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Chapter 10

Things were different during the following few days. Autumn was different. She was less affectionate, and refused her bacon and German pancake breakfasts in the morning, and didn’t seem to eat much of anything during the day aside from picking at fresh fruit and having an occasional Greek yogurt.

Mike even caught her exercising a few times in the bedroom, doing things like pilates and body-weight lunges through an app on her phone.

That was a sight to see, to say the least.

He decided that if she was serious about getting back in shape, then he would get serious too and try to step up his game. He brought out his old home pull-up bar and installed it in the doorway of the guest bathroom downstairs.

“Oh wow, there’s no way I could do that,” Autumn said.

Having just finished a short workout herself, she watched from behind as he gripped the bar, slowly lowering himself down, then shooting back up in explosive bursts of strength. His shirt was off, and she admired the way his hardened back muscles, biceps, and shoulders bulged and contracted with each movement.

He looked hot, like really hot.

He let go and placed his feet firmly on the tile flooring of the threshold. He turned around. “I could help you try, if you want.” Her hair was drawn back in a loose ponytail and she was dressed in black leggings and a baggy t-shirt, cut short at the waist. “Come on.”

She shook her head, but stepped forward so she was directly beneath the bar. She rolled her eyes. “I have no upper body strength.”

“Can you grab it?”

She lifted herself to her tippy toes and reached up her hands. She could barely get her fingers around the foam covered grips.

Mike bent over and wrapped his arms around her thighs, smooshing his head against her butt in the process.“Okay, ready?” He heaved her upward, lifting with his legs as she pulled with all her strength. She felt extremely heavy, somehow much heavier than he anticipated, but he managed to get her chin just above the bar. He lowered her down slowly, then let her hang for a second.

“This is actually (pant, huff) a good stretch for my back,” she said, gasping from the strain of her weight. She tried to pull herself up with her own power, but couldn’t move an inch. “God, I can’t believe (gasp, pant) you can do this.” She let go and lowered her sock covered feet back onto the solid floor. “I think (pant, huff) I’ll let you do your exercises (pant), and I’ll stick with mine.”

Mike gazed at her lustfully. She was driving him crazy with that outfit and that hair and the sexy way she was panting and trying to catch her breath.

Why the hell did her labored breathing turn him on so much?

He reached out his arm and gently caressed her waist with his fingertips. She was sweating and her body was warm. He gestured toward the upstairs loft. “Are you doing okay up there?”

She stayed at arm's length, and did not draw closer to him like she normally would. “Yeah why?”

He shrugged and spoke hesitantly. “I don’t know, just seeing if you're hungry or if you need anything.”

She crossed her arms and turned away. “No! I’m not hungry and you don’t need to keep asking.”

“Alright alright.”

Her eyes darted over his naked, pumped up torso, then she glared at him like a teacher reprimanding a student. “Don’t worry about me.”

He nodded and gave her a dismal smile of defeat. “Okay.”

Before she weighed herself, Mike and Autumn made love nearly every night, sometimes twice a night, but since then their sex life was nonexistant. It had been 3 days now, and Mike was starting to worry.

Was she losing interest in him?

Had she become ashamed of her curves, ashamed of her body?

He didn’t like it, but tried his best to be understanding and supportive. She seemed hellbent on overhauling her entire lifestyle and he knew how difficult that could be.

But God. He missed her.

He missed their evenings together on the couch, watching conversation stimulating TV shows and movies while he held her in his arms and she ate creamy rich desserts without a care. He wondered if she missed it too.

In all honesty he really did want to support her in her desire to shed some weight, but why did it have to come with the attachment of abstinence and with her being so cold and distant?

Later that night, Mike laid in bed twiddling his thumbs thinking about it. The toilet flushed and Autumn finally emerged from the bathroom. She was wearing a black thong, but had thrown on a loose fitting t-shirt as if to hide herself.

She sat on the edge of the bed for a moment with her back turned. Mike marveled at her shape from behind, and the way her hips sunk into the mattress. His dick was throbbing. The lack of physical contact was killing him. He reached for her.

