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[Alternate Text: An image of a glass candy dish filled with different colored hard candies. They are wrapped in plastic so their colors (swirled red, swirled green, orange, and lemony yellow) are able to entice.]

(Quick sidenote: Patreon's latest update took away my ability to italicize things in posts, which is quite maddening to me. If you're wondering about that formatting difference compared to my other posts, that's why. I hope it's resolved before our next writing; you all know how I sometimes like to italicize for dramatic effect or general emphasis. 😁)

You turn to see R rifling through a seashell-shaped candy dish that appears to contain plastic wrapped gemstones and not pieces of confections. The colors are so vibrant and intense that you move closer to them to inspect the hard candies that are likely fruit flavored. "Those aren't a brand name," you note, failing to spot any label or symbol of a candy maker on the wrappers. "They can't be."

"Would you like one?" R offers, no longer attempting to find one of every color and arrange them in a neat line. "It's hard to tell the flavors, but I have educated guesses."

Many of you will remember the above scene from Book One if you brought R. Verner along to the coroner's office in Chapter 7.

This section has many triggered exchanges in it that relate to the MC's personality, their romance route, their friendship with R, and the actual choice itself to try the unique candy or not. I thought it might be fun to learn what flavors the TFS characters would get from the bowl, except I switched things up for certain characters for more insight. πŸ˜‰

Imagine each one plucking a candy from this dish, but in less grim circumstances while you're waiting.

_ _ _

B tries not to obviously frown when they unwrap the wrapper only to see that it's actually empty on the inside. There's no trace of a sticky filling or a dusting of sugar; it's blank. To be fair, they're nervous being back here, so grabbing the first thing their fingers touched is what they went with since everyone else is taking questionable, coroner candy for whatever reason. B gives you a quick smile when you pop a piece of candy in your mouth and remark on the flavor. It gives them a chance to stuff the wrapper in their hoodie pocket.

They aren't really hungry anyway.

(B. Warrick doesn't receive a candy from the dish. πŸ₯Ί)

_ _ _

S takes time to admire the hues of the candy before snagging a particular piece that buckles under their touch, so they extract it by the very ends of the plastic wrapper. It was half-buried beneath the others, almost crushed by the hard candy shells since this one lacks a sugar shell. It's probably a variety of soft toffee.

(S. Dorran receives the merciful candy from the dish. πŸ’™)

_ _ _

Technically, you can figure this out within some of the choices options. This is from Book One:

"It's a candy dish in a waiting room," R notes with a touch of amusement, swapping out a green piece for a red one. They twirl the candy by the end of its plastic wrapper, making it catch the light from a nearby lamp so the red sugar glints like a polished garnet. "We are allowed to take one; there is an implicit invitation to."

(R. Verner would receive either the zingy sour candy (snarky) or the red candy (cruel).)

Before anyone tries to separate [Dog_Name] from R after reading this, please let me clarify. πŸ˜… The cruel factor with the Verner heir isn't the same as with the MC in TFS; it's a hint about how they attack the spriggan later on in Book One along with some future things for the series. During the forest fight, R acts (really, reacts) because they care for Milton and have a unique bond with the prankster. They go for the spirggan's knee for maximum impact. It's described as a 'cruel move'; R is good at this, finding and capitalizing on weak points without pause. Their 'cruelty' isn't that they enjoy being callous, rather it's how the Line (of what's acceptable and humane) can blur for them more easily among the characters once they or someone they love is threatened/hurt/etc.

Here's another line from Book One that hints at this propensity:

"I would only need a name if someone killed a member of my family."  -R. Verner

My inclusion of that red candy for R is a way to signal in a very subtle sense (that I'm now explaining) to be aware of this aspect of their personality. It can come up in Book Two.

_ _ _

J lingers by the end of the counter until they see that everyone else has a confection aside from them; it normally wouldn't bother them, but you're shooting them a quietly curious look. They resist the urge to sigh, stepping forward to select a piece of candy that instantly breaks under their touch. Very thin shards of sugar fill the wrapper that J regretfully slips into their coat pocket, unwilling to try and salvage the shattered sweet treat or reveal what they did by mistake.

(J. Corvin would receive the sincerity candy, and yes, they feel bad about breaking it. 😌)

_ _ _

β€œNo,” Mal flatly concludes.

