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Chapter 8.

The next time Fiona saw Ms. Lane, she came dressed in her boy costume.  That isn't exactly true.  She wore her boy costume under a long coat which hid it.  She only took it off to show Tina when she saw her.  After all, a boy driving a car might look suspicious.

There were some problems with the costume.  The biggest problem was that the outline of her boobs could be seen, and her face wasn't particularly boyish.  They drove to a house to work on Fiona's look.  Fiona would meet Tine from now on.  They had to make her look more like a boy.

"Try this on," Tina told her.  "It'll flatten your chest." Tina handed Fiona a binder.  It was the type that trans-men use.  Fiona figured out how to put it on.  It was very tight.  It had to be; its whole purpose was to hide Fiona's curves.  It helped a lot.  If you didn't look at Fiona's head, with the relatively baggy clothes and the binder, her body was taking on a boyish appearance.  Most of her body was simply hidden.

But the bigger problem was her face and her hair.  They used makeup on that.  Fiona's hair was covered under her baseball cap.  All her makeup was stripped off her face and replaced just with foundation that matched her skin tone exactly.  They added a couple of faux pimples to make her face look younger and then they drew on some freckles.  Tina removed her earrings and told her not to wear them anymore.  She wanted the piercings to close.

Fiona looked in the mirror at the boy she had become.  She sort of looked like a boy.  The next step was to train her mannerisms and her expressions to not be those of a woman.  They worked on that the rest of the day.

Tina suggested that they meet at a house a few miles away.  Tina didn't want them to be seen every day together in the same place.  In a house, they could do what they needed to do in privacy.  The house is the typical family dwelling.  It had all the niceties of home.  It also had a backyard and a basketball hoop on the driveway.

"The first thing we have to do," Tina informed her, "is to help you move like a boy, not a woman.  Nothing will give you away any faster than you have a limp wrist and a wiggle to your butt."

"I understand."

"We will also teach you how to throw a baseball and shoot a basketball."

"Is that necessary?

"They'll strengthen your wrist and arms and help in other ways that you won't perceive."

"I guess."

"Let's start with the baseball."

The pair got baseball gloves and went into the backyard where no one could see them.  Fiona was dressed in her Spider-man tee and a pair of jeans.  She was also wearing her sneakers and white athletic socks.  Underneath it all, she had on her binder.  The binder not only flattened her boobs, but he made it a little hard to bend.

The pair stood about twenty feet apart.  "OK, all we are going to do is play catch."

"I'll try."

"Now stand like this, with your hand to your side and the glove in front of you waiting for the ball."


"You don't have to throw the balls back, just try and catch them."


Tina threw the ball towards Fiona; she made a lunge for it but didn't catch it.

"That's OK.  Let's try again."

It took several throws before Fiona could catch the ball.  It was more of an accident the first time.  Tina gave instructions after every throw.  Fiona wasn't having fun as a boy would, it felt like work, but she was determined.  She needed to do this to see her husband.  She wanted to see him so badly.

After catching the ball a few times, Tina started to throw ground balls instead of right to her.  She encouraged Fiona to lunge for the ball on the grass shouting "Don't let the ball get by you!"  Fiona's clothes were getting dirty.

"That's a good thing," Tina told her.

Later, they did similar drills while Fiona was standing in the mud.  (They took out a hose and wet the dirt.)  They continued until Fiona was absolutely exhausted.

"How do you feel?"

"Tired and achy."

"That's great!"


"Tomorrow you are babysitting Steve in the morning.  Why not suggest you play catch with him?  I want you back hereafter.  Bring all your boys' apparel.  We'll keep them here.  Also, bring some of your regular clothes here so you can change."

"You haven't taught me how to throw yet?"

"Try and copy what he is doing."

Chapter 9.

At Steve's house the next day, Fiona asked him, "Let's play catch, I want you to teach me how to throw."



"Wow, girls don't like to play baseball."

"I do!"

"I wish my mom was like you."

"Well, are you going to do it or not?"


"Great, let's go."

Steve did his best to teach Fiona how to throw a baseball, but he hadn't thought about how to do it himself. He had been taught a while back.  He knew how to do it instinctively but didn't know how to teach it.  The ball went flying in every direction.  Steve wasn't the best pitcher either.

As Tina had instructed, Fiona did he best not to let the ball get by her.  She got dirtier in her own clothes than she had in her boys' clothes because the play was more natural.  The ball wasn't thrown purposefully away from Fiona, it just happened to go there.

When they were tired, they returned to the house to watch TV and videos.

"Steve, maybe you should change your clothes."

