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This is just one of several variations depending on your choices! I suspect that fewer of you will uncover this one; they can vary in horror and suspense. This is just a taste. 😱 

Do be warned, it can be a little intense—nothing graphic, just kind of dark/sad imagery. 

_ _ _

A subtle quaking motion travels up your sides while you blearily blink to allow your eyes to adjust to the room's limited light. A vibrant sapphire hue is gracing it, casting a calming mood over the space. It takes you a second to realize you've let your eyes remain shut for a moment too long, coaxed back to sleep, but another weak shudder eventually rouses you.

Your attention strays to the nearby digital clock to see that it's sadly past three in the morning.

The culprit has migrated closer to your thigh, jostling up against it, before you snatch up your cell phone with an irritated exhale. Its screen lights up again, flashing a picture from a family outing that wasn't your background. Your father's soft smile and mother's laughing face burn into your retinas along with the abrupt brightness, taunting you even when you close your eyes for a second to escape them.

Vibrations are to blame for the trembling of your hand, each one high-powered and—

You lose your grip on the phone; it falls on the mattress before sporadically marching itself to the very edge and toppling to the floor.

It's either malfunctioning or possessed…

As soon as that thought crosses your mind, you're reaching out a hand to collect the device so you can learn what's going on. Your fingertips brush the floor while you lean on your side, resting your head on a cool pillow while searching. Of course, it had to land screen-down in a mostly dark room when you are already starting to feel uneasy about this.


"…Where is it?" you mutter.

The strong vibrations help you find the device, giving you a hint about where it is as they permeate through the floor. You flip it over and pick it up, hesitant when you read that the text is from an unknown number, a stranger.

Before you can second-guess things, you tap open the message, instantly regretting it when fear bolts through you. You're both dropping the phone and scrambling away from it since the image file won't close out. It continues to stare back at you. The once smiling family photo now looks distorted—it's wrong—with traces of decay setting into their faces, caving smiles and hollowing out cheeks. You find it hard to reflect on them being alive, so this is—

They're rotten through now, not your parents.

You've run out of bed to crawl across as your thoughts race, toppling over the edge and smacking into something too harshly.



??? stop playing around 😡


Prue: Oh, sweet. My phone works again! ... NOT LIKE THIS, NOT LIKE THIS.


Part of what makes the ??? terrifying is that it/they know when to stop and rarely choose to do so. 👀


(I feel low-key guilty this made me smile to myself. XD) Prue is so relatable here! I hope she catches a break soon-ish. 😔