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"Thank you for the help."

The woman who went by the name of Medusa was, needless to say, stunning. Her silky hair was a striking shade of purple, and her eyes had a bewitching, almost petrifying gaze, and when she focused on you through her glasses, your breath almost caught in your throat.

It had a strange sense of danger, like you were in front of a viper, but she was as sweet as they came. Sweet, seductive, but with an undercurrent of danger that was the perfect poisonous spice to an already amazing dessert.

But that might just be your hunger talking, considering that you hadn't had lunch that day, and you'd happened to request Medusa at a time when she had been wanting to spend some time, and reconnect with, a pair of old acquaintances. Honestly... it was kind of perfect, in a sense.

"No, no problem at all," you said, smiling. 

It was unusual to have an outing, with the chosen woman. Usually, you'd just use the built in facilities, but for a variety of reasons... well, you were driving on a rather nice, but not overly so, sedan. You didn't know the model or the make, didn't recognize it at all, and it bore neither a brand nor a plate, but despite your worries, the Master had assured you noone would bat an eyelash at it.

Unsurprisingly, she was correct. After a short flight, you found yourself in, of all places, New York, visiting the metropolis for the first time in quite some time. You honestly couldn't remember much of the trip, as you'd been asleep, but the car had been waiting for you, keys on the ignition and doors unlocked, at the airport. Medusa took the driver's seat, and your fellow passengers took the back seat.

"Sorry about making it a double date," she said, giving you an almost apologetic smile.

You looked using the rearview mirror, to see a girl who could pass as Medusa's younger sibling, with a similarly gifted body and similarly colored hair, cuddling with a pretty well muscled man, whispering to each other, totally lost in their own world.

"Eh, it's nice to do something different," you said. "And I'm always up for helping people, I've received a lot of help from people all over Chaldea so it's only right."

"I'm glad," Medusa said. "We will be reaching the restaurant and hotel soon," she explained. "Master has made reservations for us and paid for our dinner; said it was a gift for your good performance."

You laughed. "Sounds like her," you said.

Medusa drove all of you to a rather large and fancy looking hotel, and after waiting in line for a few moments, you came up to the entrance. Fortunately, your names were indeed in the reservations list, at the right time, and after a momentary check, it was decided that your suit, the suit of the bright haired lad, and the ladies' dresses, passed muster for the dress code.

A waiter took over the moment you stepped into the hotel's restaurant, and led the four of you to a table.

"Ah, sorry we've not been very conversational," the girl who looked like Medusa's younger sister spoke. Sakura, you remembered her name, spoke softly and seemed fairly reserved.

Beside her, the boy looked a bit apologetic. "Apologies, we rarely get time off, and we work in different departments, so to speak..."

You waved your hand. "Say no more, I'd hardly judge you for being focused on your partner," you spoke, winking at them.

They laughed.

"If you wouldn't mind, I would love to know which departments you two work in," you spoke. "I believe all three of you are aware that I'm in the collections and data gathering department," you explained. "It's not as weird as it sounds, I promise. I just track down people who skip their bills."

"I'm told you're a rather fearsome huntsman," the boy, Shirou you thought, said.

You scratched the back of your neck.

Medusa smiled, and Sakura continued. "I'm in the research and development department actually," she explained. "Mostly as an assistant, but I do have some projects I'm involved with."

You nodded. "And you?"

"I work mostly as a handyman and janitor," the boy said.

You raised an eyebrow. "You're not in Janitorial," you spoke. "I think I've heard of you... you've worked on a few projects over by the forges, right?"

He chuckled. "Yes, but I'm a bit of an everyman, I suppose, I just do what I'm asked."

Chitchat ensued, and you had a fairly nice time, and soon enough, your food had arrived. It was delicious, though the topic of cooking ability did pop up, and you'd wrangled a promise from both Shirou and Sakura that they'd treat you to a homecooked meal, as thanks for you using your influence with the Master to allow this situation to happen.

