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Chapter 3

Ashley couldn’t stop thinking about the incident with Chad for the rest of the night, nor could she stop thinking about it the day after, or the day after that. Even when she was back on the treadmill, doing her daily routine, the argument between Chad and Kennedy remained vivid in her brain. Larisa was right. She shouldn’t be trying to hide her best assets, she should be exploiting them to her advantage.

She glanced down at the timer on the treadmill as her ponytail bobbed against the back of her neck.

6:06, 6:07, 6:08.

Her lungs were already burning and her throat was already dry.

6:09, 6:10, 6:11.

No matter how many days and months and years that she had been forcing herself to do this mindless cardio ritual, it never seemed to get any easier or more enjoyable. It sucked, and she still hated it like she always hated it.

6:12, 6:13, 6:14.

Okay, fuck it!

She reached forward and hit the stop button with a sudden burst of enthusiasm. Why the hell should she kill herself a moment longer if the stupid reasons she was doing it in the first place didn’t even make sense anymore? Chad liked curves.

What was it that Kennedy said to him again? ‘There’s not a fatass instagram model within 50 miles that he hasn't DM’d?’

Yeah, that was it.


Ashley herself was fairly active online and had a pretty good IG following but Chad had never DM’d her before.

When Kennedy said fatass models, she must have really meant it.

Ashley went into the locker room, walked right past the scale and straight over to the mirror. Why concern herself with weight if the man of her dreams liked bigger girls anyway? She twisted her head around and checked out her reflection. She suddenly had a newfangled appreciation for what she saw. She didn’t just have a nice backside, she had full on, honest to god, big juicy booty.

Actually, fuck that.

Not just a booty, that thing was a bootay, a big ass heart-shaped badonkadonk and she gazed at it with pride instead of shame for the first time in years.

She wondered what it would look like if it got even bigger, and the more she thought about it the more she loved the idea. Her ass always had the ability to turn men’s heads but why merely turn heads when you can break necks?

She wanted to break Chad’s neck, metaphorically speaking of course, and a bigger butt, she thought, would do just that. With her genes and her body type she could probably twist his head right off its axis if she just stopped jogging and dieting all the time. Everything she ate went straight to her hips anyway, so, why not? Why not let go a little and enjoy herself for once. She always loved food but couldn’t even remember the last time she took pleasure in eating a full meal without the feeling of guilt gnawing at her afterwards. It was time to put a stop to all that nonsense. It was time to eat. Besides, she could always get back in the gym and lose whatever weight she gained later, if she wanted to.

She didn’t bother to change out of her workout outfit. She grabbed her bag, headed straight to the parking lot and hopped in her black Volkswagen Jetta. She knew exactly where she wanted to go. A place she’d been dreaming about for months but almost always resisted, In-N-Out Burger.

After a long wait in the drive-through line she finally received her double-double with no onions, fries, and a chocolate shake. The smell alone was almost worth it by itself, but it tasted even better. The slightly crunchy warm and toasty bun, the gooey melty cheese and the juicy burger patties hit all her senses like a drug, and she felt almost high after just one bite.

By the time she finished every last morsel of her deliciously greasy, salty and delectable food she was buzzing with comfort and pleasure. So much so that she actually thought about swinging her car back around and going through the line again, but she didn’t. Instead she told herself she was more than satisfied and besides, she had a media studies course in less than an hour.

As she drove back towards campus her mind seemed to fire and spark at the sight of every fast food joint she passed, and despite having just eaten, her mouth watered and her stomach growled.

The flood gates had opened. Sometimes all it takes is one cheat meal to derail years of progress and in the weeks that followed, Ashley indulged in all the foods she had so diligently avoided for most of her adult life. Popeye’s Chicken, KFC, Five Guys, Fatburger, Chick-fil-A, and of course, In-N-Out, were her favorites, and she made a point to hit a drive-through at least once a day. She also began taking full advantage of the multiple dining halls and cafes that the ASU campus had to offer, and she gorged herself on pizza, cakes, breads and whatever other delicious looking foods she had always deprived herself of, but always wanted to try.

