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"Well, that is one of the most amusing ways someone's come by my desk," the indistinct, almost blurry shape of embodied divinity, vaguely humanoid but ultimately undetailed.

"Wha- What happened?" I asked. Even if... right, I knew, deep within, what'd happened. I didn't like that it came to me in an instant.

I heard the sound of the thing that wasn't really there coughing to disguise a laugh. "Well, it appears that you mama'd your last-a mia, so to speak," the god said. "Should have kept track of that turtle shell."

"I see... so this is it, then?"

"Nah, not yet. You see, truth is, I interrupted that little disaster about to happen, just in time," the... thing that just gave me the impression of godhood spoke, "because you've been scouted and recruited."

I frowned. "Scouted? For what?"

"Tell me, boy, have you ever thought of saving a world through heroic adventuring?"

"I was a kid once, yes," I admitted freely. "But that sort of stuff is only for isekai fantasy anime and, ah, right, that's where we're going isn't it?"

"Bingo! Some of those do hold a candle of truth," the being admitted. "And we chose you, someone with no real attachments to the world, for this. Shortly, you will be summoned by people of this world, and embark upon a mission to save it from the Demon Queen!"

"I don't get a say in any of this? A cheat skill? An overpowered treasure? Anything?"

"Sonny boy, do I look like a charity to you?" the god asked.

"You look like trying to describe you would give me a headache," I admitted.

"Good. Now close your eyes, you're gonna be leaving in three, two-"

When I opened my eyes again, the vast white expanse of nothing and a mahogany desk that I'd been chating with a crazy looking entity in was gone, and instead, I was in a circular stone room, and as my vision cleared, I could see the patterns drawn under me.

This was it. A summoning circle... I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the dark as the world came into focus now... and I realized I was in a room, with an older woman, a young girl of roughly my age, and what appeared to be... not exactly human looking servants, in maid uniforms.

The older woman was definitely human, but the girl with her had horns, dark as the night, jutting from her forehead and splitting her hair like hairclips, as well as leathery bat wings and pointed ears. 

Both of them shared charmingly crimson hair and eyes, and if the older woman was anything to go by.... damn. Even as she was now, the younger girl had a figure that couldn't be contained by her puffy pink dress, her breasts pushing against the top, while the mother was simply on a whole new level of sexy, wearing the stereotypical bikini armor that one saw so often in fiction, straight out of Dragon Quest.

"I see that the summoning's been succesful," the older woman said, crossing her arms and almost making her already massive chest even bigger, threatening to burst out of what I suspected was some sort of fantastic material, but looked like leather to me. "Oi, you speak our language or do we need a translation spell?"

"Uh? This sounds like regular speech to me," I said. "I'm going to assume we're not speaking Japanese."

"That's right," the woman said, "so it was fully successful," the woman said, nodding. "My name is Moira," she said, "and this is my daughter, Alice," she said. "We summoned you to this world."

I nodded. "Yeah, I- I sort of got the gist of it from the God that, uh, nevermind," I said, shaking my head. "But I don't have any sort of- ugh, I'm just a regular guy."

"Yeah, so was I, when I got summoned," the woman said, scratching the back of her neck. "Don't worry about that, we're chosen for good reason, if you put in the work, destiny'll handle the rest," she explained. "But anyway, that's not important."

"Oh, you're- you're like me then?" I asked.

"Yep," she said. "So... here's the skinny," she said, "truth of the matter is - the demons and humans in this world? They haven't been enemies for a long time. Centuries, even," she said.

"What? But, but I was summoned to-" I blinked, "wait... so you guys are..."

"You're in the Demon King's, or soon to be Queen's anyway, castle," she said. "You're at the end of your quest, 'hero'," she said with a grin. "My daughter Alice is the target you're destined to defeat."

Said girl smiled. "Ah, yes. I am the next in line to be Demon Queen," Alice said, running a hand through her long red hair and curtseying. "Nice to meet you, future husband."

"Whaaaat?" I asked, almost able to feel my eyes trying to bug out.

"Right, so, we've been at peace for literal centuries, made tons of progress, yadda yadda yadda, but the gods? They're not having none of it," Moira explained.

