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Chapter 5

“Brah, you follow Ashley Durand on Instagram?” Kellen said.

Chad looked up at him and sighed. “Yeah.”

“Fuckin’ a.” Kellen stripped himself of his practice jersey and sat down on the locker room bench across from his quarterback. “She totally blew the fuck up.” He held his arms out wide and clutched his hands as if he was catching a giant football, or perhaps groping a huge imaginary ass. “I mean like literally blew up.”

Chad loosened his shoulder pads forcefully. “Yeah I saw the pictures!”

“Hey man take it easy, you been edgy all day.”

Chad scowled. “I’m not edgy! It’s nothing.”

“You seen her in person yet?”

He lowered his head and slumped his shoulders like a deflating balloon.  “Nah, not yet.”

“Bro I’m gonna try and hit that.” Kellen wiggled his pads over his head and sweaty helmet hair, then reached his arms out again suggestively, just as he had done before. “She’s so fuckin fine and thick, I just want that ass right fucking here, have her back that thing up, right in my face.”

Chad stomped his cleats on the smooth cement flooring and shot to his feet. He was surrounded by a sea of large men, blinding body odor, and he could hardly take it a second longer. He went through this everyday only to go home to a girlfriend he wasn’t even attracted to, and if he had to hear one more guy talking about how fucking hot Ashley Durand was, he thought his head might explode. “Goddamn would you shut up!”

Kellen’s face drained of color for a second. “Hey man, what the fuck?”

Chad glared at him, slammed his locker shut and stormed off.

Omar stepped forward and tilted his head curiously. “What’s with him?”

Kellen shrugged. “I don’t know. I was just talkin about Ashley Durand and he flipped his shit.”

Omar’s face lit up like a Christmas Tree. “Oh damn! Ashley Durand is fine as hell. You follow her on Instagram?”

Ashley held two 15 pound dumbbells above her shoulders, one on each side of her head. Being careful to keep her back straight, she bent her knees and lowered her butt toward the carpeted floor of the gym. Performing squats seemed to be getting more difficult for some reason. Probably because she had taken so much time off to recover from her surgeries.

The fabric of her Lululemon leggings strained as her hips expanded wide with each strenuous and provocative movement.

And..ennnhh (gasp) up, 8. Down up, (huff) 9.

She was oblivious to the guy seated on the bench press behind her as she had become so accustomed to the male gaze, she was now blind to it. Poor bastard was just trying to get his pump on and instead his world came crashing down around him with the sight of the biggest, most unbelievably magnificent ass he had ever seen. Just one look at it and he found himself rethinking his entire life. Everything from his hopes and dreams, to his career choices; even his family seemed almost meaningless with the newfound knowledge that such a woman existed. Just the sounds she was producing made him feel lightheaded and dizzy.

Down, enhhh uppp, 10! (pant) Phewww!

Ashley placed the weights back on the rack and caught her breath for a moment. She wasn’t sure if she was getting weaker, or if her lack of aerobic activity had caused her cardiovascular system to become feeble in comparison to the strength in her quads and glutes. Perhaps it was just that she carried so much weight so disproportionately in her rump, that her overworked muscles couldn't keep up.

She took another deep breath and gazed over at the good looking guy on the bench press. They made eye contact and he quickly laid down, pretending like he was about to do another set. Ashley rolled her eyes knowingly, then headed into the locker room. She stopped at the sight of the scale.

She hadn’t been weighed since the follow-up appointment after her BBL in July. It was now September and she was curious if she had done an okay job of sticking to her doctor’s suggestions. She stepped on.

Ohhh, wow.

Okay, hold on, what?



Two Hundred and forty four pounds?

Was this scale serious? A scale doesn't lie though and she knew that it was telling her the truth, and the truth was, she’d been a bad girl.

She pursed her lips together in deep thought. She was 214 last time, what was that, July 18th?

Yeah, that sounded right.

Today was September 7th, so that meant that she had put on 30 pounds in just a month and a half?


Holy shit that’s a lot.

Is that even possible?

Well, obviously it must be possible, but still. Had she really been eating so much that she could put on that much weight, that fucking quickly?

She wiggled over to the bathroom mirror.

She loved what she saw. She loved what modern cosmetic surgery could do. In her latest procedure she broke the bank and got sort of a deluxe version of gluteoplasty. Flab had been removed from her upper arms, her neck and her face just below her chin. She also had a lot of fat sucked out of her waist and belly and it had all been injected back into her ass and hips. Unlike with her breasts, there were no foreign implants. It was all liposculpture, all her own body fat transferred and relocated to precisely the areas that she wanted.