Not that it really took that much to convince her, and she was very into the idea, but really... both of them admitted that they did simply enjoy cooking for its own sake, so it wasn't a very big ask.

Soon enough, however, dinner was winding down, and Medusa approached you.

"They're... a bit shy," she explained. "I want to encourage them by example, so... I'll make it a bit obvious what we're retiring to do," she explained.

You nodded. "You want to encourage them to, you know..."

She nodded. "Follow my lead."

It was an order, and her voice took a sensual tone to it that almost had you following her like a snake charmer.  She moved with grace and purpose, shaking her hips, the sway almost reminding you of a particularly deadly viper. Heh, lots of thoughts about snakes lately, you mused.

She lead the three of you to the room that had been reserved for you, with relatively minimal help from the staff. No luggage was necessary, as you'd only be staying the night. That said...

When you got to the two rooms, right next to each other on the same floor, Medusa hummed. "Well then," she said, eyes half lidded. "We'll be taking the even room, and you two the odd," she said, humming a little tune.

"Ah, shouldn't, shouldn't we take the same room, Ri- Medusa?" asked Sakura, looking a bit concerned.

"Sakura, dear," Medusa said, ignoring the little slip Sakura had made, "I would not want you to, ah, disappoint Shirou by not capping off such a wonderful night in the right way."

The two youngsters were actually blushing, it was almost cute. They had seemed almost unflappable, obviously they were used to hanging out, but now that they were reminded that this was indeed, a date, they apparently just now realized the implications.

"I'm sure you two will figure out what to do once you've got some... privacy," you said, not quite striking the same sensuous, perverted tone that Medusa did.

She smirked then, and grabbed your hand. "Now, let's leave these two to their well deserved rest," she said, shooting them a wink. "I'm sure we can find a way to, ah, entertain ourselves."

"Of that," you chuckled, "I have no doubt, I can think of a thousand ways, and they all begin with you," you continued as she led you into the room.

"Oh ho," she seemed amused, "are you aware of what you're doing? You're playing with fire... I might wind up making you a slave to your basest desires."

"I see this," you said, gesturing to her and the beautiful room, most of which would go unused tonight, as only the comfy and large bed would be your focus, "as an opportunity."

She smirked, and with her grip on your hand, and with a spin, she threw you onto the bed, and you laughed openly as you landed, bouncing a little on the bed springs.

"Oh dear, with you standing over me like that, I feel like I might just be in trouble," you said, wiggling your eyebrows as she climbed on her knees on the bed, working her slinky black dress off of her body in a moment, revealing ridiculously erotic purple lingerie, a crotchless thong that didn't cover her vagina, and a bra that had no cups, revealing her perky and sizable teets.

You licked your lips.

She chuckled. "I've heard good things about you, mister collector," she said, adjusting how her glasses sat on her nose, crawling towards you on all fours, until she was directly on top of you, face to face. She quickly grabbed at your face, and stole your lips in a passionate kiss, breaking it and pulling back. "Can you live up to that reputation?"

"I'll certainly try," you said. "With someone like you, I have absolutely no doubts nor hesitation, you're certainly a woman worthy of my best and then some."

"That's quite flattering," she said, and before she even reached for them, you had already undone your belt and slacks' button, allowing her to easily pull them off alongside your underwear, revealing your already erect penis. "But this is even moreso. So quickly, and I barely had to touch you."

"If you could see things from my end, you'd be pretty horny yourself," you said with a wink.

"Oh, from where I'm standing, I'm seeing some pretty arousing things, myself," she said, and with one of her hands she guided yours towards her crotch, you complied, and explored her a little. Needless to say, she was slick, a little bit sticky, and most importantly, quite and obviously ready to receive.

You licked your lips, and she lined herself up. "I suppose you're about to show me why you were under the category heading of 'Rider', right now, eh?"

She laughed, and looked down upon you from above. "Just let me handle the rest," she said, "this is your reward, for going along with my selfish request."

You shook your head, and after a few moments, the two of you heard a thump from the other room... followed by another, and then another, a rhythm of thumps and muffled voices.

