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Hey everyone, I'm going to start doing a few shorts on the features that didn't make it into the reveal trailer. To kick it off, here's a video covering the perimeter tool. Frankly, while working on Gran Plomada, this tool has been invaluable for keeping a sense of what scenery can be seen from the actual play area.


Create-A-World Quick Clips: Perimeter Tool #Shorts

#Shorts series on some of the Create A World features that didn't make the cut for the trailer. Today I'm showing off CAW's Perimeter Tool. See more CAW progress and status updates on Patreon: https://Patreon.com/TwistedMexi ========================= My Cheats & Mods: https://TwistedMexi.com Join me on Patreon: https://Patreon.com/TwistedMexi Twitter: https://twitter.com/TwistedMexi



Super cool!!!! I have a question, will the tool be a mod to put into the sims 4 or does it work separately from the actual game?


Both, the initial alpha will be entirely in-game but the terrain and lot manipulation will come later via a separate template designer.


I am so excited for this, the ability to create full worlds and individual lot sizes?? I can't wait!


Wow! 😍 Crazy talent

Amber Tucker

Question will we have the ability to make an apartment lot and it will act as one like sims 2?


I plan to add apartment support later. It would still be the ts4 system though


Just WOW and WOW!

NZ Hayley

This is really cool, thanks for the little updates like this, it’s really interesting and gets me hyped for CAW!


Is there a way to populate the new world/lots?


Work in progress, was hoping to get some assistance from EA with one of those files but looks like some more reverse engineering will be required. There will be some form of default lots eventually.


I was wondering if there's a way to spawn NPC's off lot since the food stalls seem to be non-functional once placed off lot.


The system for the food stalls is a surprisingly complex one. There will be controls for setting those up but probably not at initial release.

Marie Duran

Oh, this is going to be so good!! No more complaining to EA about the size of the world, because we can make the world bigger if we want to.


Where would we find other people's world save files, if we wanted to install them in our game if we like their worlds?


There will be an official exchange. I hope to have at least a rudimentary version up for the initial release. They won't be save files, they will be .world files. Instructions will be included with release.


Hi, I've identified a bug that's preventing installation on non English languages. I'll be working on a fix tomorrow but a workaround for now is to set the game to English. Put a fresh copy of CAW in of you try that.


I'm looking forward to this mod. I have long dreamed of living on an island in Brindleton Bay with the ability to delete that ugly lighthouse that spoils my immersion from the game!