She smiled at herself in narcissistic admiration. Her measurements were 40-30-52 and she loved how exaggerated and feminine her curves were. Her belly was smooth and flat, and her waist was narrow. Her boobs were enormous, pert and perfect. Her ass, though. That was her moneymaker.

She twisted herself around and gazed at her own backside almost lustfully. Her butt was now well beyond what could be called big. It was beyond what could be called round. It was bigger than big and rounder than round and honestly, it had even surpassed a threshold where the word enormous, wouldn’t properly define it. It had grown to a size outside the limits of language, you just had to see it to believe it.

Ashley raised her little feet up and down and watched as her ass continued to jiggle and wobble well after she’d stopped moving. She loved that her butt still had such a nice soft bounce to it.

The best part about the whole thing was that Ashley could now eat as much as she wanted, even gain as much weight as she wanted and it would all go nearly exclusively to hips, thighs, tits and ass from now on. She didn’t have to worry about her face getting too round, or about love handles or chunky arms or getting a fat belly, now she could simply eat to her heart's content and just let her ass get bigger and bigger and bigger.

She knew that the doctor told her that she should try and not gain too much weight too quickly, but, honestly that was really just a suggestion and she didn’t need to take it seriously. Besides, she was going to gain weight regardless. She wanted to gain more weight.

The bigger her ass got, the more positive feedback she received online. As the size of her butt increased, so too did the number of paying customers on her Onlyfans. She wasn’t even sure if she was doing it for Chad anymore, she was doing it for herself, she was doing it because she loved the results so much, it had become an addiction. In the last month alone she had almost doubled her income, and seeing all that money pour in only made her all the more motivated to grow even larger.

Speaking of which, she was starving. She picked the wedgie out of her butt, grabbed her bag and went out the door. It was time for a little afternoon drive-through hopping.

“Omigod so is that good?” Ashley said, looking down at the field.

Larisa’s new boyfriend Gabe, turned in his seat. “Yeah, it means that he stopped the clock. He had to do that cause we’re out of timeouts.”

It was a mild night in December and Ashley, Larisa, and Gabe, as well a bunch of other friends and half the student body, had made the 5 hour drive down highway 10, for the Pac-12 championship game at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. It was ASU against USC and the winner would be headed to the college football playoff, unprecedented territory for Sun Devil football fans.

ASU was down by 3 in the waning seconds of the fourth quarter. Chad had just marched the team 65 yards up the field and the entire stadium rose to their feet.

“Okay so we're all standing now?” Ashley said, annoyed.

Larisa smiled big and looked down at her friend. “Come Ash, this is exciting!”

Ashley rolled her eyes and put her vodka spiked Pepsi back in the cupholder. “Uhh, I can’t believe you’re actually turning into a football fan.”

Larisa waved her hands around urgently. “Just come on!”

“Okay but I can’t, ennhh!” Ashley squirmed around in her severely undersized seat. She had somehow managed to squeeze in, but squeezing out was proving to be more difficult.

“Oh, my God!” Larisa glared at her. Ashley’s thighs and butt had become so wide that they spilled over the edges of the chair on either side and the armrests were digging into the soft flesh above her hips. Larisa was annoyed. She was there to witness the way her roommate had been eating herself into oblivion over the past several months. It had gotten to the point where she had become seriously worried for Ashley’s health and well being. Her slim waist and flat stomach did not fool Larisa into thinking that her best friend wasn’t grossly obese. She couldn’t say she didn’t warn her, and seeing her now, so big that she couldn’t even get up, Larisa felt validated in her concern, but no less troubled by it. “Are you seriously stuck?”

Ashley continued to struggle and fidget. “No, it’s just (huff, gasp) these seats are so tiny, and the fucking armrests are not (pant) cooperating.”

“Jesus girl.” Larisa reached down and forced the armrests up, then grabbed Ashley by both hands and pulled with all her strength. Goddamn she was heavy.

“Ennhhh! (gasp, huff) Oooh! Ahhh!!” Ashley gasped and panted breathlessly from the exertion, but Larisa finally managed to hoist her to her feet. “Phewww! (huff) That’s better.” She fanned herself with her hand, then bent over to take another sip of her drink.

“Okay, quiet quiet quiet,” Gabe said. “They need to hear Chad’s count.”

They all watched with bated breath as the ball was snapped and Chad dropped back to pass. He was nearly blindsided by a USC linebacker but he somehow avoided the sack by stepping up in the pocket, then rolling left. He ran hard toward the sideline, keeping his eyes downfield, then threw a 20 yard bullet straight into the diving arms of wide receiver Omar Wiggins in the corner of the end-zone as the clock went to zero.

A third of the stadium erupted in a roar of jubilation.

