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Good [time of day here] everyone!  Alright, so we've all seen the trailer. You might have seen me cover some questions on twitter. Now let's get some of those answers in a neat little list and talk details.

So a quick recap, I announced Project Raven two years ago. I know the updates were somewhat sparse, but it was mainly because I had to be careful about what I could show without leaking what it was. Why the codename? Because this project was something different from anything the sims community is used to. It involved a lot of reverse engineering/custom exports and I like to be very responsible with what I hype. The project needed to be 100% deserving of the CAW title first. I genuinely wasn't sure if I'd be able to complete the project as there were countless roadblocks ahead. I've revealed it now, 2 years in, because those roadblocks have all been cleared and I'm confident any remaining to-do's are well within my capabilities.

Also any patron that has been with me for awhile knows I always try to keep my early access periods at about a week or two maximum. I need to point out this is going to be much different because there is an important distinction between early access and alpha/beta access. Two differences actually,
  1. Early access is usually pretty bug-free. Alpha/Beta will most likely have quite a few bugs - especially in this case. I need your feedback as patrons to improve it before public release.

  2. Alpha & Beta access isn't just "early access" and can last for quite a long time, depending on how many issues or changes there are to work through. I do my best to never publicly release buggy mods.

One final note - things can and will definitely change along the way. Especially early on, you should treat the alpha as just a toy for fun and don't use it on any important saves. I will do my best to keep compatibility with worlds you make as we move along in CAW test versions, but please keep no expectations of it.

Now, onto the...

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: It took you 2 years to reach Alpha, is it going to take just as long to publicly release?
A: No. Majority of the 2 years were spent researching and seeing what was or wasn't possible. Laying the roadwork and tools that I would need to develop this as I would normally. We're there now.

Q: Why does this deserve the literal title of "Create A World" ?
A: This is the first CAW-focused mod that includes a true WorldBuilder mode and actually follows EA's world creation and UI process. There isn't any save trickery or overriding existing worlds involved. You will be dropping in a .world file and CAW will take it from there.

Q: The trailer only showed world object manipulation. Are we going to be able to move lots or change the world terrain?

A: Yes, the scope of this mod includes lot and terrain manipulation, and I already have working proof of concept on both fronts. However, the tool that will be used for that will be coming at a later date. I want it to be as user friendly as possible so lots of work ahead.

Q: Is CAW an in-game tool or separate app?
A: "yes" - CAW will be broken into two different sections. The alpha will only include the WorldBuilder portion initially , which is what you see in the trailer. WorldBuilder will be in-game. The other will be tentatively known as World Designer and will be a separate tool that focuses on actual terrain mesh and lot changes.

Q. Why is it broken into two parts?
I could have made it a separate tool entirely, but that raises barrier of entry and frankly causes a lot of unnecessary development on my part. This split system allows many people to still participate in world creation even if they aren't all comfortable with getting their hands dirty with world terrain. The idea is that those who are willing, can upload their templates for those who aren't to have more choices to build on.

Q. Why aren't we getting the World Designer in the Alpha launch?
The alpha is focused on the absolutely necessary core features, the world packaging process, and stability. There is undoubtedly many scenarios out there I haven't accounted for, and can't account for, until I get some actual players out there trying things and finding what isn't working. Worrying about the World Designer before we've created a stable base would be putting the cart before the horse.

Q. Is this Open World?
Kind of, but not really. True Open World does not and can not exist in the TS4 engine. CAW will be capable of the pseudo "open world" some are used to in TS4, due to the tools at the creator's disposal, but it's not the point of CAW.

Q. Are you going to add [various small features here]
TBD. Again, lets focus on stability and core functionality for now. The extras can always come after.

Q. Am I going to be able to share my worlds?
Absolutely, there is going to be an official exchange for you to share your worlds. Templates will also be sharable there once the World Designer is out. I'm going to try my best to have at least a rudimentary version of that up when the Alpha launches.

Q. Can I use CC in my world?
Yes, with some conditions involved. CAW will allow you to package CC into the world file but it will require permission from the CC creator if you didn't create the CC yourself. Without permission, you'll be able to instead list the links where players can obtain the CC. Keep in mind any CC you add means a possible dependency on the CC creator keeping their CC up to date.

Q. I don't want to create worlds, can I still download worlds others make?
No problem. There's going to be a lightweight "CAW Client" that will only include what's necessary to enjoy the worlds. Since this is basically a stripped down version of CAW, it will be one of the last things created before public release, since there's really no harm in just using the full mod while testing.

Q. Will the original worlds be left in tact?
Yes, the original worlds are left alone. When CAW is installed you'll have 3 world sections. EA worlds, your custom worlds, and "Create A World" which includes all of the templates. For now the only templates are EA's worlds. In the past we've seen world overrides that make Origin angry, and it often repairs your game unexpectedly, removing your custom world. This avoids that issue entirely.

Q. Do I need to know how to use TOOL to build worlds?
A. Nope! WorldBuilder is a whole separate mode from buildbuy and allows you to place objects in the world with ease.

Q. Does that mean TOOL is going away?  
Not at all, not everyone wants to build worlds and CAW/WorldBuilder is overkill for regular TOOL usage. TOOL is included in WorldBuilder though, for those who insist on being perfectionists with their object placement.

