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Chapter 4

Larisa and Ashley went to a Halloween party a few nights later with a bunch of friends. Chad was there, but as usual he was with Kennedy. That did not stop Ashley from having a good time however, she actually had a lot of fun playing up the tease that she was, and she caught Chad staring at her ass several times.

She had bought herself a sexy nurse costume just a few days prior. It was on the small side but she somehow managed to squeeze herself in and she looked so hot that she more or less stole the party that night. All the boys seemed to fall over themselves for a chance to get close to her, and that kind of attention only served as reinforcement that her plan was working. While her rare beauty had been striking before, now that she was curvier it was blatant, overt, unmistakable, self-evident and loud.

As the months continued she went on eating whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Also, just as she had explained to Larisa, she was back in the gym at least 4 days per week. It was an adjustment at first, as she had to learn exercises that she had mostly avoided throughout her life. Before, it was all about shedding inches and doing whatever she could to minimize her prominent posterior, now it was just the opposite.

She did heavy leg presses, squats, donkey kicks, and spent a lot of time sitting on the hip abduction machine opening and closing her thickening thighs. She got serious about it, and had even started drinking ice cream milkshakes with heaping scoops of protein powder every morning. It was paying off too, quite literally, as all of her progress was brilliantly documented and showcased on Onlyfans.

She knew Larisa was good, but even so she was amazed that her online persona had become so popular, so quickly. By the time spring quarter came to an end in late April, she was raking in almost 5 grand a month, but the changes in her bank account were nothing in comparison to the changes in her body.

It was shocking.

To see her formally lithe 116 pound figure transform into the 186 pound goddess she had become was borderline unbelievable to those privileged enough to witness.

It was all a little bittersweet, as despite her successes, she had still failed to pull Chad away from Kennedy. What made it all worse was that Chad did end up having an incredible football season. He led the Sundevils to their best record in decades, just barely missing the CFB playoffs. He also threw for 3,000 yards, nearly 40 touchdowns and his season was so good that he was indeed awarded the Heisman Trophy as the nation's best collegiate football player.

This only made Ashley more determined than ever to win his heart, or, at the very least, his dick.

A 70 pound weight gain in the time span of just 8 months however, didn’t come without its problems. Shopping for clothes was like a weird joke. Jeans were basically hopeless. She found that she couldn’t get anything smaller than a size 14 over her expanding rump, but even when she could, her much narrower waist would be practically swimming in them. It was like there was no point anyway. With the way she was eating, whatever she could fit into one week, would barely even get past her hips a few weeks later.

Also, because she had put on so much weight so quickly, her body and mind were having a hard time adjusting. Although she was certainly putting in her time at the gym, strengthening her lower body, it was impossible for her to gain muscle as rapidly as she was gaining fat.

“Come on Ash, please,” Larisa said. “All we need is one more player.”

Ashley was sprawled out on an outdoor lounge chair in the shade, finishing off her third bratwurst as Drake bumped from someone's car speakers in the near distance. She looked up at her friend. Larisa was showcasing her 5 foot 7, 135 pound body beautifully in a two-piece swimsuit. She had a big smile on her face.

They had gone up to Lake Pleasant with friends for a weekend of barbecuing, wakeboarding, inner tubing, and swimming. Of course, Ashley was more interested in eating, drinking and sunbathing, and she didn’t have much interest in partaking in all that other stuff.

Ashley put the last piece of the ketchup stained hoagie bun in her mouth. “Ehh, (chew, munch) volleyball is not a sport for short girls.”

“What are you talking about? You used to love it,” Larisa said. “Take a break from stuffing your face for like one second and come play!”

Ashley put her paper plate aside and stared at Larisa for a moment.

“Please, these guys are really hot,” Larisa said. Her lips then formed a sly smirk. “Chad and Kennedy are playing.”

Ashley jolted to attention. “Omigod really? I thought they were out on the lake.”

“They’re back.”

Ashley quickly shifted her weight around, as if her mind wanted her to get up and her body wasn’t cooperating the way she expected.

Larisa rolled her eyes. “Omigod, do you need help?”

Ashley placed both hands on the little plastic armrests and lifted herself upward with a gasp, her admittedly chunky thighs wobbling like jello in the process. “No, (pant) I got it.”

“Jesus girl.” Larisa watched in amazement as Ashley continued to combat gravity. Although she had seen it all first hand and in real time, she was still stunned by how huge her roommate had become in certain places. She reached out her hand to help. “Yeah, I’m thinking it’s definitely time for you to get a little exercise.”

“Omigod shut up,” Ashley said as Larisa hoisted her to her feet. “I said I would do it didn’t I?”