Alice sighed. "That's right. After one of my ancestors, an olden Demon King, broke the cycle of war by brokering peace with the King of the Human Nations... well, another chosen one was summoned to the world and slew him all the same, and after the world nearly fell into chaos, the Chosen One discovered a solution..."

Moira chuckled. "Fucker figured out, somehow, that if he married the Demon King's daughter, he wouldn't need to actually kill her, even though his destiny was to 'defeat' the Demon King, or Queen."

I blinked. "What? How does that make sense?" I asked.

"Well, the Gods can't make us kill ourselves, and technically, you create that paradox when you marry the Demon King and become the new heir, so the causality paradox results in your divine enforced destiny getting blasted to pieces and sets you free, but only as long as you're still married and technically in line for the throne," Moira explained. 

I frowned. "I see... so I wouldn't have to kill her, because if I did, I'd become the Demon King, at which point I'd have to kill myself, which the gods can't make me do," I repeated, trying to make sense of it. "That sounds... devious."

"Isn't it? At first I was a shocker, but eh, my husband's a good sport about it and you get used to it," she said.

"What about you, Alice?" I asked, turning to her.

"Ah, I've been looking forward to this all my life!" she said, cheerfully. "It's become a tradition that we're happy to uphold, to summon and marry a Hero, or Heroine," she said.

"I... see," I muttered.

It's not like this is bad for me. Back at home, I had no prospects, I'd been let go from a failing company, had little to no social life, and even worse, had never dated a girl. This might be a bit sudden, but... well, fuck it. I could sit here and dwell on any of this and feel sorry for myself and all that, but that's just not the kind of man I am.

"I guess we're gonna get married, then?" I asked. "So, uh, what do we do?"

The Demon Princess smiled. "Well, it's fairly simple! For the ritual's purposes, all we must do for your fate to be cancelled is to declare our marriage, and consummate it!"

"C-Consummate," I swallowed. "That means-"

"Sex yes," Moira said. "No ways around that one I'm afraid. In fact, you're going to have to keep doing it, at a minimum of once every two days. Full penetration, and internal ejaculation, or else things begin realigning," she continued.

Alice bowed a little. "I will be in your care, my husband," she said.

There was almost a 'ting' sound as she said that. That's it? That's all it took?

"I, uh, I will also be in your care, my... wife?" I asked.

"No no, not like that, you have to declare it with intent!" Alice corrected. "Like I did!"

I nodded. "Then I will be taking care of you, my wife!" I said, a bit more forcefully.

"And now," the princess said, stepping into my personal space and planting her hands on the sides of my head before her lips, tenderly and softly, met mine, in a minute long kiss that lasted for an eternity and then some, sending warmth and comfort like waves from lips through my entire body.

There was another ting sound and Moira chuckled. "Well then, I'll leave you two lovebirds to it. If you need anything... Alice knows what to do."

Alice nodded, and waved as her mother and their servants left. She then turned towards me, and gestured at me to follow. We exited the summoning room through the same door her mother had used, and soon enough, found ourselves in a remarkably bare bedroom.

"Mother insisted I should wait until you were summoned to decorate," Alice admitted, "but I wouldn't budge on this bed," she said, as she guided you to the matrimonial, queen-size bed, fine silken sheets of immaculate white, and a canopy that seemed to hang from bars that were apparently held in the air by magic of some sort.

Sheopened the canopy and climbed on the bed, sitting down near the backboard, opening her arms as if inviting me in.

"Come now, my husband - let us become one in body," she said.

I nodded, swallowing, approaching her slowly and tentatively. "I, ah, I've never done anything like this before," I admitted, climbing on the bed with her.

She giggled. "That makes two of us," she admitted. She hiked up her puffy dress, and showed me the soft pink of her panty clad crotch, and her white stockings that were attached to a garter belt. With a bit of effort, she removed it from her body, and tossed it on the floor, leaving her clad in only her stockings, garterbelt and panties, no bra to be seen.

"How did you get that off despite-" I blinked, her wings fluttered, "nevermind," I said, thinking it was not really important right now, instead I was focused on her heaving breasts and the pink tips that were her nipples, swallowing a sudden excess of saliva.

"Do you like them?" Alice asked, cupping her breasts and showing them off. "Mother's... are more impressive, but mine will grow!"

