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Hey guys!

In an effort to promote more engagement, because engagement makes me happy, and to give you guys a bit more of a reward for your support, I'm going to start a new weekly poll on december.

This poll will collect prompts given by you, my patrons, on either the previous prompt poll's comments or through direct messages, and then you guys will vote on them. I have not yet figured out a reliable method to do tiered voting, but I will try to figure it out.

When I do, I will institute an universal rule wherein voters get their votes multiplied by the tier they subscribe to.

Townsfolk votes will count for 1, Investors will count for 3, and Financiers will count for 5 votes each. Availability of slots for the polls will always prioritize tiers by similar logic, up to a maximum of ten slots. Furthermore, Financiers will have an option to have a second prompt be input into the poll.

The chosen prompt will then be written into a story with a minimum word length of 1000 words.

The new weekly structure would be as follows:

Sunday: Multidimensional Hotel Chaldea
Wednesday: Weekly Chapter Update to one of the ongoing stories
Friday: Weekly Prompt Vote

I hope that this is something that you can be happy to see, and that it makes you feel as if your support is properly rewarded! Thank you for your support, as always!

Capitalism, ho!

(All of this is subject to modification based upon your feedback, so feel free to tell me what you think!)



What I want is a Catia lewd omake with Marduk. I just started reading your quest and God am I salty readers turned her down.


Certainly something that can be arranged for the prompt poll, I might do another one next week, to make sure I've got things down!