She reveled in even the little things. Something as simple as getting a salad with as much creamy dressing on it as she wanted, or having that extra cookie, or getting an iced mocha instead of an iced coffee felt so liberating to her. It was like she had flipped a switch in her brain and had adopted a completely new lifestyle, and it all felt so good that she wondered why in the hell she hadn’t done it sooner.

By late October, the effect all that eating was having on Ashley’s formally petite little figure was becoming obvious. She’d always had a tendency to gain weight easily, and now with no exercise and a sudden and extreme caloric surplus, the pounds piled on effortlessly.

“Jesus Ash.” Larisa looked up from her laptop. She watched as her roommate wiggled around in the kitchen, fixing up a big pot of macaroni and cheese. “I think it might be time to retire those undies. It looks like your butt is trying to swallow them whole.”

Ashley turned and stuck her tongue out playfully, but she knew Larisa was right. Her pink panties seemed to be disappearing between her expanding butt cheeks, making them look more like a thong than French cut briefs. She didn’t have a lot of clothes left that could fit her now 139 pound body comfortably, so she had been spending much of her time at home wearing nothing but underwear.

“I know,” Ashley said. “I really need to do some shopping but I’m trying to hold off because I’ve been spending so much on food.”

“Yeah, and it’s definitely starting to show.” Larisa was amazed by the changes she had seen in her roommate over the past month or so. She seemed to be eating all the time and her ass dominated her figure even more so than before.

Ashley gave the macaroni a good stir, then sauntered toward Larisa who was still seated on the sofa. “Really? You can tell?”

“Umm, yeah,” Larisa said. She even noticed that Ashley’s little size 7 feet hit the laminate wood flooring with much heavier thuds than they used to. “I can tell just by hearing you walk, thunder thighs.”

Ashley stood next to the island countertop and tugged at the straps of her undersized white camisole. “I just wish I could get bigger up top. I’ve been thinking about getting a boob job.”

Larisa set her laptop down. “No, you don’t want to go down that road do you?”

“I might if I could afford it.”

Larisa inspected her roommate's body a little closer. She could understand why she would be drawn to breast augmentation as seemingly all of the 10 or 15 pounds, or however much she gained, had gone exclusively to her lower half. Her hips were significantly wider than her narrow little shoulders, and although her thighs and butt had swelled and softened, her arms remained thin and delicate, and her boobs were still quite small. She had to admit though that the extra weight suited Ashley very well, and she found herself marveling at her beauty and even feeling a touch of jealousy. Larisa was a very attractive girl in her own right, but wasn’t stupid hot like Ashley, nor did she possess her brazen sex appeal.

“You should start an Onlyfans,” Larisa said.

“Omigod.” Ashley rolled her eyes and wiggled back to the stove to check on the food. “Yeah right.”

“Seriously, why not?”

“I am not going to prostitute myself like like that. Besides, what if my family found out?”

“Oh come on, it wouldn’t be prostituting yourself, it’s not like you’d have to strip or anything. You could just show off for the camera a little in sexy outfits. You could like say you’re a girl who’s trying to grow her butt and your subscribers would help fund your goals. Guys would go fucking bonkers over that shit. There’s no way your family would ever find out anyway, unless your brother-in-laws turn out to be perverts, which I suppose is a possibility but still.”

Ashley drained the hot water from the pasta, then added the two packets of powdered cheese, as she was making a double batch. She then went to the fridge and grabbed an entire stick of butter and added it to the pot to melt.

“Did I really just see you do what I think you did?” Larisa said.

Ashley continued to stir the pot. “Yeah, and?”

“That’s like, so unbelievably fattening!”

Ashley gave her a sly smile. “Well that’s exactly the point, now isn’t it.” She finished mixing, then emptied the whole pot into an oversized glass bowl. She grabbed a spoon, walked towards the sofa and plopped down next to Larisa. “You sure don’t want some?”

