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Welcome to the $10 Tier! 

Arin is taking questions and giving his dardnest to answer them. We’ll do one of these every month. Got a problem? We’ve got solutions. Sometimes they’re roundabout solutions, but they are GUARANTEED to work. Maybe. Probably?

If YOU want advice, email us at grumpsadvice@gmail.com.



You're the second youtuber who I've heard recommending that book! Maybe I really have to read it 🤯



Kyle Major

love the vide but man mic dat boi


Very practical advice. You're super wise, Arin. 🙂

Angelica Bate

This was sound $10 advice. I expected it to be more light hearted, there were some life changing questions in there 🤣

Harry Daniels

This was awesome and totally worth the extra 5 bucks! I look forward to this being a monthly occurrence. One thing I hope you guys know is that there's nothing wrong with tackling REALLY heavy topics like depression or abuse. It's important to have those conversations, and I can think of no better place for Arin to share his thoughts about it. All in all, very nice and thank you guys for doing this!


That laundry one hit home for me. I've had some rough times in the past with neighbors who monopolize the machines for hours. Then once confronted they would try to get us in hot water with the landlord often. People can be so petty. Best of luck to that person


I love this! It's like having our own exclusive advice column.


The parent advice was very sweet and mindful— you’d be a great dad Arin!


Happy October! I timestamped the questions asked in case people wanted to see if theirs were answered. Not sure if this is welcome or if people would like this in the future, so let me know! Apologies if it isn't and I'll edit/remove it. :) 0:24 - I am an office worker and as such, I receive a lot of emails. Sometimes I will be copied (or "cc'ed") on emails that I don't need to be copied on. Now I have too many dang emails! What is the best way for me to politely express that I don't need to be copied on these emails? 1:13 - I live in a split home apartment with my girlfriend, with our landlord occupying the other half. There's a single door connecting the apartments, but it isn't regularly used. The thing is, our landlord has a friendly cat, which we would like to pet very much. We can often hear her running around with the zoomies when our landlord isn't home and every time we wish we could open the door so we can pet her and let her play with our cat. Since we are both far too chicken to simply ask "Hey, can we come over and pet your cat?" what other ways can you recommend we address this issue without making things weird? 2:29 - What's the best way to deal with procrastination? I'm a college student, and I genuinely enjoy my classes. When I'm in the classroom, I am active and engaged with the topic, even being one of the people who speak up/participate the most. However, when it comes to homework/projects, my mind pushes them aside due to other issues/distractions getting in the way. Even when I know I have to do something, sometimes my body just doesn't have the mental capacity to do the thing. How do I work on breaking these bad habits? 5:38 - I'm kind of a pushover. I need a way to tell my boss that I'm taking on too much work and that I either need less on my plate or a raise. Can you help? 6:45 - We are expecting our first child in March, and we're hoping for your best guesses at advice for new parents. 8:17 - How do you meet people once you're no longer in school? Just hope your coworkers are fun or pray you'll hit it off with a stranger you bump into? Throw monkey doo-doo at your neighbour until they call the cops and strike up a conversation with your cellmate? There has to be an easier way. 10:22 - I'm a 21-year-old Security Officer from Seattle. How do I get better at pushing myself to save money, and keep it that way? More specifically, what are ways I can combat the eating out or impulse or whatever spending? 19:19 - So I have been dating my girlfriend for almost 8 months. I was wondering when you guys were dating your significant others how long did you wait to move in with each other? Were you scared to move in with each other? 23:13 - I live in an apartment complex with a communal laundry room. The other day I was doing some late-night laundry and one of the washers was full of clothes that had clearly been sitting there for a while. Since the other washers were already in use I moved the wet clothes out of the washer and onto the folding table. The clothes were untouched when I came back but as I moved my clothes to the dryer the owner of the clothes I had moved showed up. She asked me if I had moved them and I obviously lied and told her that they were like that when I got here. When I came back to get my clothes out of the dryer she was there, angrily putting her clothes on the clothesline and would leave the laundry room to angrily wait outside when I came in to collect my clothes. Did I do the right thing? Was there a better way to handle this situation? 27:58 - HOW DO I AVOID PAYING TAXES?! That's all, lovelies! Have a great rest of the month. <3


So aggressive... lol


Loved this

Matt B

it wasn't my question but i'm gonna try that procrastination thing for sure. i was late paying a traffic ticket by 6+ months even though i had set an alarm every day on my phone telling me to go like two miles away to pay the ticket. same thing with my car. my engine blew out because i procrastinated getting an oil change for over 2 years with the light on though i started every day thinking "gotta get that oil change today" started doing the same thing with my new car, too. was about half a year late with that oil change till my dad got frustrated and took it for me. so definitely gonna try that eat the frog thing. thanks arin and whoever asked that question!

Ruth W

Really didn’t expect it to be actual advice but I’m here for it! The aggressive advice is something I actually respond to really well 😂😂

Alex V

What a legend. Much love thanks for doing this!


geniune and aggressive. textbook arin


thanks for the kiss arin. it really tied up the end for me.