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Zsolt H.

Man I just want to hug Arin



Charlotte Parker

When Dan was laying like that in his hood @9:50 , it kinda looked like he had a giant curly beard 😆


fellow former gifted and talented kid also with an eyebrow scar 👋

Kailey Bosyk

I haven't done this in sooooo long. I wanna do this with my friends now.


I know Arin's self-loathing is a bit, but I am instinctively triggered to comfort him anyway.

Greg Shields

OMG! That's a reveal! Next NSP "Under The Covers" album will have Styx's Renegade!! YES? ...NO not Yes, dummy! That was a Styx song! Are you sure about that? I'm not sure about any of this! Who the fuck am I talking to??? Yaaaayyy!



Jarl Deathwolf

It is reassuring to hear that the talented and gifted program sucked universally and that it wasn't just my school's that was godawful. Although we had the opposite problem, in that we got a mountain of homework all the time instead of teaching


The very genuine “I would’ve let you!” at 12:13 makes me wish he went though with the wine glass


Seeing Arin happy excited stimming is worth every penny of the $10 tier alone tbh like I love seeing a comedian and gamer I love so much stimming insanely like I do it makes me so happy I start stimming too 🤣 Get them scissors dude!


Arin is having a mental br-egg-k down

Alyssa W

Dan, you have very lovely eyebrows

Ashley Stringer

Dan singing about Arin's mom had me in stitches! It was too funny!🤣🥰

mia downe

those contraptions might be a bit eggstra

Tom Lynch

I'VE BEEN TO THAT VERY SPECIFIC CD WORLD! Sorry, that got me very excited. NJ is a very densely packed state, so despite being the same age as Dan, and growing up maybe 15 minutes away, it's not really any surprise we never knew each other... but damn it makes me happy when he talks about his experiences at places that I know and have been to!


watching egg drop eggstras while eating egg drop soup


a friendship between child Arin and high school Dan isn't too inconceivable. when I was a kid, I had a friend in my apartment complex who was in college. we would play pokemon together, and he introduced me and my dad to MGS ^__^ i've lost contact with him, but I hope he's okay~


Missed opportunity not naming this “10 MPH Eggstras”

han moody

kissing men song a bop


Watching how hard Arin tried makes this video even funnier 😆

Brandi Mullins

this reminds me of Ethan doing this same thing on the Markiplier makes episode. makes me wonder if egg drop challenge is like immediate hard mode if you have adhd lmao