“No, please. I’m tired and not in the mood.” She swiveld her legs on top of the bed and laid on her back with her knees bent and the covers off. Mike couldn’t help himself and reached for her again, trickling his fingers against her thighs. She could feel his burning desire and she turned and looked at him sourly. “Come on. It’s hard for me to get aroused when I don’t feel sexy.” She sighed and stared back at her knees. “I don’t even recognize myself anymore.”

How could she not feel sexy?

Weight gain or not, she couldn’t be unsexy if she tried.

He laid on his back and bent his knees as well, mimicking her position exactly.  Dressed only in boxers, he compared his thighs to hers. His were thin, toned, and hairy and there was a huge gap between them, while hers were squished together, flawless, silky smooth, plush, and seemed to be twice as big as his in every direction. “You have very nice legs,” he said.

She stared at the ceiling, let out a disparaging gasp and without a trace of enthusiasm said, “Thanks.”

He shimmied his hand between them and caressed the softest spot of her inner thigh, gently and lovingly, then he drew his hand away. “I’m sorry, I’ll let you sleep.”

“No.” She turned, her mood suddenly different. “That actually feels really good.”


Was he actually getting somewhere?

Did she feel as sexually deprived as he did?

He put his hand back and continued. Her skin was like butter.  After a while he moved from her crotch to her belly. He rubbed it, slow and prudent. “Does that feel good?”

Her pelvis shifted. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted. “Mmhmm.”

“I love your belly.”

She opened her eyes. “You do?”

“Yeah.” He sunk his fingers deeper into the flesh around her navel and massaged her like he was worshiping a deity. “Do you feel safe with me?”

She gasped, feeling wonderfully woozy and dreamy from his masculine touch. “Yes.” She became still for a moment, then looked at him skeptically, yet also with a lusty trace of hedonism. “Why do you like my legs so much?”

“Because they’re sexy and shapely and soft…and because they’re yours.”

She looked back to the ceiling. “Do you think I have… thick thighs?”

Okay. Where was she going with this?

“I think you have amazing thighs, perfect thighs.”

She turned and stared at him, somewhat serious. “But do you think they’re thick?”

His eyes darted from her legs to her face, still unsure of what she was getting at. “Umm…yes.”

“Mmmm,” she cooed with a sound of deep pleasure.

He looked at her, confused.

He couldn’t comprehend how her moods could change so quickly, but he understood what went through a woman’s mind like he understood a foreign language. He sat up, then got on all fours and crawled on top. He lifted her shirt, lowered his head between her spreading legs and kissed her belly. “Do you like that?”

“Mmhmm.” She had an odd expression on her face and softly squished and jiggled her legs against his sides. “Do you think my thighs are…chunky?”

Her words sent shockwaves of excitement from his stomach to his throat. Now he was really confused.

How could she go from crying her eyes out over her weight, to vowing to diet and exercise, to getting turned on by receiving verbal confirmation that her thighs were thick, within the time span of a few days?

Was it simply because he had made her feel safe somehow?

Had it all been just some sort of test?

“Umm…do you want me to think that?” he said.

“I want your honest answer.”

He grabbed the thickest part of her left thigh. It was so big that even his two large hands couldn’t come close to going all the way around it. “Yeah, I love your chunky thighs.”

A tremor went through her, and she wiggled and sank deeper into the mattress. “Oooh, baby.”

He continued fondling her doughy flesh and the way she was reacting encouraged a boldness in him. “I love how thick and lush and chunky they are.”

She melted. “Mmmm, ooohh god, Mike!”

He was hard as a rock.

He pulled her panties off, then stripped himself of his boxers. He lunged back on top and put his lips to her belly again; then let himself fall into her breasts, and kissed her neck. After several minutes of poking and teasing her clit, he slipped inside of her effortlessly. He rocked back and forth for a while as she gasped and moaned with delight, groping his ass with both hands.

After several minutes, he rolled off and helped remove her shirt. He laid on his side, shoved his arm beneath her waist then pressed himself into her and kissed her on the mouth.


The bare skin of her belly felt so delicious as it oozed against his abdomen.

With some effort, he hoisted her on top, and let all 216 pounds of her pin him to the bed. He grabbed her love handles, shoved her chubby torso closer to the headboard, then slid back inside of her warm moist pussy and continued thrusting into her as the steady rhythm of sex took over.

