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"Marvelous, simply marvelous!"

Her joyous proclamations were horrifying, to hear from within. You could feel her elation and happiness. Outwardly, she'd changed little, though you could scarcely see for yourself, as she did little in the way of self admiration despite her rampant narcissism...

But there was absolutely no doubt that Cell was not the same after absorbing you.

You had almost expected to lose yourself completely, to be gone, for all intents and purposes... but you weren't. To some degree... you still existed. You didn't have a body, not anymore, not anywhere within her, but you shared hers, to some degree. You got all the same sensations that she did, and you could almost FEEL the thrumming power, raging beneath the surface, just waiting for an outlet.

Though you had no control, no ability to speak without, within...

"Cell, stop this!" you pleaded.

She laughed. Clearly, none outside could hear you, but she could. "Begone, insects!" she shouted, and with a flick of her wrist, she showed her overwhelming power to the gathered people who'd thought to face her.

Her might was overwhelming, and with a single attack, all of your gathered allies were subdued, defeated in an instant. 

She boasted of her strength, then. Goku's plea worked, however - buying them precious time. Ten days, for Cell to hold a tournament to decide the fate of the world.

After a few minutes, Cell left, chuckling to herself, drunk in her own power, finally reaching an uninhabitated wild wasteland, that she turned into a flat plain with her extreme telekinetic might.

"Aah, my dearest David, how are you feeling, within my perfection?" she asked out loud, making a grand gesture. "Isn't it amazing?"

"I don't see what's so grand about a barren wasteland!" you argued back.

"I'm talking about me, my dear," she spoke amusedly, as she began running her hands through her deceptively hard looking skin. Between the layers of hard spotted green exoskeleton was her ridiculously soft black skin. She'd changed, shifted, from the exoskeleton covered insectile humanoid, into a slim, almost waifish, womanly form.

The smooth, black tone of her skin looked like a polished finish, or perhaps even a body sock that was covered with armored plates, in insectile fashion.

As much as you would hate to admit it, she was, in a terrifying way, a beautiful specimen. A monster, just looking inhuman enough to terrify, but just close enough to arouse.

She laughed, as you finished your thoughts. "I see, I see, I knew you'd love my form as I do," she said, running her hands through her covered chest, as her armored plate came apart and shrank, further framing her oversized tits, tipped with dark purple nipples that were showing her obvious and clear arousal, to show off her form as best as she could. "Do you prefer this, hm?" she asked, "don't hesitate, fall to the pleasure!"

You wanted to protest, that you weren't enjoying this at all, but you'd be lying. Cell's body was quite sensitive, and as she played with her own breasts, you could feel little but the mounting arousal and excitement, even as you felt it all travel down, travel to your penis, which twitched and throbbed under the teasing.

Wait... your penis? but... you didn't-

Cell looked down, and one of her hands grasped a big, thick, veiny and quite pink looking shaft, tipped with a darker head. It was a penis, but more importantly, it was a penis you recognized quite well. "Dr. Gero would've had you gone completely... but ah, the computer saw your strength as one we could... coopt," she purred, as she began stroking the shaft. "Aah, what a lovely pleasure, can you feel it?"

"No!" you shouted in horror, even as you felt the pleasure of Cell's smooth, soft hand, of the same white color of her face, gliding across your cock, slick with her own saliva as she drooled on it.

Cell moaned, as her other hand came down to join the first, "o-oh, this, this is quite amazing!" she groaned, voice a little strangled as she began stroking her self with both hands, hard and fast, applying just the right amount of pressure. "N-No, unbelievable, this- this is-" she bent forward a little, stroking the out of place shaft on her crotch like her life depended on it. "Yyyeeeess!" she belts out, arching her back and pushing forward, almost as if wanting to thrust into her own hands, "it feels so good, your dick feels so good, I could- I could-"


No she couldn't

You made absolutely sure to do everything within your power, right now. It was YOUR dick! You didn't have control, not really, not truly, but there was something you could do, through your telepathic connection to Cell, and that was interfere with her masturbation fantasy. 

Cell actually chuckled, mood broken as she broke out laughing, at the images you sent her. "Ah, you are quite clever," she said, as she came back to herself, one hand lazily stroking your cock now. "Yes... you were quite succesful in denying me the correct mood... but this merits some punishment."

You wished you could've grabbed your temples. "You've absorbed me and are keeping me trapped within you. How else could you punish me?"

Cell chuckled, took to the air, and in moments, reached a gas station in the middle of a route. Still erect, still dripping from her vagina and still sporting exposed and pointy nipples, Cell entered the gas station's store, a single thought in mind.

You'd interrupted her orgasm, so now she would punish you by killing a random person in return - she knew, without a doubt, that you would blame yourself for this painful death. No doubt... she was right. After all, it didn't take long to realize that if you hadn't interrupted her, she might not be doing this.

The moment Cell walked into the otherwise empty gas station, she immediately headed to the counter, which was manned not by some acne faced teenage boy, but rather by a rather cute, if a bit mousy, young woman.

Cell licked her lips, then, as she thought of means to brutally and painfully kill her, rend her apart, limb from limb.

The woman screamed in terror, as she saw the monster, though her eyes soon drifted to your, ah, endowment on Cell's body...

"This... this is a dream?"

Cell chuckled. "No, my dear, this is a nightmare," she said, stepping towards the terrified clerk.

"C-Cell!" you pleaded. "I- we can fix this, you don't have to do this!"

Cell chuckled. "I'm afraid someone else chose this fate for you, girl," Cell said, as she raised a hand and pointed a finger between the girl's eyes.

The woman gulped, eyes darting about. Then she finally seemed resigned, hands going- to the hem of her sweater?