Ashley was also wearing a bikini, but she had her bottoms covered by a pair of Daisy Duke style jean shorts that looked like they would've fit 20 pounds ago. The tops were digging into the softer flesh of her belly and the front button looked like it might pop off at any moment. Ashley’s ability to somehow maintain a narrow girlish waist after putting on 70 pounds didn’t mean that she hadn’t developed some love handles and a bit of extra squishiness in her tummy. Although, that was all nothing if not unnoticeable in comparison to what lay below.

Her shorts were obviously highly stylized, but it was almost unclear if the ripped look at the hems were by design or were because of the way her massive thunder thighs were exploding out of them. Her proportions were just crazy and she now measured 34-27-46. You might say she was pear-shaped but she was really more of an extremely bottom-heavy hourglass, incredibly feminine and excessively sexy. She still had her beautiful face, which was only slightly rounder then it used to be; and she maintained her flawless skin, which was now beautifully bronzed from the sun.

It was 4 on 4. Larisa, Ashley and two guys from the football team (Jayden and Omar) versus Chad and another guy from the football team (Kellen) as well as Kennedy and her friend Harper. They had set up a court on grass, only 30 or so feet away from the shoreline, as with the temperature in the upper 90’s, playing on the sand of the small man-made beach would be far too hot for their feet.

There was a collective and audible gasp from the all the men when Ashley wiggled into view. With her skimpy shorts digging into her thighs just inches below her ass, her beautiful blonde hair pulled back in a sexy ponytail and her Gucci sunglasses, she looked like a frat boy’s horny hallucination. She huffed into the field of play with a provocative strut, knowing Chad was watching.

She had been somewhat athletic in high school, but those days were gone and now it was a different story. Her thighs had gotten so big that they seemed to get in the way of one another and her huge butt slowed her down considerably. She was completely winded and exhausted after just 15 minutes.

“Okay guys seriously, (gasp) one more point and I’m done,” Ashley said breathlessly. She felt as though she was being cooked alive from the sweltering sun. Her ankles hurt and her lungs burned. She hadn’t realized how out of shape she had become since giving up cardio for the past 8 months.

Kennedy scowled at her haughtily. “Alright alright we got it!”

Kellen, the big 6 foot 5 tight end on Chad and Kennedy’s team tossed the ball around in his giant hands and stared down Jayden and Omar as if his competitive inclinations from football were seeping into this silly and trivial volleyball game. He jumped up and whacked a powerful overhand serve that seemed to curve in the air at 100 miles per hour straight at Ashley in the far back corner. She squealed in terror and instinctively turned her back and bent over to protect herself. The ball hit her right in the ass with such force that it bounced all the way over the net, landing in bounds, just out of reach of Kennedy.

“Holy crap Ash! We Won!” Larisa raised her arms above her head in celebration. “Way to use your butt!”

Jayden smiled at Ashley warmly. “Good job, good game.”

“Thanks,” Ashley said bashfully. “But now I really need (pant) to get off my feet.”

Jayden looked at her so longingly it was a wonder he wasn’t drooling. “Let’s do it again sometime.”

Ashley turned and gave him a smile. “Oh, we’ll see.”

On the other side of the net, Kellen was walking toward Chad. “Sorry bro, didn’t mean to do that.”

Chad’s eyes were focused on Ashley’s backside like laser beams and he was barely able to acknowledge Kellen. “It’s alright.”

“Can’t blame me though.” Kellen turned and he too gazed at Ashley as she wiggled back toward her lounge chair. “Do you see that ass? That thing is taking up so much space, I’m amazed I didn’t hit it before.”

“Uh, yeah.” Chad let out a delayed chuckle with his eyes still glued on Ashley and the heart throbbing sway of her womanly figure.

Kennedy came forward and placed her hands on the bones of her hips. “What the hell are you guys doing?”

Chad blinked as if he had just awoken from some sort of wonderful trance. “Umm, nothing.”

Kennedy followed her boyfriend’s gaze. “Omigod, can you believe how fucking fat Ashley’s butt is getting, what a whale.”

Chad turned and looked at the slender, shapeless form of his girlfriend’s lanky physique. His face seemed cold and expressionless.

Kennedy frowned. “Are you even listening to me? I said, can you believe how much of a fatass Ashley is turning into!”

“Um, yeah, that’s quite something.” His heart seemed to rise up into his throat as a heavy feeling of guilt entered his soul. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Ashley since that night back in September when he chatted with her briefly on the rooftop deck. The way she bent over in front of him in that hip hugging dress and the way she looked at him with those big agonizingly sexy eyes. He had of course also been keeping close tabs on her IG account, and waited with bated breath for each new image she posted. He was becoming obsessed and completely enthralled with the way her curvy body seemed to be filling out and expanding in such a rapid and mesmerizing way. Not to mention how goddamn hot she looked at that halloween party.

