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Hi Returning Visitors,

Key highlights of this update and reminders:

  • My typical gentle nudge to remember to add my email address can be found here. It's important for the TFS character portrait inquiries and welcome message I promptly send out. Also, remember to check your spam folder and to reach out to me, if needed.
  • 🎃 We're officially in spooky season. Today's date is even more fun for TFS. 🎃
  • Writing, writing, writing, and more writing! 😱
  • B. Warrick's birthday is coming up in a few days! 🧡 (October 17th)
  • Book Two Snippet: XXXX.

I'll always have a fondness for Friday the thirteenths due to TFS's chapter structure and how it has elements of horror among the mystery/romance. It's spooky that we have one (a Friday the 13th) while in the month of October! 🐈🖤 Today influenced the snippet from Book Two as well.

Although what's really scary might be some of Patreon's new user interface updates, lol.  XD I've contacted support about my italics (← this is supposedly italicized, but it isn't), and they were very polite, saying their engineering team is aware of the site-wide problem and is working on it among other fixes. I've heard a few remarks from you all on the user-side of things too. It seems they are listening and trying to fix/improve things, so let's hope for the best! I do like the green accent color of my page. 🌲 We'll see how it goes, but I appreciate your patience with them!

Naturally, I share some variation of: “I'm writing” in these updates since that's always true; it's an outlet for me that I love. This has been kicked into overdrive for the spooky season! I believe it's partially because I do enjoy this time of year—the festive fall atmosphere, the weather, the nostalgic movies, the Halloween treats, how my black cat looks in orange and purple collars, etc., but also because I'm excited about Book Two's progress. 📝 It's taking shape. I completed a chapter in what I'd call record time! I had such a vivid idea of these particular scenes that it was seamless to write them out. (Plus, I had been missing Judith and Mrs. Grendal.) I planned to tease you all about working on scenes with someone whom many of your MCs dislike (C 🔪), but I've wrapped that section as well. The part I'm about to return to working on after this publishes (a few minutes later than my usual time; yes, I'm typing it ~live~) is very spoilery.

(It features a new mechanic that ties into the MC's abilities. It's designed as another facet of replayability because some insight/information/lore hints can be revealed with more playthroughs. It adds more shading and details to the bigger picture if you wish to explore.)

So, I'm off to go write. :D

B. Warrick's birthday is coming up in about four days.🧡 I can't wait to celebrate them. Also, we have our next Book Two alpha drop on Halloween. 👻 It's still undergoing testing and final edits for you all to experience it. I think it might be fun to read/play it when it's dark outside.

[Spoilers Ahead? Or Maybe not.]

Here's an excerpt (?) from Book Two:


There is nothing here to torment your hungry minds that desire more.

Perhaps, it will reveal itself at the final minute of this accursed day, a longer tease to sharpen your cravings. Hide your eyes from it or be on the lookout. It won't be easy to forget.

Thank you again for all of your support. I hope you're looking forward to a restful weekend! 💚



A new mechanic that ties into the MC's abilities, oooooh, exciting. Happy early Birthday Bee. 🎃🧁


I'm on the website and the italics look fine


I'm so happy this excites you. We've technically received a hint of it, but this is an expanded section that varies more heavily by ability to entice readers to replay to collect new insight. 🔍 I can't wait for B's birthday; it's just around the corner. They could use some celebrating. 🐝


Thank you for letting me know! For some reason, it seems to be varying across user? 🤔 For instance, I can't see them right now, but I'm using Mozilla Firefox and the creator view, so maybe that has something to do with it? I hope that Patreon gets it fixed; however, I'm encouraged/glad that you can see them. 💚