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Chapter 14

All that Jerry could think about on the bus trip to class was how much of a fool he was by not accepting Professor Marcus' invitation the day before.  The man was mature in a way his friends could never be.  Jerry had grown a lot in the time he had been working for Crystal.  Jerry found Professor Marcus to be interesting and funny; he was even handsome.  He should have jumped at the chance to spend time with him.

Jerry had worked himself up so much, that he needed a smoke to calm his nerves before he entered the school.

While enjoying his smoke, Jerry thought of how to approach Professor Marcus.  Should he wait until lunch and talk to him?  Should he strike up a conversation before class to let the professor know that he was interested?  That was the best cause of action.

Jerry waited nervously for the professor to arrive.  Jerry saw him walking toward the classroom.  He didn't wait.  He couldn't wait.  He hurriedly moved toward the professor.

“Professor Marcus, I'm sorry about yesterday.”


“I didn't have a prior engagement.  I should have accepted your kind offer.  I don't know what came over me.  I wasn't myself.  Can you forgive me?”

“There isn't anything to forgive.”

“If you would ask me again, this time I'll say Yes.  I'll even pay if you want me to.”

“That won't be necessary.”

“You don't want to have lunch with me?  I understand,” Jerry's face dropped.

“No, not that.  You don't have to pay.  I'll take care of it.  I would love to have lunch with a lovely lady such as yourself.  It would be my honor.”

Jerry smiled warmly at Professor Marcus. Jerry's ruby red lipstick accentuated the smile.  “Thank you!  I mean, I accept.”  Jerry was so happy that he didn't realize that in his panties under his shapewear he was becoming erect.

Jerry had trouble concentrating on that lesson.  Time seemed to drag until the lunch break.

Jerry joined Professor Marcus at the front of the class and they left arm in arm towards a cafe that Professor Marcus knew wasn't too distant from the campus.

Professor Marcus told Jerry of his life.  His life was as interesting as Jerry suspected.  Jerry felt like he could tell Professor Marcus anything.  But he couldn't describe his life exactly.  He couldn't tell Professor Marcus that he was just a nineteen-year-old man in drag.  Instead, he told Professor Marcus the story of Crystal's life.  He had memorized it and not only tell details of her life, but also amusing anecdotes that had happened to her.  Both Professor Marcus and Jerry had a marvelous time.

Rumors of Professor Marcus and Jerry spread like wildfire across the classroom.  The girls wanted details of what had happened, but Jerry since he was 'a lady'.  He didn't encourage such talk.  Although he was busting to tell someone.

“Crystal, Crystal, I had lunch with Stan, I mean Professor Marcus.  It was great.  We talked throughout the entire lunch hour, there wasn't a dull moment.  He led such an interesting life and his face lights up every time he smiles.  I think we will be having lunch together after every class.”

“What about dinner?” Crystal inquired.

“I'm not hungry.”

“No, I mean did he ask you out to dinner?”

“I wasn't thinking about that.  Wow, do you think he'll ask me out for Dinner?  What should I wear if he does?  Probably that red cocktail dress?  Or maybe that peach number.  I look better in pastels you know.  Maybe I should get my nails professionally manicured?” Jerry rambled on.

“Hold your horses.  He hasn't asked you yet.”

“But he will.  I know he will.  He'll take me out and after dinner, we'll go dancing.  He told me he's a great dancer, you know.”

“I didn't know, when did he tell you that?”

“We talked about a lot of things.  It doesn't matter, I'm going to make an appointment to have my nails done.  My toenails too.  I'll wear those open-toed pumps.  He never saw me wear that before.  Maybe I should have my legs professionally waxed while I'm there?”

“Are you sure?  Waxing does hurt.”

“I don't care.  I want everything to be perfect.”

The salon could make an appointment for tonight and Jerry did have his manicure and pedicure.  He also had his legs waxed for the first time.  He didn't care that it hurt, it was worth it.  Sometimes it hurts to be beautiful.  He was reminded of this when he had to put on all those tight shapewear garments.

