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The alarm woke Jordan Hess from a sound sleep. It was 6:15 in the morning and she had to get ready for her day.

“Five more minutes,” she muttered and then pressed the snooze button.

The five minutes passed way too quickly, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. She pulled the blanket away from her and swiveled her legs toward the side of the bed. She sat up as her feet touched the ground. Dressed only in panties and a short nightie that barely reached her knees, Jordan trudged to the bathroom.

Her room was warm and the only other person living in her house was her mother, so she didn't have to put on a robe. Her eyes were barely opened when she found her way to the toilet. She reached under her nightie and pulled down her panties. Then she sat on the toilet and relaxed her muscles to pee. Once sitted, she closed her eyes again. Another few seconds of sleep.

She had to open her eyes a third time to reach over to the toilet tissue. She pulled about a foot worth of paper and tore it off. She wadded it in her hand and then cleaned herself off. She rubbed from front to back as she always had. She didn't even think about it.

There wasn't any reason to fight it, she had to get ready. The school bus would be here soon enough, and she had to be dressed and ready before it arrived. Jordan was seventeen years old and a senior at the high school.

She moved to the sink, she had to brush her teeth. She retrieved her toothbrush from the receptacle and then squeezed a little toothpaste on it. She didn't squeeze very much, a little bit would due her. It was more important to brush for a long time and not use a lot of toothpaste. Her teeth were white and healthy because of her brushing habits.

Returning to her room, she was mostly fully awake now. The next thing on the agenda was to find an outfit for the day to wear. She had to choose a pretty well-coordinated outfit. Jordan was a pretty and popular girl; she had a responsibility to look good. Everyone expects that from her, especially her friends. She expected them to do the same for her.

Jordan always selected her outfit before taking her shower. She could rush her shower if she had to but couldn't rush her clothing choices. Sometimes the choices were obvious, others it took longer to decide. Today, Jordan wanted to wear a dress. Wait, she was more specific than that, Jordan wanted to wear a skater dress.

Jordan selected a lace burgundy skater dress. The lace scalloped V-neck and lace short sleeves sit atop a banded waist and chiffon skirt. She mated it with a lacy bra. The bra cradled her nicely proportioned C-cup breasts.

“If I didn't wear panties, no one would know,” Jordan quipped to herself. She thought about the idea of going to school without wearing any panties, but she decided against it. It was a fun thought though.

She found bikini panties that matched her bra, and except for a necklace and some heeled shoes, her outfit was complete. She liked to wear heeled shoes as she was five foot six and liked to feel a bit taller.

Since her outfit was selected; Jordan had plenty of time for her shower. She stepped into the warm shower and washed herself thoroughly. She hadn't shaved her underarms or her legs, so she took care of those before exiting the shower.

The final chore in the bathroom was to put on her makeup. It was best to make up one's face before putting on clothes. No one wants to 'spill' makeup on their clothes by accident. She started with a primer. This was the base of her cosmetics. Then she did her eyes next eye shadow and liner. Foundation to keep her skin-tone even. She didn't need concealer; her skin was flawless today. Bronzer and blush for highlighting, mattifying powder to eliminate shine. Her face was almost done, just a few more touches, something for her eyebrows. Then lipstick for her lips.

Jordan paused before putting on the lipstick. Something looked wrong about her lips. They seemed thinner than they had been. They weren't as full. Was she imagining something? She must be. It didn't matter anyway; the proper application of lipstick and lip-liner hid any perceived problem.

She closed her eyes to put on some setting spray and her face was complete. She got dressed in her chosen outfit and then finally exited her room. She grabbed her schoolbooks and her purse as she left. Down to breakfast and then out to wait for the bus. Her morning routine was done.

Jordan sat down in the bus, but due to the limited seats couldn't sit next to her friend. Instead, she texted Monica from a couple of seats away. She didn't mind; Jordan didn't need to be sitting right next to Monica to communicate. Jordan's two thumbs used to be able to type text messages as fast as anyone, but today she had to type out her messages not as fast with her pointer finger.

