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“TAG!” BabyDoll screamed. “I'm it! If you get caught, you have to lose an article of clothing, those are the rules.” Then she began to count by twos. “Two, Four, Six, Eight...” BabyDoll locked the door to prevent new customers from disturbing her.

The adults felt like playful boys, each and every one of them. They looked around for hiding places. None of them wanted to be tagged. Some ran into the back, some hid where they could, and others just tried to get as far away from the counting BabyDoll.

Women kicked off their heels and abandoned their purses to move faster. No one cared about the store's merchandise. Not the employees and certainly not the customers.

When BabyDoll quit counting and opened her eyes, whoever saw her ran as far away from her as they could. This made it easy to slip behind the counter and scoop up all the diamonds. Whoever was round got out of her way without having to be told. BabyDoll occasionally made mock tagging motions prompting whoever was near to scurry off.

When BabyDoll had finally emptied the shelves of the diamonds, she tagged one of the women and told her “You're it!” The woman who was tagged, pulled off her shirt and then went to hunt for a new victim.

Who was “It” changed rapidly from one person to the next. Clothing was discarded as a new person became “It”. No one cared about their state of nudity. Giggling and fun permeated the store as the participants ran to and fro. The last person with any clothes on at all would be declared the winner.

When the police and Batman finally arrived at the store, several sulking adults were naked, they had lost the game. Others were in various states of undress. The game was continuing. No one was self-conscious, their modesty was gone with their maturity and their apparel.

When Batman arrived, the regressed adults halted the game. One of their heroes had arrived. They all rushed toward Batman (and Robin) wanting to see them. They all had lots of questions to ask as children do.

Batman was bewildered as the nude and partially nude people rushed him. “Boys and girls,” Batman stated in a loud voice. “Game's over. Everyone get your clothes back on.”

Most of the regressed had been women in the store, but none of them considered themselves to be girls.

The children hadn't kept track of where their clothing ended up. But hearing the voice of authority, they started to look for their items. Most didn't like that they were wearing distinctly feminine apparel. Some of the more rambunctious 'children' scooped up clothing and played keep-away from the others. Fights started to break out.

"Children, Children, stop at once!"

It took over an hour before everyone was dressed and returned to their families.

It is the first Friday of the month when people came to the bank to deposit and cash out their paycheques for the month before. BabyDoll and her Mommy were also in the bank. They waited in line with the other customers.

BabyDoll was holding her Mommy's hand acting like just another little girl. No one paid then any particular mind as BabyDoll intended. That is except for one of the alert tellers who recognized the pair from the flyer that had been sent to all the banks and many other stores in the area. She knew right away what would happen. The teller pressed the silent alarm and waited for the police to arrive. She hoped they wouldn't arrive too late. BabyDoll was too much of a handful for the bank's security to deal with.

As a precaution, the teller left her service window after pressing the silent alarm. She didn't want to suffer the effects of whatever gas that BabyDoll carried.

The police stormed the bank. BabyDoll was trapped. She threw her magic balloons in all directions. The blue and red balloons burst on impact. The powder dispersed itself through the enclosed room. The effects were immediate. The maturity of bank patrons collapsed to that of toddlers thirty months old. They saw the police around them all wearing gas masks and were immediately frightened.

They started crying and running in random directions. They screamed outloud for their mommies. Most wet their pants and many pooped their pants as well. Not one of the frightened former adults cared that they were wet or had loads in their underwear and panties. They were all acting on instinct. They were frightened tots who didn't have their mommies or daddies around to comfort them. Some ran into the police, and some recognized the uniforms and ran to the police to help them. Others just sat on the floor and cried.

The yelling was thunderous. The ground was slick with urine pooling on the polished floor. The smell of dozens of people soiling themselves was sickening.

BabyDoll knew what was about to happen and was prepared, unlike the police who had never experienced anything like this.

BabyDoll and Mommy navigated their way through the chaos to a remote exit labeled “Fire Door: Do Not Open an Alarm Will Sound”. BabyDoll didn't care about such things, there was plenty of noise already. She pushed the handle of the door and tried to step out. Standing in front of the door, anticipating their moves were Batman and Robin.

BabyDoll threw one last balloon at the Caped Crusaders. This one would reduce them to infants less than a month old. It hadn't any effect on them though. Batman had developed an antidote to the powder in his bat-lab. BabyDoll couldn't influence Batman or Robin with any chemical agent. Batman scooped BabyDoll up and threw her over his shoulder. Her face was thrust down Batman's back with her pantied butt in the air.

“Let me go!” BabyDoll screamed to no avail. Robin secured Mommy in some bat-handcuffs. They were arrested.

It took quite a while to calm and secure all the toddler-regressed adults from the bank.

Many more police and social workers had to be brought in to control the scared 'toddlers'. The antidote perfected by Batman was distributed returning their maturity to them. But the embarrassment of soiling themselves, each person would have to deal with on their own.


Instead of being returned to Arkham, BabyDoll was placed into Gotham Penitentiary. BabyDoll is sitting in a wooden chair next to Batman in front of the desk of Warden Crichton. The Warden sits down.

“I was mistaken. I thought therapy could help you. But you are back where you belong, in prison!”

“I'm sorry it had to end this way, BabyDoll,” Batman told her. “I also thought there was help for you.”

“Not half as sorry as I am Batman. I wished you and I could have become friends. I wish we could have played together. You are already dressed up as a little boy in tights and a cape.”

“The cops and robbers game you play is just no fun for me. I've grown up.”

“Grown-up? Too old for just one game of hide and go seek?”

“I'm afraid, there won't be any more hide and go seek for you. Warden Crichton will always know where you are 24 hours a day.”

“I'm sure there are other games I can play then. Maybe I can get some chalk and make a hopscotch diagram. If I do, will you play with me?”

“Maybe someday.”


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