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Shout out to Zaxceed for getting the closest, fastest in the $10 tier's early bird guessing game!



Vanessa's experience in this video is exactly what it's like in a primary school classroom, almost scarily accurate 😂

Fumpy Dinkle

Dan's eye veigns are looking especially bulgious here

Allie (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-05 14:35:53 "the egg drop league, the EDL" little did Dan know that the EDL is the English Defence League, a racist fascist group of English blokes who hate anything paler than a pearl
2024-05-03 13:45:27 "the egg drop league, the EDL" little did Dan know that the EDL is the English Defence League, a racist fascist group of English blokes who hate anything darker than a pearl

"the egg drop league, the EDL" little did Dan know that the EDL is the English Defence League, a racist fascist group of English blokes who hate anything darker than a pearl


I was far too tall to be shoved into a locker when i was a kid. Unfortunately, this did not prevent me from being bullied. They just got much more creative.