At school, Jordan and Monica met up with their friend, Suzy. Both Monica and Suzy were stylishly dressed for the school day, although neither of them wore a dress like Jordan. They were in jeans with smart tops. They were joined by other girls and talked about this and that. Mostly about boys. Jordan fit right in.

At lunch, Jordan and her friends took a table together. Jordan ate her usual lunch of salad with balsamic vinegar. Suzy was already at the table when Jordan sat down. She had also bought a salad with a bottle of water. She was struggling with the cap on her water bottle. She couldn't get it open.

“Where is a guy when you need one?” Suzy quipped.

“Let me try to open it,” Jordan said.

“Sure, but it's on tight.”


Jordan gripped the bottle. She was going to try and twist it off, but before trying, she tapped the twist-top of the bottle on the table three times. Then she grasped it firmly and twisted with all her might. It took a second or two before the top gave. Jordan twisted it off.

“Ta-da,” Jordan announced. “That is my trick.”


She enjoyed lunch but was still a bit hungry after completing her meal. While picking at the remaining scraps of her salad, Jordan noticed her fingernails weren't up to snuff. Jordan might have damaged them while opening the water bottle. She knew she would have to have a manicure soon. She called the salon and set up an appointment after school. Jordan didn't know what happened, her manicures usually lasted for a few more days. But it wasn't any big deal, her manicurist could fit her right in. It was a good thing, today she didn't have cheer practice after school.

By the time of her nail appointment, Jordan's nails had become worse. Not only was the paint flaking off, but her nails weren't smooth ovals as they had been. The manicurist saw this right away. But as the professional she was, she didn't mention to Jordan about how she could let her nails go 'so long' without proper maintenance. Despite their awful condition, the manicurist didn't need any extra time, an Emory board worked wonders with misshapen nails in no time. Jordan left with nicely manicured nails in a light violet color.

Jordan had to rush home after the manicure. She had almost forgotten that she had a date with Ken. Ken was a well-built boy who was a year older than Jordan. He was the starting quarterback on the football team. Jordan didn't know much about football, but she enjoyed being the quarterback's girlfriend.

At home, she ran into her room and removed the casual dress she wore to school. She didn't have time to take another shower, but she didn't need to anyway. Jordan had decided to wear a one-shoulder lavender sequin cocktail evening dress that descended to her mid-thigh. She couldn't wear it with a conventional bra. So, she wore it with a waistline bustier which was front trimmed with lace and lightly padded with rounded cups. The combination made her breasts look even fuller than usual. It was in a nude color so as not to be seen under the dress. She matched it with lacey high-cut panties also in a nude hue. She completed the outfit with peep-toe pumps with three-and-a-half-inch heels and a matching purse. She made sure to include both pantyliners and condoms in her purse just in case she needed either of those things.

Ken picked Jordan up promptly. He wasn't dressed as elegantly as Jordan was, not that she cared. They greeted each other with a passionate kiss at the door.

“Mom, I'm leaving now,” Jordan yelled without letting Ken enter her house.

When Jordan got undressed later that night, she didn't notice that her bra was a cup size smaller than it had been before she went out on her date. It was still as snug as it had always been, as her breasts had also shrunk by the same amount. What she did notice was that her eyebrows were bushier and not as well managed as she liked.

“How could I forget that?” she thought to herself. But she was in a hurry to leave before her date. Ken didn't seem to mind though.

Jordan went to work on her eyebrows before she went to sleep that night. She spent almost half an hour tweezing her brows until they were back into a shape that she preferred.

The next morning went pretty much the same as the one before. Jordan took her shower and noticed that her legs weren't shaven.

“Didn't I shave yesterday?” she asked herself.