Q. Will TOOL be able to delete world objects now?
No. It's the complex architecture of CAW that allows for that, it's still well outside of the scope for TOOL. TOOL will be getting some pretty nice upgrades later on though. Stay tuned for those.

Q. What's the difference between Alpha, Beta, and RC? When will the Beta be available?
Traditionally speaking, an Alpha means features are still being added, while a beta is feature-complete but still being tested. However since I will be frequently adding features, I will use Alpha and Beta in the following way: Alpha means my confidence in a smooth play experience is low. Bugs should be expected, and they might be frequent. Beta means I'm fairly sure the mod is stable but there could still be some major bugs. Finally, the early access many are used to, Release Candidate, means that I believe it's bug-free and could potentially be the public version, but patrons still get to playtest first to report any remaining issues. The beta will become available when I've reached the necessary confidence level, so it depends on how smoothly the alpha goes.

Q. What tiers will have access to the Alpha?
I've thought about this for awhile. I want to be fair to all my patrons, but at the same time this has been a monumental project for me, nothing else I've done even remotely compares. I feel a $10 tier is fair. Once we reach beta status, $6 patrons will of course be included again. I will also be adding a $30 VIP tier that will earn you a Supporter spot on the CAW Credits widget. I'll be making a standalone public post about these tiers once they're added. Should be the next few days.



Lori Kinsey

Am I missing something? I still don't see the download for CAW; like a direct link or something. Could you please shed some extra light on that for me? Thanks for your time

Lori Kinsey

Also, I could only afford the 5.00 membership this month, is a higher membership required, despite my not being as interactive as Tmexi's higher memberships offer, I'm not that social online but would love to have CAW to learn and work with... Anyway...


CAW is in alpha so the CAW specific tiers are required currently. But CAW is pending an update so I wouldn't recommend becoming a tester until that update is available


Raven goes "CAW CAW". I just got it 🤣


where's the option tp pay you $10 because I can't find it and we need you to be ok, my love :)


Brilliant work. I’ll be checking back frequently awaiting the tier changes !

NZ Hayley

Incredible work! Knowing how creative people are in the community, the option to share worlds is amazing, I can’t wait to see what people can come up with!


Huge, major props to you. This was obviously a big project!


I love this concept and am thrilled about this coming out for testing soon. As a Mac user I’m sure my input could help. I’m definitely going to be participating. Can't wait.

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

When I became your contributor, we were not yet 10, I have always been faithful since in all your companies and for a long time. I can't do more. Long live your art.


When I was managing alpha/beta testing, we set up forums strictly for that. Not sure if that is something you will be doing on discord or what. So people can post issues and others can see if it can be recreated, then you can verify/fix and mark off :) Any help you need just ask. I will be more than happy to make some extra funding donations also


Based on this, I’m in the process of creating a brand new website to incorporate everything to do with The Sims. It will be a social media platform, have social groups, have forums, have the ability for users to upload mods and files and so on. An all-in-one central hub to bring all simmers closer together


I know you probably already answered this before, but I can't seem to find it. Moreover, I understand you're feverishly working on CAW. But, will you be updating the Expanded BB Catalog mod anytime soon? It busted with the last update.


No worries, my other mods will still be the normal tiers since they won't require alpha testing. With any luck the alpha period won't be too long. I know you've been here pretty much from the start and I appreciate it! 🧡


is CAW available for download? I can't find a download link.


Since I paid for a yearly subscription, do I fit into the alpha group? If so, when will that be available for download?


I believe you'll have the option to upgrade for the tier difference. The alpha starts on 10.21.21


this is insane! Can't wait!


Tiers are added, if it won't let you just do the difference, let me know and I'll reach out to patreon on what options there are.

Luciana Keil

This is amazing! Will there be weather controls to let us set the climate of our new worlds?

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

Do you simply leave the small 2 euro slice active for friendship support? There is always this little way without consideration, just to say thank you.


This is an alpha, which was not a perk of previous tiers. I appreciate the support but it would be unfair to others if I just gave you a copy. There's many others who could request the same. This is two whole years of work for me, I believe it's a fair ask for the alpha. Once in beta whole cafe patrons will have access again.

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

I did not ask for a copy, just if the 2 euro level continues to exist! I'm not participating in CAW, I'm not up for it, but I like your work and I just wanted to keep this current level of 2 euros. What will be the starting level, I do not see the mention, I was asking you, just that.


oh sorry about that, lost in translation. Yes absolutely, existing tier levels are remaining. The two new tiers are just extra perks. 🙂 Also I'll take a look at that camera mod you DM'd in the next few days.

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

Thank you, I remain a sponsor on the 2 euros level and thank you for the camera, I find that this is a plus for you and that it is logical that you should take over, thank you:)


I just your patreon and it mentioned getting access to CAW as part of my membership. Where are the instructions to download?


Sure, here you go: https://www.patreon.com/posts/create-world-v0-58172245 Just have to scroll through the posts a bit because it got buried by the patch updates for my other mods.


I don't understand-your posts stated that $10 membership gets the Create-A-World beta, but now it's asking for $15 a month?


This post is from a year ago. My tiers were reworked a few months ago and I made a post about it. The included perks are listed for each tier when signing up. You can either upgrade to the $15 tier or I can issue a refund, just message me and let me know if you want the refund.