He hadn’t done anything, but he knew deep down that he was emotionally cheating on Kennedy. Why couldn’t he just leave her? He was Chad fucking Forman for god sake and he could have any girl he wanted. He knew Ashley was still somehow single but he also knew that she wouldn’t stay that way for long, especially since she had the entire football team, coaches included, constantly drooling over her.

He was so afraid of fucking up. He was a Heisman trophy winner, a potential first round NFL draft pick, and Kennedy’s father just happened to be the general manager of the Atlanta Falcons. He had heard too many stories of guys destroying careers before they even got started, and he feared being one of them, more than anything.

“Come on, hello!” Kennedy clasped his arm with her long skeletal fingers and drew him in the opposite direction. “Let’s get out of here.”

Seeing Chad with Kennedy wrapped around his arm at the Lake made Ashley’s blood boil. She was more determined than ever to use the scorching hot Arizona summer as a time to reinvent herself, and she went ahead with getting a boob job in May as soon as the quarter ended.

She was given instructions by her surgeon to avoid any strenuous activities that might raise her blood pressure, so the gym was out for at least a month. With her pain medications, muscle relaxers, delta 8 and THC gummies, she spent most of that time laying on her back in bed and lounging around her apartment, binging on ice cream, fast food and TV shows. By the time June came around, she was fully recovered and ready to show off, but she had also added an extra 15 pounds to her body without realizing it.

“Omigod,” Larisa said. “Hello Dolly Parton.”

Ashley had finally emerged from her bedroom and she was dressed in a v-neck low cut white camisole that displayed her brand new chest to its full extent. “Thank you so much for taking care of me all month, you are a true friend.”

“It was nothing.” Larisa’s eyes couldn’t hide her astonishment. This was really the first time she had seen Ashley in something other than a giant oversized t-shirt or a hoodie since the operation. “You like them?”

“I fucking love them!”

“Yeah goddamn,” Larisa said. “She really did do a good job.”

“You were right, you do get what you pay for.” Ashley gently and proudly cupped her boobs with her delicate little hands. “If you had never convinced me to do an Onlyfans, none of this would've happened.”

“Well you’re the one who did it.” Larisa was still flabbergasted by how big, and frankly how good her roommate looked. Her shirt was way too small with the way her giant surgically enhanced knockers were pushing it up and out and pulling the cotton fabric thin. Her boobs filled it out so much that it had turned into a crop top, and it didn’t go down far enough to cover her deep-set belly button. “You’re gonna have to get a whole new wardrobe.”

“I know,” Ashley said. “I can't wait to go shopping. Time for a girl date at Fashion Square.”

“So you done for a while?”

“Fuck no! I’m just getting started.” Ashley smiled wide, almost as if she was drunk with power. “See now all this, needs to go.” She pinched the sides of her waist where her formally little love handles had developed into substantial rolls of fat. She then ran her hand over her chin and neck. “And omigod look how chubby my face is getting. I definitely need to airsculpt that out.”

“Omigod your face looks so beautiful the way it is, and Jesus, don’t go crazy. You know you could get rid of that by just doing a little jogging and eating…maybe a little less.”

“Who has time for that?” Ashley brushed Larisa off and twirled her weighty body around. “Besides, I still need to grow my butt.”

“Are you serious?” Larisa’s mouth was agape with the words she was hearing. Ashley’s ass was already so beyond enormous that she couldn’t possibly comprehend why she wasn’t yet satisfied. “If you get any bigger you won’t be able to fit into any of the seats in Murdock Hall.”

“Who really gives a shit (pant) about classes anyway? Besides, I can do most of my work online.”

Larisa let out a nervous giggle. “Yeah but, you don’t want to end up being one of those crazy people who’s like totally addicted to plastic surgery.”

“Oh stop it,” Ashley said. “You were the one who suggested it in the first place and If you can make improvements to yourself, then why not do it? People make upgrades to their cars and to their boyfriends all the time, what’s wrong with making upgrades to yourself.”

“Well I guess.”

Ashley sauntered toward the kitchen. Her entire 200 plus pound body was jiggling wildly with each step. “Come on it’s gonna be Chad’s senior year, and it’s going to be my senior year.” She took a maple bar from the open box of Dunkin’ Donuts on the counter and took a big bite. “By the time (munch, chew) September comes I need to be (chew) looking fine as fuck!”


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