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No one should play God.

What are we doing on the 10 Minute Power Hour, coming this Monday? The more specific the guess, the better.


Arin C.

Burger gachapon ???


coming up with sandwich’s

Ruth W

Doing what the dino gachapon tells us to do


frankenstein sandwich making?


Making whatever dinos the machine tells them to out of cake. Probably combining dinos in ways they shouldn't be combined.


gachapon cursed cooking recipes

Tom I.

making hot dogs out of whatever the dino machine tells them to

Luna Longstride

Making cursed food from random ingredients from a gachapon

Jdot Creeper

Making meals using what u get from Gachapan


making a whole world out of strange foods

Hylian Drumsticks

They created their own world, then watched in horror as culture and society formed, only for it to collapse in on itself


Making new food combinations using a randomized capsule vending machine!


Taste testing hot dogs made of different "meats"


Making questionable hot dogs to get dino coins from the questionable hot dog loving dino coins keeper to free the power hour dinos from the gacha!

Myke Animates

Trying to recreate Jurassic Park with food

April King

Gacha sandwich making? or "BEING GOD" something involving a toy capsule thing and no doubt the table gets messy real quick.