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Chapter 11.

Fiona's return trip was just as serpentine as her trip to the doctor.  They made sure they weren't being followed as they traveled from the office back to Tina's house.  Once there, Fiona wiped off all her freckles and acne.  Then she got dressed in her own clothing and donned her own makeup.  She was back to being a woman again.  She kind of missed her costume though.  It was fun to be someone else.

From now on, Fiona always wore boys' briefs instead of panties under her apparel.  It didn't matter if she was pretending to be a woman or pretending to be a boy.  She still believed that her true self was an adult woman, but that belief would slowly shift with each new session with the doctor.

Chapter 12.

Back in her own house, Fiona watched some animations.  She found that the entire five seasons of 'The Amazing Spider-Man' cartoon could be streamed on Amazon Prime for a small fee for each episode.  She didn't mind paying and watched the first three episodes.

After about an hour and a half, Fiona turned it off.  She wanted to go down to the store and buy her own Spider-Man figurines as well as some of the Spider-Man villains.

Fiona got into her car, drove to the mall, and bought several.  Price wasn't a consideration.  She picked the ones she liked, not the ones that were most or least expensive.  This also took about an hour.

On the way out, she passed the boys' department.  She happens to see a pair of Spider-Man pajamas.  She bought them by impulse.

Returning to her home, she watched more episodes of Spider-Man only this time she did it while sitting on the floor playing with her own characters.

Fiona turned on an episode of an old Spider-Man cartoon.  This series was called the Spectacular Spider-Man.  She was watching episode 1: Survival of the fittest.  She found the story really good, Spider-Man, a.k.a.  Peter Benjamin Parker.  She didn't know Spider-Man had a middle name.  Anyway, Spidey was out on patrol, it was the day before school so he was excited.

Later, Peter finds out his Aunt May is having financial troubles.  They are making a story out of it.  At school, Peter has it bad for Sally.  There is romance too.  Fiona enjoyed this also.

But Sally rejected him immediately.  She is going out with a jock.  It's not as Fiona expected.  It was interesting.  Then there were the villains.  There isn't just one, but a couple that Spidey has to deal with at the same time.  Lots of fun action.

Fiona was having a great time.  It ended after Spider-Man had defeated the baddies.  He arrived home after midnight and his Aunt May told him he had a ten P.M. curfew and that if he was going to be late, he had better call.

When it was over, Fiona picked up a piece of paper and a pencil.  She drew a picture of Spider-Man fighting the baddies she just saw.  It didn't matter if the picture wasn't too good, she liked drawing it anyway.  She wished it had some color to it though.  She would buy some crayons later.

It was getting late.  Fiona had a busy day.  Instead of putting on her usual PJs or a nightgown, she put on her Spider-Man pajamas.  They were just as comfy as her own and she liked them a lot.

As she lied in bed, waiting to get some sleep, she thought about what she was wearing.  She got out of bed and logged onto the computer.  She looked through Amazon and found what she wanted.  For $23.37, she could get seven pairs of Spider-Man boxers in her size.  Technically, they came in boys' sizes that she could fit into, but that is what she wanted.  She ordered them and went back to bed.  If she looked, she could have found Spider-Man panties in her size, but that didn't occur to her.

Once she finished her purchase, she slipped back into bed and went to sleep.

Chapter 13.

Fiona woke in the morning.  She had to go to Tina's today, but first she turned on the TV to watch more cartoons and to play with her new toys.  She convinced herself that she was doing this all just to see her husband Ethan, but in reality, she really enjoyed both activities.  It was even more fun now that she had the context of how each villain acted from seeing a cartoon featuring that villain.  She made punching and/or fighting sounds as she staged the make-believe battles between Spider-Man and his foes.

When it was time, Fiona dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and some light makeup to go to Tina's.

“Hey, I have some great news,” Tina told her.


“Since it went so well yesterday, Dr.  Morris is arranging for you to see Ethan.”


“It won't be too long.  But here's how it's going to work.  We are going to schedule regular appointments with the doctor.  You'll dress up as a boy and go.  Since you won't know which day Ethan will be there, you won't be able to tip anyone off by acting differently.  This is the safest way.”

“Good thinking.”

“One other thing.”


“We want you to move out of your house temporarily and move in here.  We don't want anyone to know where you are.  This will also make it easier to work on your training.”

“Move here?”

“Yeah, you'll tell everyone you are going on vacation for a month.  But you'll be right here.  We'll have your mail sent to a P.O. Box.  No one will know where you are.”

“I see.  For how long?”

“Only a month, but we'll rent the box for two just to be safe.  Fill out this change of address form.  When you are done with that, I found you a P.O. Box, write a letter to them to purchase it.  When you go back to your house, it'll be for the last time for a while.”

“I'm not sure.”

“Hey you're here anyway, it'll be easier this way.  Believe me.”

Fiona did believe her.

Chapter 14.

Fiona's first regularly scheduled appointment with Dr.  Morris was tomorrow.  Today she worked with Tina and then babysat Steve

Fiona insisted that they play with Spider-Man today.  This was the first time that she didn't follow Steve's lead when it came to what to play with.  Steve couldn't tell, but this time Fiona was genuinely enjoying herself when she played with Steve, Fiona appreciated Steve, she was doing something with him that she could never do with any of her real friends.

While Steve and Fiona were playing, Steve didn't really think of Fiona as just his babysitter.  She was fun.  He thought of her as his friend for the most part.  He didn't need to explain what he was doing or who the characters were anymore.  She knew it as well as any of his other friends.

A make-believe batter between Spider-Man and Doc-Ock, where Steve was Spider-Man and Fiona was Doc-Ock devolved into a real wrestling match between the two of them.  They weren't trying to hurt each other, but they were definitely hitting and pushing.  In most ways, they were equally matched.  Fiona didn't weigh much more than the eleven-year-old Steve.  Steve had had a growth spurt and was slightly taller than Fiona.  The fun play lasted ten minutes until a chair fell over.  Nothing was broken but they decided to cool it for a while.

They decided to watch how the hero and villain fought for real on a cartoon.  This was the best day that Steve and Fiona had ever had with each other.  Not that the previous days weren't fun for Steve.

Chapter 15.

That evening, Fiona packed up some of her own clothes and mailed the letters to both the post office and the P.O. Box rental place.  She left her house for the last time, never to return.

Fiona took with her a few articles of her own clothing and all the toys and figurines she had just bought as well as the Spider-Man briefs she purchased.  The rest of her stuff she left at her home.  She didn't need them right now.  She could get them later if she wanted them.

After Fiona moved in with her stuff, the bedroom she slept in resembled Steve's room a great deal.  He was her mentor sort of.

The first night, Fiona stayed up late playing with her toys and watching more cartoons.  This time she gave Pokémon another chance.  Now that she understood the characters and stories better, Fiona decided she liked it.  Spider-Man was good, but she didn't care as much for the extraneous stuff, like Peter's rejection by Sally or the Parker's money problems.  She preferred the villains and the action.  There was a great deal of that.  She didn't know why they slowed down the story with that lovey-dovey stuff or real-world problems.  This was supposed to be a cartoon, not a novel.

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