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The phone rings.

"Hello, how is this?"

"It's me," a feminine voice said. "It's Henry."

"Henry? Henry who?"

"Your best friend Henry."

"I don't know any Henry."

"We used to play D&D together."

"Look, you must have the right number."

"You don't understand, it works. It really works."


"The Alternate Reality thing. I'm a girl, a real girl, I'm a biker chick just like in the brochure."

Jack didn't know who Henry was, but he did know about the brochures. He had seen them and knew what they did. In a reality, that Jack didn't remember he and Henry had been best friends

"The brochure?"

"Yeah, I tried it. It works, I'm not a boy anymore. I'm a real biker chick. It's great. You should try it."

"I can't I don't have the money."

"Use your dad's credit card. That is what I did." Jack heard a muffled voice on the other end. "Look, I have to go. I just wanted you to know it works."

Henry hung up the phone.

"It works?' Jack thought. "Kewl!"

Jack found one of the brochures. He didn't want to be a biker chick, but the one for college co-ed sounded like a lot of fun He picked it up and found the number as well as his father's credit card number.

"Hello, I'm Daniel Naster. I would like to from the Co-ed vacation."

"Yes, I'm over eighteen."

"I don't know, blond I guess."

"No, not too big, I guess a little above average."

As with Henry, Jack answered all the questions. But unlike Henry nothing seemed to happen.

"What a gip!" Jack said.

In his office, Jack's dad Daniel looked around. Something was wrong. He wasn't himself. He wasn't even a man. She was a 22-year-old co-ed, a student at the university, a sorority member, and a hundred other details. She had forgotten her old life.

"Where am I?" Dannie didn't know. "How did I get here?" she didn't know that either.  Dannie exited Daniel Naster's office. She walked to the subway and took it to campus. 

Two weeks until graduation. Dannie didn't know who played this trick on her, but when she finds him (or her) there would be hell to pay.

Composite Photo by Stanley Morales, RODNAE Productions, cottonbro, Armin  Rimoldi, Pixabay, Mario Alvarado, Andrea Piacquadio, and Yan Krukov.

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