No one is in the Coroner's Office now; it's only them and the skeleton in the Hawaiian shirt who is offering a slack-jawed grin that's getting on their nerves with each passing second. Mal's eyes bore into the skull's empty eye sockets, unimpressed by this stare off enough to force an ending when they knock the candy dish off onto the floor. They step over most of the confections, but a few stray ones end up crushed beneath their biker boots, sweet, hollow shells breaking in seconds. It makes them freeze since they're typically more careful with their soundless steps. After a moment, Mal continues to leave, staring into one of the shadowy corners of the room before placing a hand on the door just as it creaks open.

(Mal believes they would receive the cruel candy. They don't want to participate in this. πŸ™ƒ)



So now the question is: Did Mal not want to participate because they thought they were going to get the cruel candy or some other reason?


both my mcs are offering their candies to B, i won't take this sitting down- it is funny tho, bc R's coroner scene is the only one I haven't managed to get (yet) bc I keep bringing everyone else so this has been a nice tidbit to learn about! I think Sienna would worry about R's sense of protectiveness bc that seems /dangerous/ for everyone involved. Noire would understand though, he has that same level of protective streak for those he cares about as well. He's not the type to hold back if you've crossed that line- but I could see some playful from him in asking R to "trade" despite getting the same candy. Sienna would nod along with S, "the best ones are the ones buried underneath." She's the type to dig beneath bc she assumes everyone hides the good ones at the bottom bc she does that with her own treat bowls lol. She'd try to keep an eye out to see what S picked and try to offer it up again in the future. but J no! The way I could see Noire instantly crushing his to match with them, because J may have been subtle, but Noire has eyes like a hawk (and he generally tries to ensure that others have their share first before taking his). He'd play it off as an 'oops, I wasn't being careful, but look we can still eat it. Just because it's a little crushed, doesn't mean we still can't enjoy it.' well if Mal doesn't like any of these candies, Noire would wonder if they'd accept the one he was going to offer them. Or mayhaps just go off to search for a treat that Mal does enjoy/would accept. If Mal doesn't like the options given to them, then Noire will find an option that they would consider! He would definitely note which ones ended up beneath Mal's boot...


πŸ‘€ The root reason behind Mal's lack of participation is an enigma that they wish to keep hidden. There is an inkling in what happens towards the end when they're leaving the office. Mal knows in their heart what candy they would receive; they didn't want to play along or have that revealed to anyone even themself. The confirmation is why they didn't. For ardent Mal-mancers, this can come up again in a different way at the end of Book Two! πŸ’š


Both of your MCs are sweeter than all the candy in that bowl to do that for B, seriously. πŸ₯Ί Can you imagine how that must've felt to them? I know it's just candy, but B is naturally kind of self-conscious, so oof. I'm intrigued that you haven't yet unlocked this scene set with R; it actually excites me for you to eventually read it. R has some unique exchanges/takeaways while at the coroner's office. I can see how R's method of intense protectiveness could evoke differing reactions, like in the case of Sienna versus Noire. It can be dangerous; it primarily coming out in the service of others (i.e. Milton, the MC (especially romanced or bestie), their cat (no, I'm not joking)) might help to soften the edge, but it is still there with an everlasting sharpness like obsidian. R would enjoy the 'trade' with Noire, smiling a bit at his playfulness. Oh, I adore what you typed for Sienna. (That's actually what I was also trying to imply with how S's mercy and thoughtful disposition can kind of lead to some 'burying'.) I think it's considerate of her to make a mental note of the flavor they received to then offer it in the future. πŸ₯° πŸ₯Ί Noire doing that for J hit me in my J. Corvin feelings for how deep their childhood friendship was--the care and attentiveness, especially the effort to make J more comfortable. (That last one can be revealed as a theme of the dynamic when they were younger; J primarily spoke to the MC.) J would be more likely to salvage the treat after this. 🍬 Hmm, you caught that detail, didn't you? πŸ‘€ It's a good idea to make note of it, Blaire. What's interesting is that Mal would be more keen on trying a candy from Noire due to the fact that Noire made the effort to tailor it to them, going out of his way to show consideration. It could be as widely varied as root beer, passion fruit, or a cherry cordial yet Mal would pop it in their mouth instead of weighing in on what tastes they actually have an affinity to. (This might low-key upset or exasperate Noire, but it's not intentional! Mal is just stunned at someone taking the time. They will need to learn that it's okay to voice their own wants.)


Blaire, I edited my comment since the little arrow symbol made some of it go away. This means the email notification you'll receive isn't representative of the whole comment. It's best to read it on the site. πŸ’š