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Hey guys! Since I have yet to figure out how to do tiered voting through pure research alone, I must now make a test to see if I can manage it! To this end, I'll ask you to provide me prompts for me to write. If we don't hit 10, I'll just take some from my QQ thread, feel free to suggest as many as you want, as this is merely a test to see how I would go about running such a poll

That said, yes, the winner of the poll WILL be written. You may also suggest a chapter or continuation of an existing story, if you want!



Couple of ideas: Similar to the Hail To The King, Baby omake for I completed my quest you could show a brief glimpse of what could have been in the Have Goods, Will Travel route if that had been chosen. Could also do a story about a male cleric of a luck or fortune god/dess travelling with his terminally unlucky bard friend. Basically him subtly nudging her out of the way misfortune ala pulling her into a hug so she doesn't get bumped into/robbed by a pick pocket.


In a world of lewd, rapebait elves and long-suffering, honourable orcs, one isekai protagonist must bring them the glory of consensual non-consent. Because for once I'd like an orc to go "hey, I'm fine with role-play, but you have to tell me what you actually want first."