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Hey everyone, if you read through my CAW FAQ you may have already read about the alpha access Tiers. If you haven't, I'll cover it again. Basically I spent quite a while thinking on it and landed on a decision to make the alpha access tier $10. I believe this strikes a fair balance to all of you while also reflecting the time investment I have in this project. To be clear, none of the existing tiers came with alpha access to my mods, so no perks were removed in this decision.

I also explained how I label the different stages of early access. Traditionally alpha means features are still being added while beta means feature complete but still has bugs. Due to how frequently I'll be adding features, I will instead label them as follows: Alpha means my confidence in mod stability is still low. Bugs should be expected and reported so I may improve upon it. Beta means I have reached a comfortable confidence level that there will be few and/or minor bugs, but still report any you run into. Release candidates, which many of you are familiar with, are mods that have reached a point where I believe they're bug free and could potentially be the public release copy, but patrons still get early access both as a perk and to help sanity check that there are no remaining bugs.

All of that said, let's get into the tier details.
I've added two new tiers, available now, as follows:

Test Kitchen ($10)
This tier will receive alpha access to any of my mods that require an alpha period. This includes the Create A World alpha that starts on 10.21.21
It includes all lower tier rewards so you will continue to have access through beta and release candidates.

Cafè Executive ($30)
This is the above and beyond VIP tier, which includes everything in Test Kitchen plus a special perk allowing you to permanently cement your name as part of the mod, by having it added to the in-game CAW credits widget as a "Supporter". This will only be available until CAW publicly releases. (While slots are available)

Also a few of you have already upgraded. Keep in mind the alpha doesn't start til 10/21/21 and you will be charged again on 10/1. While I certainly appreciate the early pledge upgrade, if any of you did so accidentally before this post, let me know and I'll refund you this month's.

Some also increased their pledge amount before the new tiers were available. Nothing wrong with that either, but remember to actually switch to the new tier now that it's available, or you won't have access.

I appreciate all of you and it was a heavy decision to add the $10 tier, despite not having to change any existing tiers. I hope you can understand the effort that has gone into this project over the last two years. I will absolutely try to make alpha a quick process, so that Beta tier patrons can enjoy CAW as soon as feasibly possible.

Thanks everyone 🧡



You are one of the good ones, TwistedMexi. 🤗🌺🤗


Ok, I don't mind at all the extra donation. Will the $30 be a one of? or added to the yearly? I am currently a The Whole Cafe Tier.


I know someone reported an issue with being on annual and patreon was only letting them pay for annual. I'm going to be reaching out to patreon and see what we can do. The $30 is the same as any other tier, but you do only have to do it for one month to get your name on the credits list permanently.


So what I was able to find out for the other person is patreon only lets annual subscribers upgrade as annuals. So even if you wanted to just do the $30/month tier for one month, patreon is going to try to make you pay $300 - minus whatever you have left from your current annual. They won't even let you cancel and go monthly, your existing annual has to expire first. I wish I had a better answer for you, but it looks like the only workaround would be to use a secondary patreon account to get the VIP tier once.


WOW! That is crazy!! No way I can do that! I will see what I can do, really hate to miss out on helping :(


the same thing is happening to me :( hopefully, there can be a solution found.


Hey I think this is a suitable alternative. See my post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cafe-executive-56767144


In my case, the problem is the "IVA" in Spain is very expensive. Therefor, when I pay for permanent access, I have to pay much more than 300 Euros in one time. I like to be permanent, but please is possible you accept I do this 200/250 Euros or de value is permanent, (You speak me, please) in one time same as donation? And giveme Vip pass? Sorry, is only a question. Thank you very much! My best regards, tati6661


Hi ttatti, Patreon doesn't give me that sort of flexibility. I think there might have been a miscommunication as well. You only have to do the VIP tier one month to get your name on the credits list permanently. As an alternative, you can use my Ko-Fi link if you'd like the VIP perk. https://ko-fi.com/twistedmexi Just to be clear, none of the tiers give permanent access to my patreon, the permanent thing refers to being on the in-game credits list for CAW. Hope that helps, thanks 😊