"OK, maybe you should also," Steve retorted.

"I don't want to put on your mother's shirt, maybe I could put on your t-shirt instead."

"I don't care."

When Steve's mother got home, Fiona was wearing one of Steve's t-shirts.  It was stretched out and faded.  This was the perfect t-shirt for Fiona's purposes.  Fiona determined to swap some of the oldest and worn tees from Steve's drawers with one of her new boy tees.  It was perfect, his mother wouldn't notice less clothing and Fiona would get the tees she needed.

When Fiona arrived that the meeting house, she didn't bring all of her boys' apparel inside.  She left the newest apparel in the car so she could swap them slowly with Steve's shirts.  She would steal one of his worn shirts and replace it with one of her newer ones without him knowing.

After a morning playing catch with Steve, Fiona spent the late afternoon playing catch with Tina.

Fiona started to keep several outfits of her own clothes at Tina's house.  She had to since she got into a routine.  Virtually every day, Fiona would come to the house for her boy's practice and then would have to go to Steve's house to babysit him after school.

Steve bragged to his classmates that he had the best babysitter there was.  She would do anything he wanted and even watch the cartoons he loved with him.  They played catch and basketball, played video games as well as board games.  They played with his action figures.  Fi was the only babysitter that knew the name of all the villains who battled Spider-man.  The other boys wished they had a babysitter like her.  With Steve's mom's recommendation, Fi got other babysitting jobs.  She only accepted the jobs with preteen boys.  She spent more time with them than with any adult, except for Tina.

Every day Fiona was learning how to be more like a boy.

Chapter 10.

“It's time to meet Dr.  Morris,” Tina told Fiona.

“I'm going to see Ethan?” Tina shouted excitedly.

“No, not yet.  This is just a dry run.  Sort of a dress rehearsal.  You'll come here and get all dressed up like a boy.  We'll call you Frank or Frankie.  Then we'll go to the office.  I'll act like your babysitter.  If it all works out, then you'll go when Ethan is there, and you can have some quality time.”


On the appointed day, Fiona got dressed in her usual feminine attire.  She wore a skirt and a top as she ordinarily did with some flats.  She drove to a few blocks of Tina's house and walked the rest of the way.  She kept an eye out for anyone following her.  There wasn't anyone.  She entered through the side entrance.

Once inside, she washed her face of all makeup and changed into a pair of boys' jeans and her Spider-man tee.  The jeans were not only worn, but she had personally torn them while driving for a baseball.  She wore boys' briefs under her pants and put her hair up and under her baseball cap to hide it.

Makeup was then reapplied, but this time to make her look like a boy.  Foundation smoothed her skin, but then she applied what looked like freckles on her face.  She even created some spots that looked like acne.  Some glasses were added, in many ways, she looked just like any boy.

Tina took her by the hand to add to the illusion that this was a child, not a grown woman.  In Fiona's other hand was a Spider-man figurine that many boys carry.  Then they drove to Dr.  Morris' office.  Similar to the surreptitious path that Fiona took to Tina's house, Tina didn't take the most direct path to Dr. Morris.

Once again, Tina took Fiona by the hand and led her into the doctor's office.  Fiona was treated like any other patient.  She had to wait in the reception area and then be shown into the inner office.

“Fiona?” Dr.  Morris asked.


“Wow, you look great.  Very convincing.”

“Thank you.”

“It's very close, but not perfect.  There are some things we should talk about to aid your disguise.”

“I'm interested in hearing what you have to say.”

“I've been treating people of all ages, including boys.  I know how they act.  I know how they think.  I can tell you are acting.  You have to start to believe that you are who you say you are, a boy.”

“I thought I was.”

“It's a subtle difference but it can yield big results.”

“What do you suggest.”

“Come with me in the other room and I'll show you what I mean.”

Before Fiona realized it, she was under the doctor's hypnosis.  Her mind was taking in all that Dr.  Morris was saying.  Dr. Morris was slowly going to convince Fiona's subconscious that she was really a boy pretending to be a woman than the other way around.  Fiona wanted to believe this because it would help her to see Ethan who she loved.  When Dr. Morris was done with her, Fiona's entire womanly persona would be erased from her mind, leaving only the identity which told her she was an eleven-year-old boy.  The session didn't last very long.  Soon, Fiona and Tina were heading back.

When Fiona was back playing catch, she wasn't just learning it for the sake of her disguise, she was actually enjoying it.  She also wanted to get better so she could play as well as 'the other boys'.  She was a little embarrassed that she couldn't throw as well as Steve.  She would redouble her efforts from now on.

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