Chapter 15

Jerry was disappointed when Stan explained to him that they had to stop seeing each other.  He was Jerry's professor and it wasn't appropriate for teachers to go out with their students.  Not only the students in the class were gossiping, but also some of the professor's colleagues were talking.  The administration was next to be informed and they weren't pleased.  It wasn't ethical for the professors to be seeing the students.  It didn't matter that the student was of advanced years as they thought Jerry was.

“I'm sorry,” Stan told Jerry regretfully.  “We can't see each other anymore.”

“Stan, if I did anything, I'm sorry.  I explained about that first day.”

“It's not you.  Don't believe that. The administration found out and they told me in no uncertain terms this cannot continue.  Not as long as you are a student here.  And from now on you have to call me Professor Marcus.”

“I don't understand.  I'm only taking one class.”

“That doesn't matter.  I represent the school and there is a certain code of conduct.”

“But the time we are together is so special.  I don't want to give it up.”

“I'm sorry.  You know I enjoy your company too.  But it just can't be.”

Jerry wanted to cry.  His heart was breaking, but he kept control over his emotions.  He knew that Professor Marcus didn't want to break it off.  He had to.  That was one of the reasons he liked Professor Marcus so much (Jerry refused to use the word love when it come to his feelings for Stan).  Professor Marcus was so honorable.

Everything had been said and the pair entered the classroom. Professor Marcus taught his lesson and Jerry sat with the other students.  He had lunch with the same group he had that first day.  They knew something was wrong, but Jerry refused to talk about it.

Chapter 16

Sometime later, Jerry met a new man.  He wasn't as handsome or as interesting as Stan but he was nice in his own way.

Jerry finally got to use his peach dress when this new man took him out.

Jerry announced himself when he entered the room for Crystal's benefit.  “This beautiful mid-century style dress is crafted in lace that twirls with floral embroidery divinity for the modern era throughout pink and apricot background. Outfitted with a back zipper, it's a marvelous stunner. ”  Jerry walked elegantly into the room, twirling to let Crystal get a good look at him.  Continuing he stated, “Paired with white and pink two-tone retro pumps with the bow at the toe and modest two and a half inch Cuban heel I will be a sight on the dance floor.”

Jerry's hair was in a french twist with a sparkly barrette holding it in place. His makeup was elegant in deep reds.  Jerry accessorized with a pink vinyl handbag with a short strap, a pearl necklace, and matching earrings.  He also wore nude nylons.  He was at the height of fifties-style fashions.

“You look fabulous,” Crystal enthused.

“I feel fabulous too.”

Jerry wondered if his date would appreciate the style statement that he was making.  He looked every bit a lady of the fifties.

“Where is he taking you?”

“Dancing!  I insisted he take me dancing.”

“You'll be the most beautiful one on the dance floor.”

Jerry had a marvelous time.  Many pictures were taken of Jerry and his date.  They circulated throughout the school.  His classmates loved his whole look, especially his dress.

Professor Marcus felt a bit jealous when he saw Jerry out with another man in such an outfit, but he didn't say anything in class.

Back at Crystal's house, Jerry was surprised to find  Professor Marcus at his door.

“Professor Marcus, what are you doing here?”

“I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have listened to them.  I love you!  I want to be with you!”

“But what about the administration.”

“Damn the administration.  I told them if I wasn't allowed to see you, I'd quit.  You mean everything to me.”

“You did that for me?”

“Yes, I did.  I meant it too!  I don't need this job.  I would rather be with you.”

“But what about your students.  You have so much to teach them.”

“The administration caved.  I can see you.  They didn't want to lose me.  Crystal, so will you take me back?”

“Umm, I don't know,” Jerry said coyly.  But he couldn't hold up the pretense for very long and threw himself into Stan's arms.

“Come, let's get a bite to eat.”

“But, I'm not properly dressed.”

“I don't care.”

“Come back in an hour.  Let me just fix my hair.”

When Stan returned, Jerry was a vision of loveliness.  He didn't have time to look as elegant as he had before, but he was still gorgeous.  From that day forth, Jerry and Stan were inseparable.

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Seems like Jerry is officially gone. Nice work itsme!