She pulled it up and-

"Holy shit," Cell voiced your thoughts. "Are those real?"

The clerk girl winced. "Y-Yes?" she asked, as her absolutely humongous, FF cup gazongas were barely contained by her ridiculously sexy, obscene bra.

"And you're even wearing sexy lingerie," Cell said, flatly.

"It's the only kind that fits my boobs!" the girl protested. "I can only get it from fetish shops!"

Still, Cell's fascination with the girl's tits was definitely an opportunity! 

"C-Cell!" you shouted. "Do- Don't you want to- to take a crack at those puppies?" you pleaded. "Come on! You can do this much for me, right? For both of us!"

Your cock throbbed in reaction. Cell mentally sent you images of the girl's death incoming- but you sent even more back of her humongous tits, wrapped around your shaft. You sent her images of the girl's nice and thick ass, flooded with your thick cream.

In order to spare the girl's life - and because apparently she was some sort of alien fetishist since she was obviously getting more and more aroused the more she undressed, as she was now pulling down her pants without a care in the world - you sent Cell more and more ideas and images of the many ways she could use your cock, besides simple masturbation.

"Alright fine, so be it, we'll do it your way," Cell said, though her voice was throaty and charged with arousal, as she licked her lips, grabbing at the girl and easily pulling her over to the customer side of the counter, sitting her on it. Without a doubt or a moment of care or hesitation, Cell's mouth immediately latched onto the girl's massively huge tits, lips kissing the edges of her areola and tongue teasing the stiff pink tips.

The girl moaned. "Aah, yeeees, right there, eat up my titties, miss alien!"

Cell at this point cared little - technically, she was composed almost entirely from inhuman sources, right now. So fuck it, she was an alien, as long as these tits were on her face and the soft, delightful titflesh sent tingles of pleasure all the way down to the cock you two were sharing, nothing really mattered.

Cell then pulled the girl up, holding her in place easily with her incredible strength, and lined up your cock with the girl's vagina, carelessly inserting her cock in a single thrust, the girl's ridiculously wet, nay, outright flooded vagina almost making a squelching wet sound as you buried yourself in her.

She moaned wantonly, not even caring remotely about the fact that she was getting fucked in the middle of her workplace.

Cell cared little for how humans or really anyone saw her, besides herself, so it was no wonder she, too, gave no damns about fucking a girl in a gas station store like it was nothing.

And as for you?

Well, it felt almost like your entire body had been reduced to your penis, and said penis was currently experiencing lovely stimulation from everyside, reverberating with Cell's own stimulation, the pleasure cascading into itself and creating a feedback loop, where this woman's pussy and tits were providing ever climbing and more insane pleasure.

Cell had never felt anything like this, and her first time had clearly gotten her hooked, because even as you felt her muscles tighten and what felt like internal balls churning and flooding the store clerk with semen...

Cell simply turned the girl around and began fucking her from behind, this time slipping her slick, arousal covered cock right up the girl's well trained ass, which accepted the cock without hint of resistance or complaint. "You are the most perverted human in this planet, aren't you? Getting off when a monster is fucking you, even your ass is wide open!"

"Yyyeeees!" the girl moaned, "I'm the wooooorst!" she screamed. "I always dreamed of the day I'd get anal probed by an alien!"

Cell couldn't help but laugh, then, as she continued fucking the girl. Her tail then lengthened, moving about. Slimmer, now, than when it expanded to eat you. In fact, it was just about thick enough to passably approach your penis size...

And Cell moved it swiftly and with unerring accuracy, the tappered tip easily piercing into the girl's vagina, followed by the thick muscles, and then she started pumping it back and forth, tailfucking the girl and churning up the semen left within her.

Cell laughed out loud, delighted in the pleasure she was feeling, from the girl, from her cock, and most importantly, by forcing you to submit to your own base desires, as you yourself could only be along for the ride.

Hours upon hours were spent, taking each of the nameless gas station attendant's holes, one by one, with both her penis and tail. Cell had even poured a solution from her tail directly into the girl's mouth, a sort of imitation of the Senzu Juice you'd developed long ago, that healed the girl's injuries, collected from fucking in rough positions, and cleared any sore feeling in her vagina or ass from the thorough and rough fucking, as well as restored her stamina.

For hours upon hours, the gas station was witness to a level of lust and disgusting perversion that few, if any, would ever witness.

As the day came to an end, however, Cell tired after recharging and healing her victim so many times, and finally, sat down on the ground, humming as the yet unnamed girl obediently came down and began suckling on your still erect cock. Cell's regeneration had allowed you to cum literal buckets, through her cock. There was so much semen everywhere that the gas station likely would need to be bleached entirely to get the smell off.

And yet...

The girl swallowed as another ridiculously thick load, just as excessively massive as the very first, was poured down her throat.

She smiled and opened her mouth to show she had swallowed all of it.

Cell laughed, then. "You've pleasured me greatly. You get to live."

The girl smiled. "Ah, thank you miss alien! Please, come again any time you want to probe my ass again!"

Cell shook her head, as she simply flew THROUGH the gas station's ceiling, not giving a damn about anything. "For now, anyway..."

In the distance, the girl was now starting to panic, and she seemed to be talking about dreams or something, but you couldn't hear even with Cell's ridiculously enhanced ears.

As you and Cell waited for her tournament to begin, Cell would keep visiting that girl, pretty much every day, fucking her for hours each day.

She would be the unsung hero of the world, keeping Cell entertained and distracted so she never got to do anything nefarious, since she never got bored.



Not gonna lie, this one started one way and just sort of wound up going another one entirely. I blame the fact that for some insane reason I cannot comprehend, between me starting it and finishing it, there might have been a viewing of Utea, which... probably gave me weird ideas.