Larisa was screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping up and down like a kid in a toy store. “Ohhhhh…Yeah!!! Holy shit we won! We won, we won, we won!”

Gabe had his arms in the air like he scored the touchdown himself. “Fuckin shit!! We are the fucking champions! Ahhhh!!!!”

All the ASU fans began to vacate their seats and storm the field.

Ashley observed in amused bewilderment. “Omigod, like okay, so this is happening?”

Larisa grabbed Ashley by the shoulders and shook her violently, she was still screaming. “Come on Ash! Chad is down there!”

Ashley’s eyes expanded big and her lips formed into a small circle. She watched as Larisa and Gabe ran down the steps and blended instantly into the frenzied crowd. Ashley took one more big gulp from her alcohol infused drink and then followed them down onto the field.

It was like a mosh pit at a rock concert and Ashley quickly became lost in the sea of crazed and euphoric lunatics. She tried to run in the direction that she had last seen Larisa but moving quickly was something that had become extremely difficult for her.

She had put on an average of about 10 pounds per month since summer ended, and she was now tipping the scales at 271. She was all hips, thighs, ass and tits; and she measured 44-30-56, preposterous proportions only feasible through modern cosmetic body sculpting. That’s what she had become really, a sculpture; and she viewed her figure as if it was a work of art, but what beautiful art it was.

She swung her arms and lifted her legs in an effort to get moving with the speed and flow of the crowd. Her $800, specially made size 24 jeans were so tight around her hips that they severely limited her range of motion. Her thighs were rubbing together with enough friction to start a fire and her giant fake boobs flopped up and down like flesh covered basketballs. She was exhausted and in pain after only a few earth shaking steps, and she stopped, gasping and panting for breath. She was a far cry from the girl who used to jog on the treadmill daily.

She found herself alone on the 15 yard line as the exuberant crowd had converged toward the middle of the field. She turned in the direction of the goal post and she saw Chad celebrating with Omar and the rest of his teammates. He emerged from the pile, took his helmet off and scanned the surroundings until his eyes finally locked directly on Ashley.

The two of them froze in place and suddenly all the noise of the stadium seemed to disappear as if time itself had stopped.

He stared at her and she stared back. He dropped his helmet on the turf, then began walking her way. His walk then turned into a jog and then a full on run until he slowed as he drew near.

He spoke in a loud voice to combat the boisterous sound of the stadium. “Hey.” His eyes danced over her body in the way he wished his hands could. She looked incredible to him. Everything from her stunning hair and makeup, to her low cut back spaghetti strap top, to the way her jeans looked painted over her hips and thighs.

“Hey,” she said.

Before another word could be spoken, they simultaneously lunged toward one another and embraced in a very soft and squishy hug. Chad found it difficult to get his arms all the way around her in certain places, but he pulled her waist in close and drew her buxom chest to the bottom edges of his shoulder pads. As if his body and mind were beyond his control, he kissed her neck then drew his head up to look into her eyes.

Their lips locked like the perfect melding of elements, coming together to create something completely new. He smelled and breathed her sweet pheromones and perfume and the sensation weakened his knees and lightened his heart. At that moment, he felt as though he could fly.

They were so lost in the magic of their kiss that they didn’t notice a group of cameramen and reporters had gathered around.

“Chad! Chad!” A woman said. “Can we get a quick word?”

The woman didn’t wait for an answer and instead stuck a microphone right in his face.

Ashley and Chad took a step back from each other.

“Here with Chad Forman, the hero of the Pac-12 conference championship game. Chad, can you tell us what was going through your head on that last play?”

Chad took a breath and tried to compose himself for a second. He leaned toward the mic as a TV guy pointed a big camera at him.

“I don’t know,” he said loudly. “I’m just so happy right now I’m just…I don’t know what to say. Omar made a great catch.” He instinctively put his arm around Ashley’s waist and pulled her close. “I’m the happiest man alive!”

“And it looks like you’ve got a great catch of your own so we’ll let you go,” the woman said.

Chad tightened his hold on Ashley. “Thank you so much.”

The woman smiled and turned around to face the camera. “Chad Forman everybody, the happiest man alive. Now back up to Kirk Herbstreit, and Chris Fowler.”

Ashley smiled. “Happiest man alive huh? Why is that?”

Chad smiled back and his hands drew to her lower back and then to the enormous ass that was jutting out behind her. “Why do you think?”

The group of TV personal quickly buzzed away like a swarm of bees and left standing in their wake, was Kennedy Pierce.

Dressed in her ASU cheerleader uniform, her eyes fixated on Chad and Ashley and she looked stunned. Her shoulders slumped, her neck tightened, and her pompoms fell to the fake grass without a sound.


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