Jordan wasn't so sure. She didn't have a strict schedule when it came to shaving her legs or underarms. Regardless she looked over her legs again. She thought they looked more muscular than they should be. Was her workout doing it? She was fit. She needed to be for cheer. But she didn't know if she liked her legs to look like this. It looked in some ways masculine. Especially with the need for a shave. Jordan shaved her legs and then added moisturizer to make them appear smoother.

When getting dressed, Jordan decided to put a liner in her panties. She was expecting her period soon. She knew it would be embarrassing if it started when she was wearing just a leotard for cheer practice. She also decided that due to her apprehension about her legs to wear thick cotton tights today under her skirt. She also wore a sleeveless top with a U-neck to encourage onlookers' to gaze at her upper chest and arms. To complete the illusion, she also decided to wear a push-up bra.

Jordan was so concerned with her legs that she didn't realize that her skin-tone had changed slightly. She used more foundation and bronzer than usual to give her face the creamy complexion she preferred. By this time, Jordan had totally forgotten that her lips weren't as full as she remembered two days before.

After school at cheer practice, Jordan felt great. She felt stronger than she ever had. Her kicks and jumps were higher and faster than ever. She skated through the routine until the final, the deep split. She attacked the move with gusto only to find she wasn't flexible enough to finish the split. When she tried, she screamed out. She had pulled a muscle. The pain was intense. She had to roll over on her side until the pain diminished enough for her to get back to her feet.

Jordan was escorted by one of her friends to the nurse. The nurse told her the obvious, that she pulled a muscle and that she should ice it and take some Tylenol. She shouldn't return to cheer until she felt better. Jordan had a slight limp when she left the nurse's office.

Jordan couldn't wear heels due to her injury, she had to wear sneakers for the rest of the day. Thus, she never noticed that she had grown a few inches from five foot six to five foot nine. Her height wasn't the only physical change that she didn't notice, her butt wasn't as round, and her hips weren't as wide as they had been.

Jordan couldn't return home immediately. She had to wait for the late bus. It wouldn't be here for another 45 minutes or so. Besides she didn't want to go alone. She decided to return to the practice field to simply watch her friends.

Instead, when Jordan returned, she wasn't watching the other girls continuing their practice. She was more interested in the boys doing the football drills. Ken wasn't out there with the rest of the team. He must be having a private consultation with the coach.

Jordan seemed to know the practice drills being demonstrated. Even though she had never taken any interest in football before, it didn't bother her. Jordan assumed she had just picked it up the knowledge because she had been to many games as a cheerleader as well as what she heard when she was around Ken.

Her pulled groin felt better by the time it was time to leave, but she knew she would have to baby it for a while. She determined not to wear heels for a while and no cheer practice for about a week.

Ken phoned Jordan when he found out. He offered to come over and take care of her. But Jordan told him it would be better not to. Ken was disappointed and relieved at the same time.

When she woke to a stomach and chest full of hair (although her legs and underarms were still shaven) Jordan knew something was seriously wrong. She for the first time, had to Nair her torso. The hair fell off quickly, but it should have never been there. Her breasts also seemed smaller than they should be. She hadn't noticed at first since they were 'covered' by hair. But now that she looked at them, they did seem smaller. Her breasts seemed even smaller since her shoulders were larger. “The funny thing,” she thought, “was that her bras still fit her.”

When Jordan looked at her face in the mirror, it also looked more masculine. It was undeniably her face, but it seemed more angular. She used more makeup than ever to give her face the feminine appearance she expected it to have. She didn't know what to do. She seemed to be changing. She didn't know how or why.

“Maybe I'm seeing things? Maybe it's premenstrual imagination?” She didn't even know if that was a thing. She hadn't started her period yet. “Was it late? Naa, one day isn't late.”

Returning to her room, Jordan was so consumed with her changes, that she didn't realize that her room had changed also. She had gone to sleep under a light green comforter, but it had changed to a blue one. Several of the posters she had on her wall had disappeared as well as some more personal items. She didn't remember to put the panty liner in her panties today, which is a good thing since they were gone from where she usually kept them.