He could tell she was very aroused, but with the heat of the room, and the added weight, she was beginning to sweat profusely, and Mike was having trouble getting her to climax. All of the usual dirty talk wasn’t working and after a while she was gasping for breath and getting nowhere. He decided to try something audacious, something different.

He gazed up into her steamy, sex-starved eyes and said, “You want me to make you breakfast tomorrow morning, help keep those thighs nice and…chunky?”

She almost squealed. “Ohhh…yes (pant) baby.” She gave him an exceedingly sexy and pouty look, then brought her rocking cadence to a stop. She gazed at him, her eyes beseeching and pleading. “I’m (gasp) hungry right now, (pant, gasp) can you get me some cake?”

He grabbed her by the shoulders. “You want cake right now?”

She smiled and nodded. “Mmhmm.” She let herself slip away then rolled off and onto her back.

Mike’s eyes were wildly intoxicated and as big as saucers.

What the hell was happening?

He stared at her for a moment, then jolted out of bed and ran downstairs, naked as the day he was born. He returned seconds later with a big slice of cheesecake and a fork.

They didn’t need to explain it, they just knew.

Her lips parted expectantly and he didn’t hesitate to feed her.

“Oh God, (chew, chew) mmm, more.” He kept feeding her and she kept chewing and opening her mouth after each bite and did this until all of the cake was gone. She weezed wearily and licked her lips. “You really (pant) like how…chunky I’m getting?”

He put the empty plate and fork on the end table. “Yeah, I fucking love it.” He mounted her again and slid back inside. He was losing control now and he reached down, grabbed a good handful of her belly and shook it.

She reacted like it was the best feeling in the world. “Oooooh, (gasp) God baby.”

He continued thrusting into her violently, passionately and with reckless abandon. “I love how big and soft and curvy…”

She moaned louder. “Ohhhh, (pant) mmmm.”

Her response to his words astounded him, but in the heat and fervor of the moment, they were so reassuring, and he was so drunk with blinding lust that he decided to go all the way, drawing his mouth to her ear and whispering, “And how… fat you’re getting.”

That put her over the top. Her eyes rolled back, her mouth gaped open and her entire body quivered and contracted in euphoric spasms.

“Ohhh (gasp, huff, pant) fuck, (huff) ohhh God baby (gasp, pant), oooohh, (pant) Mike!”

In the afterglow, she rolled over, still catching her breath. “Oh my (pant) God. That was amazing, I think I orgasmed like (pant) three times.” She slowly sat up. “I feel so ashamed.”

“You have nothing to be ashamed about.” He gazed up at her glossy eyes. “Did you like it?”

She turned her head. “Yes. I did.”

“Then why feel shame?” He sat up as well and rested his back against the headboard. “We’re taught from a young age in this country that sex is sort of bad and taboo, but that’s all wrong. It’s a natural expression of love, and there’s nothing wrong with giving into your sexual desires. It’s a beautiful thing.”

Still with labored breathing she brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes. “I liked it when (pant) you fed me.”

“I could tell.”

“Why was that so hot?”

“I don’t know? Food is sexy. It engages all the senses…smell, taste, sight, the sound of your lips…”

“Stop it, you're going to turn me on again.” She gave him a little smirk then got up and went to the bathroom.

Mike collapsed back into a lying position, trying desperately to wrap his head around what just happened.

Was this for real?

Was he dreaming?

He was still wondering about it when she came back.

She looked down at him. “Oh my God babe, you’re still so hard.”

He tilted his head towards his chest. “Yeah I know.”

She got into bed and curled up next to him. “Why are you still so hard?”

“Why do you think?”

She let her naked leg fall between his knees and ran her fingers over the hairs of his chest. “Is it because you love my body?”

He let out a blissful sigh, then smiled. “Something like that.”

She brought her voice down to a slow and sensual whisper. “You love how chunky I’m getting don’t you.”

God that word again.


He looked into her eyes. “I love everything about you.”

With mild struggle, she lifted herself on top of him and kissed his lips. She let all her weight collapse onto his hard, slim body. “Do I need (pant) to let you go again?”


Implants Only

Awesome writing - very erotic. I love the sexy weight gain talk but especially the hips and thighs.