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The former Samuel Otila sat in his second-grade class. He couldn't let anyone know that he wasn't what he appeared to be: a little girl.  

Before the Great Shift, Samuel Otila believed in gender roles for each sex.  That didn't change after the event happened.

After the Great Shift, Samuel Otila could have admitted to the authorities, like everyone else, that he was formerly a 43-year-old man.  If he had, despite having the body of an eight-year-old girl, he would have been allowed to return to his former life. He would have been able to return to his former job and live the life he chose.

Instead, the prideful former man told everyone that he had never been swapped at all.
Thus, he would be treated as how he appeared. He was placed in the second grade.  He forced himself to play with dolls and draw with crayons. He said he preferred to wear dresses and liked to style his hair into twin ponytails.

Samuel knew his future. It would be a future of his own making. He would always wear distinctly feminine apparel all his life. He would learn how to apply makeup when he was about thirteen. He would force himself to start dating boys when he reached sixteen years of age. He would get married to a man by the time he was twenty-one. He would be a stay-at-home wife and mother, having as many children as his husband wanted. In short, he would live the life that he expected all women to live.

That would be his life from now on. It was a life he hated for himself in every way.  A life he could avoid. All he had to do was admit the truth that he wasn't really a girl inside where it counts. But he would never do that.

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels

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