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EDIT: The Ko-Fi page is now just a normal page for one-off tips. Thanks to everyone who decided to upgrade. 😊

Hey guys, I believe everyone who needed to use this has already done so.  
I'm going to be ending this workaround on 10/12.  If you're an annual subscriber who wanted to do the VIP tier, please be sure to get it in before then.
My Ko-Fi will become just a regular page for one-off tips after that date. Thanks!

Hey everyone,

So the new tiers added a few days ago was the first time I've added tiers since I started Patreon. As annual subscribers know, there's been some hiccups preventing you from doing the VIP tier for just one month. Patreon doesn't let you pay a monthly tier if you have an active annual subscription, you would have to upgrade for a whole year. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to put a chunk of cash like that down.

If you aren't aware, one of the tiers is a $30 VIP tier that allows you to have your name permanently added to Create-A-World's in-game credits widget as a Supporter.

I definitely want everyone to have a fair opportunity at it, so as an alternative, only for annual subscribers before the time of this post, you may opt into the VIP perk with a one time tip of $25 on my Ko-Fi page. The $5 discount is because I have no way to partially refund your subscription here for one month.

You must leave a message with the tip saying what you'd like your name to be, and message me on patreon letting me know it was you who left the tip. Only confirmed annual subscribers will be added to the credits.


Thank you, and sorry once again for the unintentional hoop jumping these new tiers caused. 🧡 I hope you have a good day!




Just tipped and messaged, thank you! :)


Just did :)

Wendy Hubble

I was very happy to give a tip. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent!

True AI

I left a tip and a message that contains my credit display name. Thank you for this opportunity! In case you don't know, my name is True AI, as in True Artificial Intelligence. Many people think my name is True Al, as in True Albert! 😜




If I switched to the $30 VIP annual tier from another tier will my display name still be added to credits or is there something else I need to do? Thank you for all your time, hard work, and dedication it is very appreciated!


ChiaWia69 and thank you again

Happy Harbl

Thank you for this. And for all of the work you do on your mods. I've used a few myself, and they make building and organizing the decoration categories so much easier! <3


Just subscribed to a patreon for the first time ever for this. So excited for CAW. Thanks for everything you do!


Just upgraded my tier 🥰 @LemonSim

Sinful Simming

I've never actually been anyone's patron before, so I don't know how to tell you what name to put on the credits! I can't find the function 😂 I feel old. But, Sinful Simming is fine, so I'm hoping that's what it shows you on the thing...


Just upgraded. Hopefully I did it correctly.


I still can not figure out how to add mods. Hopefully I can figure it out soon. I hope you did it correct as well. Will you let me know what you think of it?


Got paid on the 12th - today - so bought you coffee! Hope I made it in time. My real name is Dina McClain.


Is it too late to switch to VIP to have this added? Just in case it wasn't I went ahead and switched @ptbpixie would be the name I would like listed. Thanks.


I'm still just upset because like 3 months ago I gave you 60 + for what was supposed to be for a whole year and now you wanna change it and idk it feels wrong to those who have chosen to give u the most. I don't think I will be supporting you again because I don't have the money to pay u again.


Nothing has changed for current tiers. I'm not sure what you're wanting but this post was an alternative opt in for the vip credit perk. If you're talking about CAW alpha access, none of my previous tiers ever had an alpha access perk because none of my previous mods warranted an alpha period. You'll continue to receive whatever perks your tier includes, I haven't taken anything away.