Today, Jordan wore jeans with an oversized thick sweater and flats. She also stuffed her bra for the first time since she was 12 or 13.

Jordan didn't know what to do or who to tell. She didn't want to tell anyone. She instead hid her body the best way she knew how.

Jordan felt like crap until there was a delivery. Ken had sent Jordan a dozen roses and a get-well card. Jordan felt loved. She put the roses in a vase and exited to catch the school bus.

“How's it going?” Monica asked.

Jordan was conflicted when Monica asked her. Something was wrong, yet Ken had sent her roses. Jordan decided to answer, “Not too good.”

“I heard about you hurting yourself at cheer.”

“It's not that. Can I ask you something?”


“Do I look different to you?”

Monica looked Jordan up and down.

“No, you look the same.”


“Yeah, what should I be looking for?”

“Oh, nothing.”

Jordan didn't want to be with anyone or talk much. She went through her day worried about what was happening to her. She didn't want to tell anyone either.

The changes continued throughout the day. Jordan wasn't only becoming more like a man, but she was getting older too. No one seemed to notice anything wrong though, not the teachers and not her friends.

Jordan went home dreading what changes she would find in the morning.

Jordan ran into her room without talking to her mother or eating dinner. Her room had changed again. It had lost all its homey and feminine touches. It looked like a generic guest room now. Even Ken's roses disappeared. Jordan didn't notice, she lay on her bed face down. She hadn't done such a thing before for many years (lying face down) Her breasts had made that position uncomfortable. But her breasts had shrunk so much by this time that it didn't matter.

When Jordan woke up in the morning, she wasn't sleeping in her room anymore. She was sleeping in a bed with her mother. She wasn't a teenage girl anymore; she was a grown man...in every way. She pulled the blanket off her and ran to the master bathroom. She looked at herself. The changes had been completed. She recognized her face, it was her, or more specifically an older masculine version of her face. There were still some indications of 'her old self'. Her eyebrows were still shaped, her body shaved, and her nails were still manicured. All the things that Jordan had done to herself the last three or four days. But the rest of her body was a man's body.

Jordan broke down. She had to tell her mother what was happening to her.

“Mom, mom, get up.”

“What's wrong?”

“Mom, I'm changing?”

“What, I don't understand. Of course, you've changed. Don't call me mom.”

“You know about the changes?”

“Yeah, your time is up. Your vacation is over. It's time to go to work now.”

“To work?”

“Yeah, at the office, you know.”

“I don't. I don't go to any office. I'm still in high school.”

“Don't you remember?”

“Remember what?”

“Who you really are?”

“Who am I?'

“You're Jordan Hess.”

“I know that. But I'm a man.”


“I'm not supposed to be a man.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I'm not.”

“Think back.”

“To what?”

“OK, let's try this. Who am I?”

“You're my mom.”

“No, I'm not. I'm your wife.”

“My wife?”

“Yes, and you're my husband.  Wait one second, let me show you”

Kim looked through a drawer in the kitchen. She handed you a brochure.

Jordan was speechless for a second. Then she started to remember.



Jordan was starting to remember. She was a man. Kim was her wife.”

“I'm a man.”


“I went to Altered Reality Vacations?”

“Yes, you did.”

“They made me into a teenage girl: the hottest girl at the school, the head cheerleader, dating the football quarterback.”

“Yeah, you're remembering.”

“I was the perfect teenage girl.”


The truth came back to Jordan. This was his vacation. He could live the life of a hot teenage girl for a couple of weeks. But now his vacation from his real life was over. He would have to return to his reality. He wasn't a hot girl; he was a middle-aged man with a wife.

He had to take a shower, remove that silly nail polish from his fingers and whatever changes he made to himself, and go to the office. There would be a lot of work that piled up in his absence.

Jordan walked to the bathroom to get ready. In the meantime, his wife of twenty-plus years went to the kitchen to start on breakfast for both of them.


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