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What’s up Patreon! We’ve been doing this thing for a little over a year and it’s been a blast finding ways to engage and interact and spend your singular $5 you gave us. But we’ve been thinking… we want to up our production budgets. 

So! We’re making some big changes that we’re really excited about. We want to make NEW SHOWS and MORE CONTENT and waste your hard earned dollars in even STUPIDER WAYS.

So we’re opening up… the $10 tier. Huzzah! The $5 tier isn’t going anywhere. It’ll have the same stuff - plus even more things?!? What? And the $10 tier is gonna be a bundle of joy, you’re gonna love it. Check out what we’ve got planned over on the 'tiers' section of the Patreon.

With the new $10 tier and all we’re planning for it, we’re having to make some business decisions and we’re going to discontinue the $1 tier - $1 friends, thanks for the buck(s), we love you forever.


Alyssa Linzmeyer

WELP, you got me there. *updates patronage*


Take my money!

Audrey Freeman

Glad I can support the company!


The grumps are literally the only channel I have ever given money to, cause I know it’ll be put to good use 🥰 take more of it, spend it on silly stuff, go live ya dream!!


Yeeeeee go on then! Really excited you're doing more patreon content <3


more than happy to contribute, the content coming out has been amazing and i’m glad it’s going to you and not youtube


I will be glad to upgrade to give you a crisp Hamilton


Happy to upgrade!!

Kyle Major

I say keep it as a discord dclub entry level. Their should always be a low level people cant spend as much but wanna support level


Can one of the decisions be to stop censoring swearing and "die" in videos? I'm here to support you so you don't need to rely on ads.

Alyssa Wong

Supes excited! I think my only criticism is that because I sent an email for the upcoming GG Advice Corner, I'm a little saddened it's going to be locked behind a higher tier. (Assuming that it got in anyhow) Other than that, love y'all!


Ok, just did the mandatory upgrade to the $10 tier!

Angelica Bate

That’s twice the budget. Noice.


Take my money dammit! With the number of hours i spend watching GG a day, i think i owe ya at least 10 bucks... Maybe even 12. But let's not get crazy

Isaac Sutton

Why would you discontinue the $1? Like, are you doing that so new people have to start at $5 for any rewards? I don't understand why you wouldn't tier it out more. Just let discord access be a dollar or something?? I've been a $5 patron - and did it a year in advance because game grumps is awesome and I wanted to support. But I'm also an adult with adult money now. If this patreon existed back when I started watching game grumps as a dumb high school kid there's no way I could have done $5 a month. But I would have definitely done $1! It makes me sad for high school me that the option is gone! :(

Harriett (Manga Girl)

So does this affect the annual backers? Will be need to change to the $10 one after paying for another year?


You can upgrade to the $10; it gives a credit for what you've already paid and you pay the extra.


:( Just paid for a year at $1, since I barely have any money. I get that it's a well considered decision, but still kinda sad to get the boot after two weeks. barely even had the chance to look at the posts so far. Ah well, such is life.


What wouldn't I pay for something described as a "Bundle of Joy" by the Game Grumps Team. Can't put a price on that. Please continue taking my willing offering of $10/mo and do what you guys do the best, creative entertainment. Thank you, kindly~