"Oh dear, it appears our little show awakened some feelings on our young friends," you said, grinning.

"We can't allow ourselves, as the responsible seniors, to fall behind," she said, as she began lowering herself, your tip spreading open her lips and the slick wet heat of her cunt quickly spreading like warm honey around your cock, before the walls and folds of her insides began to squeeze and constrict around you.

You moaned, a combination of surprise and pleasure forcing your voice out in force. 

"This is- this is a nice one!" Medusa moaned. "I could," she winced, "I could get used to this quality..." she muttered, and then began raising herself, and you whined  as her wet heat disappeared, leaving only the chill air of the room's air conditioning. Before you could complain more, however, she came back down, faster this time.

Again and again, she repeated the motion, faster on each repetition, and you couldn't help but moan, groan and let yourself voice your pleasure over and over again.

She was holding nothing back, either openly moaning and groaning as she fucked herself on your cock, or speaking words of praise, "that's it, you're just the right size, the right angle, it feels good, so good," she moaned, openly and wantonly, and you swore you could even see her drooling a little, even as she frantically kept one hand on her face, almost seeming afraid that her glasses might fall.

She looked positively gloriously hot with them on, so you weren't about to complain.

"Medusa, urgh, you're, you're too good," you moaned, gritting your teeth and closing one of your eyes, knowing your expression looked ridiculous but too busy clenching your muscles to try to hold yourself back, as she rode you viciously and without pause. "Your pussy's too amazing, I can't, I can't hold it back!"

"Then let it go!" she moaned, "cum inside, give me all your cum! I'll drink all your precious essence, to the last drop!"

The sheer needy, lustful desire in her voice, the sultry and sensuous tone now giving way to naked and unrestrained want, passionate heat coloring her every word and expression, was almost as good as her pussy itself.

She was a creature made for sex, a man eating monster that would never be satisfied, but damn if she didn't tempt you to try your absolute hardest to make it so! Your muscles clenched, your body protesting, your balls churning, everything came to a head as your hands gripped her thighs and you pressed her down on you even as you thrusted upward, going as deep as you could before you began to unleash your seed within her.

Again and again, you thrusted, pulling her into you, each thrust accompanied by another shot, your load increasing in size more and more as she moaned and shook with each spurt of jizz poured directly into her deepest parts.

Panting for breath, you finally shot your last, and it felt like her pussy squeezed your cock, milking you of the last few drops stuck in your urethra.

She almost crashed down upon you, mouth latching onto your shoulder in a painful, yet even more arousing bite. You were certain she'd broken skin, and you couldn't even imagine the sort of fetish she was indulging, but whatever it was, you didn't care-  this woman had provided you fantastic pleasure, and had given you something you actually didn't even know you wanted until you had it, which was a regular, normal date. Well, mostly normal.

You moaned as it felt like tension was drained right out of you through your shoulder, relaxing a lot, all the way until she pulled back and looked down at you, more than a bit apologetic, and somewhat afraid. "I- I'm- I'm sorry, I lost control for a moment and-"

You chuckled, and your dick throbbed inside her.

"It's okay, you didn't drink the important bits," you said with a wink.

She looked worried for a moment, and then she just chuckled. "I see... you're even better than what the others said," she spoke, shaking her head. "Well then... you've indulged me, so it's time for me to truly go all out and show you what I can do. Prepare yourself, this time I really will drown you in all my lust..!"

"Looking forward to it," you said, placing your hands behind your head and thrusting your hips into her.

She smirked, and then began rocking her hips, clearly preparing. You didn't mind giving her time... after all, the night was young, and the couple on the other room was starting to really get in the mood too...

You made a note, sometime down the line, to invite them on another date sometime...


Wiser Guy

No suggestions after 5 days? Alright... How about Gorgon getting jealous after hearing about Medusa's date?


Too bad Anna is disallowed per Patreon's rules, eh, otherwise we could complete the set. (Let's not talk about how I can deal with this by posting directly to QQ instead)