“Um, no. Especially not after you put that much butter in.”

“I’m sorry I’m just so impatient. I really want my ass to get bigger, like now.”

Larisa gazed at Ashley’s naked thighs. She had never seen them look so big and plush before, and she also noticed that her stomach was no longer as flat and toned as it used to be. It was actually starting to look a little squishy.  “Well you better be careful or your belly is going to get big right along with it.”

Ashley stirred her huge bowl with her spoon in an effort to get it to cool down as quickly as possible. “Oh god I don’t want that.”

Larisa poked the exposed skin of Ashley’s waist with her finger. “Looks like it’s already happening.”

“No it’s not!” She giggled and pushed her hand away. “Well it doesn’t matter, I’m going to start getting back in the gym soon anyway.”

“Wait, I thought you wanted to get big as fast as possible.”

“Yeah I know. I won’t be doing cardio anymore, I just want to do leg and glute work so I can maintain a nice shape.” She slowly wove her hands in the air to show what a nice shape meant.

“Omigod, you’re the last person in the world that needs to do glute work, that wouldn’t even be fair to the rest of us.”

“Yeah but I really want a bigger butt without getting, you know like…without getting all chubby, or too like…jiggly and stuff.” She shoved a heaping spoonful of creamy macaroni between her lips.

“Well if you’re thinking about a boob job why just get a little lipo as well, or better yet a BBL, keep that waist as tiny as possible.”

“Omigod (chew) I don’t need lipo!”

“If you keep eating like this you might.”

Ashley finished chewing and put her spoon back in the bowl. “Do you even know how much that costs?”

“Do you know how much money you could be making on Onlyfans, like right now?” Larisa adjusted her posture so that she was facing her more directly. “I mean just you making mac and cheese a minute ago, I could’ve filmed that and we could’ve posted in online and you would have gotten paid for something you were going to do anyway.”

“People would pay just for that?”

Larissa raised her eyebrows. “If you’re dressed like this you would. I swear, if you open up an account you'd make enough money to pay for a big pair of boobs and then some.”



Ashley stared at her friend curiously. “Do you have a school project going on or something?”

Larisa jeered backwards and placed her hand on her chest. “What? Just wanting my roommate to gain a huge influx of revenue isn’t enough of a reason for you?” She paused for a moment and they both looked at each other blankly. “Ok fine. Yes I have a project coming up, but marketing you would be perfect, and don’t worry it’s not like I have to explain to Mrs. Brookey what we’re doing exactly, I just have to prove that I know how to market a small business.”

Ashley shifted the spoon around in her warm food, then sighed deeply.  “Okay, I have to say it does sound like fun.”

“Omigod then let’s do it!”

Ashley smiled. “Okay.”

“By the way how’s it been going with Chad?”

Ashley let out a moan of displeasure. “Well I’ve definitely noticed him checking me out a few times, but he’s still trying to make things work with Kennedy.” She took another huge bite of her afternoon snack.

“He’s such a dope, you know that right?” Larisa opened her laptop back up. “I swear to god he’s only with Kennedy because he thinks it’s good for his image as mister clean cut quarterback or something. She’s like his Jackie O. Holy fuck even her name is Kennedy for fuck sake!”

Ashley licked the creamy cheese from her sensuous lips. “Yeah but, didn’t JFK like have an affair with Marilyn Monroe?”

Larisa grabbed Ashley’s wrist with a bust of excitement. “Omigod you’re right. Marilyn is better than Jackie. You need to be his Marilyn.”

Ashley shifted her hips provocatively and drew her attention back to her enormous meal. “That’s the plan.” She shoveled another spoonful into her mouth.

Larisa raised her hands in the air and made little fists. “I’m so excited.”

Ashley finished chewing, then smiled. “Me too.”



Yes! Please keep going with this!!