I could only imagine that. "Can... can I touch them?"

"Of course. As my husband, my body is yours," she said. "Can I touch you in return?"

"Of course," I agreed, "my body is just as yours," I returned her cheesy line back to her, and we both giggled.

She fumbled a bit with my pants, the zipper of my jeans a bit difficult to work with from the angle she was in and the fact that I was distracting her by placing my hands on the marshmallowy heaven that was her perfect chest.

They deformed under my fingers' assault, almost overflowing between the gaps, the ridiculously soft and yet at the same time shapely titflesh giving me an almost tingly, delicious feeling.

I gasped as she finally managed to work my pants off, and pulled them down just slightly alongside my underwear, her hand now directly touching my chest.

A bit panicky since she was the very first to touch me, and I didn't want to blow my load at just a woman's touch, I decided to try to focus purely on her. "Can I taste-"

She nodded, and without reservation, I leaned down and took one of her beautifully pink nipples into my mouth, sucking and swirling it with my tongue. For her part, she responded to this by caressing, but not quite stroking, my cock.

It felt so soft and so lovely that I couldn't help the blood that rushed all the way down, giving her something a bit bigger and stiffer to hold onto.

I parted with her breast, resisting the urge to whine, and then I kissed her myself this time, a repeat feeling came over me from our earlier kiss. 

My left hand traveled down while my right played with her breast, and after tickling her tummy with my hand and poking her belly button to tickle her... I traveled until my hand cupped her mound through her panties.

Her soaking wet, completely ruined, panties. I moaned as she struck a good rhythm of stroking, with excellent pressure, and I pressed my fingers against her wet cunt through her panties, causing her to moan as well.

"I think," she said, "we're both more than ready."

I nodded. Little as we knew, this was undeniable for either of us.

She hooked her fingers on the waistband of her panties and, lifting her hips, pulled them off, throwing them aside, and then opening her legs, arms open as if inviting me in.

"Come here, let us come together and defeat this evil curse!" she said, voice full of determination, perhaps a hint of affection, and a not inconsiderable amount of lust.

I swallowed and got in position, lining myself up just the way all the porn I've watched taught me, and began using the actual advice I'd gotten from people who'd actually gotten laid to start slow and gentle.

"Tell me if it hurts at all, okay?" I said, as I began rubbing my cockhead against her puffy lips, which parted as if allowing me entrance.

She giggled. "Right... please, don't tease me!" she said.

I nodded and, as soon as I thought I had the right position, began pushing in.

She hissed. "Ah, it's, it's bigger than my fingers!" she said. "So big... too big!"

"Does it hurt?" I asked, a bit frightened by the idea that I might be screwing it up already.

"N-No," she said, "It's just, it's new," she said, panting. "Don't stop, keep going!"

I groaned as I pushed in deeper, the impossible wet heat, and warm pressure, working me in ways that my hands or a pocket pussy never could. I moaned, and realized that the way my balls were throbbing, that my cock was almost burning already, "I'm, I'm- I'm about ready to-"

"Go ahead!" she moaned, "I'm, I'm- I'm gonna- I'm cumming, cum with me, husband, cum with me!"

I closed my eyes and saw stars burst at the edges  of my vision, and by the time I realized what was happening I had buried myself to the hilt and was kissing her wildly and frantically, as I began pounding into her, each thrust accompanied by a rope of cum exploding from my cock and directly into her womb.

She panted as we parted.

"That... that was amazing, so much better than touching myself," she admitted, grinning a bit impishly.

"Alice," I groaned, "I'm sorry, but, but," I panted, "I couldn't hold back, and- and I-"

She shook her head.

"You're still hard as a rock, darling," she said. "We're not done yet."

I forced myself to smile, even as I wanted to wince, at my sensitive cock being assaulted by her wild, almost self aware demon pussy.

She pecked me on the lips. "You promised to take care of me right?" she said with a smile.

Right, I had... and I'm not about to fail that promise!

I began rocking my hips, slowly, softly at first, and as I looked down upon her, and our eyes met... I felt that everything was just right... except one thing.

"Can I go harder?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," she said with a smile. "As hard as you want!"

I could get  used to this, I mused as I began speeding up, little by little, keeping track of her reactions to the speeds and angles I chose.


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