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Shout out to Tom I. for getting the closest, fastest in the $10 tier's early bird guessing game!



this is maybe the grossest thing they've ever done on camera. these antics delight me tbc but also this one was riveting in the same way as a train derailing. my god. i shudder to think of the smells that this produced


"That's the sound of Twinkies resisting" is one of my favorite things Dan has ever said

Ashley Stringer

Well eww definitely gagged while laughing!🤣

Alyssa W

I'm not even kidding when I say this, I would watch an entire episode of them playing gachapon and winning grump-themed trinkets, side quests, dares, floor almonds, and riddles


"don't click that skip button! Grumpzzers is now FREEEEEEE!" XD


Love hearing Arin make a Gorillaz reference and its the sanest part of the video.


I'm gonna be honest, this episode made me laugh so hard and I love y'all so much. But I actually might throw up and die if y'all ever do something close to this again. Respectfully 🥰

Julia Ladd

I'm crying because I'm laughing so hard watching this at work and my coworkers think I'm extra nuts now


MayoChup or fry sauce for utahns