up for his pleasure, but either way he found the act to be incredibly arousing.  She reached out her arm and gave him a puckering, pouty face. “Help please.”

When they returned from the balcony the THC was beginning to take hold.

Autumn flopped back on the sofa and with tired and glossy eyes said, “I’m hungry.”

Mike made his way toward the kitchen and hung both of their jackets on the wall. “There’s gingerbread cookies, and fudge.”

She made a face. “Uhhh…diabetes in a tin. Is there no cheesecake?”

He walked her way, shaking his head. “No, you finished it this morning.”

She raised her eyebrows. “All of it?”


She glared at him and crossed her arms. “Isn’t it your job to make sure I always have cake when I need it?”

“I’m sorry.” He smiled. She always looked so pretty when she pretended to be mad. “We still have that box of peanut brittle. What sounds good?”

“I don’t know, I'm just like starving all of a sudden.”

He shrugged. “Okay so…”

“Just bring the tin of fudge and cookies and, why not… get the peanut brittle too.”

“Okay baby.” He did as he was told and sat beside her as she grazed on the Christmas treats as they watched another episode of Yellowstone. The THC was more potent than he expected, as he could feel the intense hunger rising in his stomach along with a sensation of mind numbing relaxation. He watched Autumn pop fudge into her mouth like they were M&M’s. He reached for one from the metal box on her lap.

“Hey!” She slapped his hand away and looked daggers into him. “Don’t even think about it. Get your own.”

He smiled, drew close and put his arms around her. As ravenous as he felt, he was  more than happy to starve if it allowed her to eat to her heart’s content.  Just the sound of her lips moving aroused sexual thoughts in his brain. He put his hand on her belly and savored the way it moved in and out with each breath. He kissed her breast, wiggled his fingers between her sprawling legs and reduced his voice to a slow whisper. “We’ll have to stop at every fast food place we see tomorrow, so you can just stuff your face for the whole drive.”

Her eyes closed and her neck cocked after biting the head off of a red and green frosted gingerbread man. “Mmmm…yeah, (chew, munch) I’d like that.”

He was somewhat surprised by her overtly sensual reaction. “You would?”

She grabbed his hand and placed it on her belly. “Yeah.” She shoved the rest of the cookie in her mouth.

No longer paying any attention to the TV, he brought his lips to her ear. “Keep that belly full, make those thighs even…chunkier?”

She squirmed in her seat like a purring kitten. “Ooooooh, (chew, munch) yes baby, so chunky.” She flopped her arms limply to her sides. “Feed me,” she cooed.

He took a square of butterscotch fudge and plopped it in her mouth.

She chewed quickly like she couldn’t get enough. “Mmmm (chew, chew) more, more,(gasp) more.” He fed her a chocolate one, then another butterscotch, then he broke into the peanut brittle and fed her several big chunks. Her eyes were getting glossier, her breathing was accelerating and her belly seemed to be protruding out in front of her further. “You’re (gasp, huff) going to have to (pant) help me up the stairs after this. Either that or we’ll have to move the bedroom down here.”

He rubbed her belly as if she was carrying his baby. “Stairs too hard for you?”

She nodded. “Mmhmm.”

He rested his chin on her shoulder. “Okay baby.”

“Mmmm, more.” Her lips parted.

He fed her another piece of peanut brittle, then gave her belly a gentle slap, creating enough of a ripple effect to make her boobs jiggle. “You like that?”

She was so blissed out that she answered with her eyes closed. “Mmhmm…yeah, (munch, chew) that feels so good.” She quivered pleasurably from all the things his hand was doing. “Ooohh, mmmm, (gasp) more please.” Her lips parted in anticipation.


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